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Thanks to Megy for the beautiful painting

Walking With Him

As I walk through the field of white clover
I feel the warmth of an early summer sun
Seeing the honeybees gathering the nectar
I have no fear that I might be stung by one

For it is here I walk with my sweet Jesus
Feelings of rapture flood through my soul
Contentment follows throughout my being
Cleansing my heart and making me whole

To walk along with Him brings happiness
Today I can sense His pride He has in me
As we are walking along without any hurry
My heart fills with this sense of being free

If you walk along with our blessed Savior
Freedom of love will flow within your heart
Yes, He will walk and talk with you anytime
Don't you think today is a good time to start

We Know Not Why

This New Year has come to His valley
I enjoy the peace and quiet I find here
Sitting I meditate thoughts for my day
Knowing His presence is always near

As I feel the tranquility of this valley
My thoughts go to many miles away
To a land devastated by the tsunami
It is for these lost people that I pray

Families pulled apart here on Earth
Will meet in Heaven that bright day
Where no worries will overtake them
For with God they will find the way

God in His infallible wisdom knows
Why tragedies like this must occur
To have you think I would know why
Is the thing that I would never infer


With sadness in our hearts we see it
Aftermath of the great wave tsunami
Families that were parted so quickly
To see the little children as they cry

Grief shows on the faces of parents
Whose babies the sea swept away
A Sunday, the day after Christmas
All the world was startled that day

It was worlds worst known disaster
Many thousands that day would die
As we see all the damage on our TV
It is hard for us to understand why

All the world is trying to help them
Those who have had so much strife
Remember it could have been you
So help them get on with their life

Contribute whatever you can afford
For they depend on both me and you
Rewards you will find in your giving
Feelings of goodness will be yours too

His Lost Life

He sits and looks out the window
Wondering if she will be by today
Seems its been over a month now
Since she has dropped by his way

Maybe she just doesn't know him
Could be that love has faded away
Tears come to his eyes in sadness
Is it a game that she loves to play

He would like to go get a big Mac
Seems that he can't find the door
This plaid housecoat is worn out
He can't find his clothes anymore

There are times when he is happy
As a lady in white gives him a pill
Her soothing voice sounds so nice
Half of the water is sitting here still

Hearing them say he has Alzheimers
He sits and wonder what it could be
As his loving wife makes her daily visit

His Fishing Hole

As cotton white clouds go drifting by
He heads over to the old fishing hole
It is the quietness he is seeking today
He has nothing but an old cane pole

Much time of his youth he spent here
Not very many fish he had ever caught
Throughout these years since childhood
Many lessons of life he has been taught

He remembers that day he first met Him
Half asleep and with no bait on his hook
Startled by a reflection in that clear water
He slowly lifted his head and took a look

It was that day he met our great Creator
Listening to each word that He had to say
He told him of a land with so much beauty
It would be his Heavenly home some day

Sweet Loree

Like a breath of fresh air he sees her
Alone in the light mist standing there
As beauty radiates on her lovely face
White Gardinias highlite her soft hair

A lone ukulele he can hear playing
A romantic tune of a South Seas Isle
She turns to face that admiring lover
Then shows him interest with a smile

As they walk hand in hand that day
Hearts have melted as if they were one
Beauty they have found with their life
As now clouds part showing the sun

As a wind in the tall palm whispers
Words that are spoken so very softly
Of their dreams of happiness forever
They sing a song of his sweet Loree

Together Again

A smile can be seen on his leathery face
His eyes go back to the past of long ago
Youth they though back then was forever
Happiness was theirs and love did grow

As the years passed by with much speed
Three children this loving couple acquired
Two sweet little girls and a handsome boy
Children that they both loved and admired

Soon the children had families of their own
Their grandchildren would then fill their life
He was too filled with love and contentment
To see the wrinkles on the face of his wife

She is gone now, waiting for him in Heaven
Soon he knows he will see her once more
Two lovely people back together and forever
Walking hand in hand on that golden shore

Our Rivers

Silver gray clouds floating in a distant sky
Rain has quit and soon the sun will shine
What started to be a bad stormy morning
Has turned into a day that will be so fine

Water is still raising down at the Ohio
It has the Scioto backed into the fields
This time of the year it enriches the soil
Helping the bottom land give big yields

Corn and soybeans farmers grow here
But at times summer storms ruin it all
Water floods and destroys the plants
Farmers will have no harvest that fall

Rivers can both give to and take away
Giving soil nutrients to grow large crops
But it can take from a farmer so quickly
As the water rises over the plants tops

Grandma's Laundry Day

It was just an old galvanized bucket
Hooked to a twenty foot sissel rope
From a well she got her wash water
Doing laundry with homemade soap

She would fill the boiler with water
Light a fire and wait until it got hot
Holding the handle with her apron
Dipping hot water with an old pot

Filling that tub half full of hot water
Leaving her room for the dirty clothes
She would use a beat up washboard
Her clothes will be clean she knows

I would see grandma outside washing
It had to be sixty five years or more
She scrubbed that laundry for hours
Always clean were clothes she wore

Dreams Of Youth

Our dreams again we can relive them
Days that passed so many years ago
Childhood fantasies we had back then
Realities of life then we did not know

Being like Roy Rogers was my desire
Fighting all those lawless and evil men
With my cap gun six shooter on my side
I got ever crook that there ever had been

Riding that big palomino on the range
Making sure everything was going right
Sleeping out on that lonesome prairie
Singing cowboy songs until late at night

Roy is now gone to ride another range
I know now that some dreams must die
But you know there will come a fine day
I will ride with Roy somewhere in the sky

copyright © 2004 By Acie

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