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Acies Poems #14

Beautiful Music

You tune my heart like a maestro
Playing a great concerto so fine
The beautiful love that you give
Is better with age like fine wine

Your music flows throughtout me
But it touches my heart the most
I am completely enthralled by you
My darling to you I give a toast

My toast will be that I love you
Forever together I hope we stay
Never to forget the love we have
I will tell of my love every day

Our days of love will be fantastic
I will hold your love in my heart
The beautiful thoughts I have of you
You captivated me right from the start


It looked like a plain piece of crystal
That she sent me for my birthday
But I believe there is a secret to it
It makes me think of her as I see it sway

for I hung it on my mirror of my pickup
As she has hung one in her van
And everytime I see it I remember
How really great it is to be her man

So tell me now what do you think
Is what i have here just a piece of glass
Or something much greater, does it tell me
You have someone who is at the head of her class

I know now what it means to see it
And how it sparkles and shines
It means that I do love her now
And will love for all of the times

So you see it is not just some glass
That she has sent to me
But some magic of a much higher form
My heart beats for no one but she

Love Me Forever

If I lived a million years
My heart would be for you
Down through all the time
I hope you'll love me too

Time wouldn't mean a thing
We would always be in love
Nothing will ever deter us
My heart you gave a shove

I know it seems a long time
Time goes so fast with you
Hours now seem like seconds
The years will flee us too

You know I want you forever
No short time romance for me
Come be in my heart forever
My love for you will ever be

Car Wreck

She saw his face for the last time
Her sweet love was no longer alive
She had seen the twisted wreckage
From which no one could survive

He was driving to see her that day
The highway was wet with some snow
This snow truck crossed the center
It was plain there was no place to go

He has gone to see his maker today
He was such a kind and gentle man
Place some roses on his grave now
Say some prayers for him if you can

Life has no sense of age you see
Even little babies can go anytime
So be careful when you are driving
Slaughter on the highways is a crime

Feelings Of The Heart

We met,we fell, and her we are
With the love that we now share
Always with such deep feeling
We know we will forever care

Our hearts are tied together now
Our thoughts seems to be from one
I long to hold you tight tonight
We have so much love left undone

We walk along the road of life
Happiness we ever try to find
Beautiful thoughts of you I have
You will be forever on my mind

The time we share is so great
Your beauty captivates my heart
The lovely words I hear you say
Sweetheart, we could never part

Was It Fate

So many times I have searched for you
Always to be told you are too late
Why must we always search in vain
Are our lives controlled by fate

Although I wasn't looking that day
I saw you walking so rapidly there
Your beautiful face was just beaming
Wind blew through your long auburn hair

I am rich with happiness you give
My life will be fulfilled by you
How wonderful you have made my life
I know your life will be wonderful too

We all know that fate can be so mean
But it can be kind and gentle too
I know in happiness we will ever live
My sweetheart I will always love you

When I found You

I saw you standing there that day
Your exquisite looks overwhelmed me
Such beauty I had never seen before
In love with you I will forever be

I lost my heart that warm spring day
I thought it was a case of spring fever
But now we are so happy with our lives
Everyone knows I could never leave her

Tomorrow our dreams will all come true
A bright and glorious life we will share
With so much love we have for each other
We will walk lifes path with not a care

I know that we will be in love tomorrow
With our emotions running so high today
With a deep conviction of love for you
Your love in my heart will eternally stay

Our Love Forever

With lips as sweet as honey
Your love will be only for me
I know I will love you forever
Our love was just meant to be

I see the love in your blue eyes
They shine so brightly at night
My devotion will always be for you
I know our love will ever be right

A perfect pair we will be forever
Companionship for life it will be
In a life that will ever be happy
I will love you just as you love me

The years will pass by so quickly
For love makes the years roll by
With total happiness in our lives
Sweetheart our love can never die

The Keeper Of My Heart

Our love will reign supreme
You will ever have my heart
You are always on my mind
I loved you from the start

So precious you have become
My love will forever prevail
No one could take your place
We know they all would fail

This feeling I have for you
Can only grow more and more
Beautiful our lives will be
Happiness will be in store

So wonderful you will ever be
You are the keeper of my heart
You are so easy to love my lady
Love me now, we will never part

Unending Love

The love we share is unending
You are always so close to me
With beautiful thoughts about you
A wonderful life together will be

As sure as the stars come out tonight
I will be thinking only about you
Our feelings of love are so strong
Our dreams will always come true

Together our lives will be so happy
The love in our hearts we do share
The pride of knowing that you love me
My darling we both know how we care

The beauty of two lovers together
And just what their love will be
My sweetheart you know I adore you
My dreams will have you loving me

Copyright © 1998 By Acie

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