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Island Paradise

Wispy clouds hang over the mountain
Daylight breaks with the morning sun
Soon to bring to life a part of the world
A paradise to be enjoyed by everyone

You see so much beauty on this island
Blue Pacific Ocean waters are near by
Looking across its beautiful landscape
A kaleidoscope of colors meet the eye

Pineapples are growing in a fertile field
Large trees of macadamia nuts are near
Flowers bring brightness to this island
Singing of tropical birds we love to hear

We know this lovely island isn't heaven
Still it is such an impressive place to see
One day I would love to visit this place
I would say aloha on this island of Maui

My Mountain Home

After a wonderful night for sleeping
I get up with the mornings first light
I breath the pure air of the mountain
This morning everything is so bright

With the sun making its appearance
It is the start of another beautiful day
I pour hot coffee into my favorite cup
Starting the day off in a positive way

After breakfast I head off to the steam
With all of my fishing gear in my hand
I stop occasionally to view this scene
Admiring this mountain where I stand

Clear mountain water flows so freely
It is here I will find the speckled trout
Its one of the gifts my mountain gives
God loves us fishermen without doubt

A Country Thanksgiving

This years harvest has been great
Our larder is filled to overflowing
With canned fruit and vegetables
This season we had been growing

There is a fat tom turkey strutting
Out in the barnyard he is the king
I've had my eye on him for weeks
If he can fly he better take to wing

With applebutter made and canned
We will make sausages and hams
Our potatoes are down in our cellar
There we also have stored the yams

Next Thursday is Thanksgiving day
It is the day we give thanks to Him
With the table filled with fine food
My coffee cup I will fill to the brim


Flamelike clouds light up a western sky
Reflecting off the lake is the setting sun
Darkened trees protrude from the shore
Another day soon will pass and be done

A tropicial breeze fans the humid night
There is a feeling of rain in the warm air
Lightning now shows its flaming tongue
Showing the beach is deserted and bare

Torrents of rain hit the roof of the cabin
Thunder crashes and shakes the ground
This is a good night to be reading a book
I fall asleep with the rains rhythmic sound

Waking in the morning I find the air clean
Humidity of yesterday has all gone away
This morning we have the perfect sunrise
No clouds in the sky on this beautiful day

Thanksgiving With Mother

I awake this morning to a pink sky
Frost covers pumpkins in the field
With our bountiful crops harvested
This year we had a very good yield

Soon Thanksgiving day will arrive
With a feast we celebrate that day
We will all gather around the table
It is then the blessing dad will say

A succulent meal mother prepared
With turkey and dressing so good
Mashed potatoes with perfect gravy
Cooked the way only mother could

After we all have finished the meal
We go to the living room for a while
I know my mother is happy this day
Her face shows us a beautiful smile

Time Of Thanks

A bright moon lights up a cold night
Jack Frost is using an ice cold brush
Painting with his white frost covering
He has so much work he has to rush

This is a harbinger of things to come
It is now evident winter is on its way
Most of the leaves lie on the ground
They lost their beauty on a past day

As our holiday season is approaching
Taking time to reflect on this past year
In which there were some heartaches
Other times we had felt a little cheer

Thanksgiving day will soon be here
This day of thanks will then be back
We thank God for this great country
May He protect those fighting in Iraq

In The Garden

It is tranquil as I sit here in the garden
On this aged bench I am totally at rest
This garden has brought me happiness
Of all the places I love this one the best

Here I can see all the beautiful flowers
Hear the birds singing their lovely song
It is here I have this most restful feeling
Being at peace with myself all day long

I remember those years long now past
When grandfather would bring me here
Tho grandfather passed away years ago
Memories of him I will always hold dear

I find so much comfort here this morning
In this garden I will be seeing Him again
My grandfather first introduced Him to me
What a special place for me this has been

Joy Of Thanksgiving

We sit aside one day each year
It is a day we call Thanksgiving
A time when we can thank Him
For this joyous life we are living

As visitors do come to our home
Welcome they know they will be
Happiness is shared by everyone
Better people you never will see

Mother has prepared a big dinner
Mashed potatoes with gravy too
A turkey that is roasted so brown
She has made this meal for you

After the dinner is over and done
All the men will go and warch TV
Then the ladies will do the dishes
First one to fall asleep will be me

Thanksgiving At Grandmas

As the season changes in the late Autumn
We start thinking of the upcoming holidays
Thanksiving will be a time for our reflections
For He has blessed us all in so many ways

It is the time when famlies can get together
Rehash some stories we have heard before
Most of our relatives will meet at grandmas
She will greet all of her family at the door

Seems funny that we all meet at grandmas
Her small kitchen has an old fashion range
Might be that grandma is such a good cook
No one in her family finds that to be strange

As we sit down to dinner the blessing is said
This year it will be said by our sweet grandpa
With all the fixins of the Thanksgiving dinner
It's a perfect meal that was enjoyed by us all

Old Time Thanksgiving

I wish we had an old time Thanksgiving
One like we would have a long time ago
Today we get our vegetables from a can
Back then in our garden they did grow

All day Wednesday mother would bake
Butterscotch pie was always my favorite
I guess it must have had many calories
But back then none of our food was lite

Thursday morning found a turkey cooking
Mother had to get up early to start her day
She had made her famous oyster dressing
Soon our company would be on their way

We would all gather around that old table
The blessing would always be given by dad
Everyone would pass the food to the right
It was another happy Thanksgiving we had

copyright © 2004 By Acie

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