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Turning Of The Leaves

Like the patchs of a hand made quilt
Colors are showing in the hills again
Cooler nights of the Autumn season
Cause the turning of leaves to begin

Beauty of these leaves is spectacular
Each one has characteristics of its own
With size or shape not to be the same
Knowing leaves are individually grown

Bright reds and yellows of the Maple
Highlight all of the other brilliant hues
Seen in this amazing display of color
A scene I am sure you would choose

As you see this beauty God created
I am sure that you will want to return
This is the time to visit Southern Ohio
For now the leaves are begining to turn

That Valley

As I walk through the fallen leaves
Feelings of restleness surround me
Dark clouds hanging low in the sky
Showing us soon a rain we will see

A rumbling of thunder is now heard
Driving me to find a place that is dry
Spotting a rock that I can sit under
Out of the rain until it passes me by

With the rhythmic sound of the rain
I soon fall into this comforting sleep
Visions of a beautiful place I can see
Nestled down in a valley that is deep

Peace seems to dominate this valley
I can find no sadness along the way
Flowers show up the valleys beauty
In this valley I would so love to stay

Waking up to those rays of sunshine
That are falling brightly upon my face
I stand up and look out for that valley
Hoping to find the path I can retrace

A voice then comes so clearly to me
Heed my word I will show you the way
This valley will be your eternal home
If to your God up in Heaven you pray

Dreaming Of The Past

As the old man dreamed about time past
Thoughts went to his lady and their life
How they had met and how they courted
That wonderful day she became his wife

Times were rough, but their love flourished
Bringing them three daughters and a son
Three bright and beautiful girls they were
So proud of the beauty contests they won

Their son was a star as a football player
Scoring touchdowns, he had gained fame
Many of the colleges had recruited him
They had watched him play every game

When she woke him up to eat his dinner
She caught the smile he had on his face
She knew how she loved her husband
It is a love that she could never replace

Garden Of Love

With a feeling of promise in his heart
He finds his way to the garden again
Peace he finds among these flowers
Inspiration from this site he does gain

In the stillness of this early morning
Dew has settled on the flowers here
A cool breeze waves in the treetops
He knows that a perfect day is near

As the morning sun shines brightly
It brings light to this sacred ground
Showing him this place of grandeur
Where feelings of love does abound

With a sense of ease and relaxation
This garden affords adulation galore
For it was here that he first met Him
This day he will see Him once more

Seek Him

When your life seems derelict and empty
Not knowing which direction for you to go
Open your heart seek help from your God
Watch your spirits as they begin to grow

Forget all of your past bad experiences
Think of a great future that is up ahead
For He has built us all a great mansion
Its in the Bible these words he has said

For it is He that we love as He loves us
This is what we must tell Him each day
Thank Him for everything He has given
Tonight as we kneel by our bed to pray

One day soon He will call us up there
To see the wonders that He has done
We will walk on the streets of His city
Overhead we will see an unsetting sun

A Leave

She drifts with the wind
Just a lonely little leave
Whipped along in a trip
You might never believe

Dropping from the tree
She fell to the ground
On other leaves she lit
Soon to be air bound

With a gust of wind
She started her trip
Up in the air so far
In that winds grip

As she soars along
Looking down below
Surprised she sees
A state named Ohio

As the wind lessens
She begins to quiver
From her lofty trip
She falls in the river

As she floats along
Bobbing with the wake
Of a passing tug boat
Big waves it did make

Many days her trip took
On her way to the sea
She thinks back to when
She was a leave on a tree

Glen's Forcast

We can see white wispy clouds drift by
Glen has said it would be beautiful today
He is one of WSAZ's weather forcastors
With Tony, Lisa, and Adam I plan my day

This nice day I could play a round of golf
Or perhaps I might get in some fishing too
I think I saw a list that was made just for me
With chores listed I will call them honey do

With the Autumn season fast approaching
House has to be scrubbed and hosed down
Windows have to be washed and cleaned
It will be a week until I can go down town

So Glen although this will be a lovely day
Your forcast now has put my day in a bind
Neither fishing nor golf for me on this day
When the this list of honey do's I did find

Adam's Awsome Forcast

Adam said it will be awesome
With skies of a majestic blue
No rain is seen in the future
Weather that is nice for you

His forcast seems so perfect
Now that the flood has past
Adam we are all wondering
How long will these days last

Hurricane Ivan dumped on us
As the rain he brought our way
Will we get another one Adam
I hope not but I guess we may

It is you and the weather team
Which we have learned to rely
It's you, Tony, Lisa, and Glen
Are the best no one can deny

Pearls And Diamonds

White pearls with big blue diamonds
Are only seen in most ladies dreams
Some may have money to buy them
But it is only the super rich it seems

What real value do these things have
Can they give a blind man eyesight
Restore a limb that lost its usefullness
Sooth a child that is filled with fright

Status symbol to some it would seem
Those who are trying to outdo their peers
But it will not add any to their life span
We all will be here a precious few years

Get them to heaven, I would think not
These do not show to God their worth
Because He knows everything you do
While you are living here on this Earth

Third Pew On The Left

He always sat third pew on the left
On Sunday we would see him there
He wore a white carnation in his lapel
This old man with the flowing gray hair

Kids would make fun of that old man
Long hair back then just wasn't kool
Some of the parents didn't like him
They thought he was only an old fool

As years passed we would see him
Shopping at the local grocery store
Groceries he would take to his shack
Everyone knew the old man was poor

Last month the old man passed away
In his shack they found his written will
In that will they found a great surprise
Build a new Church, I will pay the bill

There will be only one condition I ask
Save the third pew on the left as a treat
For another old gray hair lonesome man
Who, on Sundays will use it as his seat

copyright © 2004 By Acie

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