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County Fair

When it was time for the county fair
We would pick blackberries to sell
One dollar a gallon is what we got
Sweetest berries grew in the dell

We picked in a three gallon bucket
At times we had to carry them miles
When we got to our customers home
Our face would be covered with smiles

After we sold them the berries we had
We promised to pick them some more
Back down to that dell we would walk
Then picked until our fingers were sore

Fun we had at the fair seemed worth it
With pop corn and cotton candy to eat
We would go home without a dime left
But time at the fair just couldn’t be beat

True Love

Our dream world we have is happy
Holding you in my arms gives to me
Feelings like I have never felt before
This love like ours was meant to be

Your smile is so sweet and tender
I see the magic in your eyes of blue
Reflections that I can see in them
Lets me know how much I love you

Sweet words I can hear you whisper
As my arms are holding you so tight
It is times like this I feel near Heaven
Your love makes everything be right

It is a heart full of love I give to you
May our days be filled with delight
When our lips meet in a sweet kiss
Our world becomes ever so bright

Walk With Him

Walk with Him hold onto His hand
He will lead you to the promise land
Listen to His voice both firm and low
He will tell you the only way to go

Walk the way He has told you to go
It is the only way, He has told you so
Your heart he will fill with pure love
It is the reward for your life you wove

If today or if it be tomorrow, He calls
Are you ready for those hallowed halls
Walk those last miles with your bare feet
If it meant your Savior you would meet

Lift up your eyes and you will see
This world He built for you and me
Hold on to your belief never be late
He will see you at the Heavenly gate

Heaven Bound

When our work on Earth is done
Our rewards, then we shall reap
To walk on those golden streets
It is the memories they will keep

For it is to a better place we go
Much better than here on Earth
To hold onto His precious hand
We pray that we are the worth

Know the ones we leave behind
Will join us on that happy day
Just ask God for tender mercy
Ever time that you stop to pray

Though some hearts are heavy
Its something they should know
Everyone is welcome in Heaven
It is true because He told us so

Ever Together

Arm in arm they walk on the old pathway
Thinking of the dreams they have shared
Smiling as they talk about those old times
Twinkling eyes show how much they cared

His hands no longer rough and callused
He had retired from work many years ago
He stays busy working in his little garden
It is with his tender care he makes it grow

No longer are their children living here
It is much easier to keep her house neat
She loves making those fancy little doilies
She loves to give them away, its her treat

Watching the evening news on television
Is something that they would never miss
Before they go to bed they say a prayer
Then end their day with a goodnight kiss

An Old Carpenter

His tools have all been put away
No longer will he work with wood
Once he was a master carpenter
He would still do work if he could

Framing a door was easy for him
Rafters he cut with exact precision
Nailing them together was a snap
His was always a perfect decision

His home he built many years ago
Every board was nailed by his hand
His wife loved their house so much
She always had it looking so grand

Today he sits with his eyes so sad
He still looks but never remembers
Sitting by the window in his chair
His mind destroyed by Alzheimers

March Madness

March madness comes to us in many forms
Most notable is basketball championships
Both high school and colleges play for fame
Every team plays hard to make these trips

Baseball teams train to get ready to play
Aspirations of young players are up high
Some with talent will be lost in the shuffle
Dreams of playing for the big team will die

March madness shows within our home
It is time to clean winter's dirt and grime
Wash windows and clean out the garage
Isn't it funny what you accumulate in time

March madness sets us free of cabin fever
Cooped up with the cold winter, now set free
Like young children let out on a playing field
March madness had arrived for you and me

Wedding day

One night as they were out in the rain
Two happy people strolling lovers lane
Their hearts were racing in sweet delight
A wedding was planned for a May night

Dreams of their future was soon at hand
Each had bought a golden wedding band
Rings they will place on each others finger
Knowing their thoughts of love will linger

To each they have pledged all of their love
Knowing He has sanctioned it from up above
Forever to those vows they now will be true
It is because you love him and he loves you

When the time is near and your nerves set in
They will stay until the ceremony is to begin
Soon then you know for the rest of your life
You will be spending time as man and wife

Fallen Trees

They are still laying where they fell
Some were large, other ones small
They had reached to grab the sky
But heavy ice had made them fall

Like match sticks strewn all around
Their gray bodies lay in repose now
Though some were heavily rooted
They toppled and then fell anyhow

Without respect to young or the old
Never to know their demise was nigh
But they will be replaced by others
As their cycle of life goes passing by

We know this life some day will end
Like the trees fell on that fateful day
Look my friend to the great beyond
As tonight to your God you do pray

National Past Time

A dream of a lifetime has now escaped Pete
Because a sickness that caused him to dare
To violate one of the cardinal sins in baseball
This sickness, powers in baseball don't care

It seems it is ok to violate their drug rules
To be suspended 7 times for snorting coke
Is less damaging than betting on baseball
It would seem to me this is a horrible joke

If it is alright for a player to take steroids
Have you made cheating part of this game
Breaking records using illegal substances
Creating false records is a rotten shame

Clean up your act baseball Commissioner
Taking illegal substances should never do
If betting on baseball bans you for lifetime
Cheating with steroids deserves a ban too

copyright © 2004 By Acie

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