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Another wonderful painting by Megy

That Old Pathway

A cobblestone path went up to the cabin
On both sides there grew lovely flowers
In the spring time I so vividly remember
How they grew after the spring showers

Soft petals of wild Violets I would see
Warm days in early April would bring
I adored all the many colored Azaleas
Blooming in the middle part of spring

Later in the spring Roses would bloom
So many varieties were growing there
Someone had put in so much effort
Tending them with great tender care

I wonder today what it looks like now
That old pathway I so loved back then
Thinking back to that beautiful setting
I wish I could go back to see it again

Fickle March

Snowflakes softly fall on brown winter grass
Winter wants us to know it is here for a while
Although it will show Spring on the calender
We know how winter can still show its guile

One day the sun could be shining brightly
Next day a big snow can lay on the ground
Maybe a day when sunbathers lay outside
Perhaps a day when no sunshine is found

Crocus will push its head through the snow
Trying to show us Spring soon will be here
Soon we will see birds building their nests
It is then we know springtime is really near

March is always the wild and fickle month
We never know what weather it will bring
But this is one month that we must endure
Before we can see all the beauty of Spring

Winter's End

Numbing cold blows the winter wind
Visibility is down to a few feet ahead
Blizzard is starting to gather strength
Its full fury is something we do dread

Winter shows us now its in control
We can't do a thing that will stop it
Freezing ice upon all the highways
Scarey when an icy patch we do hit

All kids enjoy this time of the year
After this storm is over and done
They will go out and build them fire
Bring along their sleds and have fun

Soon all of the snow will be melted
There will only be green on the lawn
Then when it is time to mow the grass
We will know that our winter is gone

The Final Bells

Are you now living the good life
Do you know it is the real thing
Does your heart show emotion
When love to you it does bring

Will you help out your neighbor
If you find him in deep distress
Or would you ignor his problem
Leave him to get out of his mess

Will you answer when He calls
Be so happy to hear your name
Or if you would be turned away
Then hang your head in shame

Only you can know the answer
Of what your thoughts will bring
Be pure in your mind and spirit
As you hear the final bells ring

Beauty Of The Mountain

Freedom of the mountain reflects off the lake
Beauty can be seen as far as the eye can see
Protected by the trees and the deep canyons
Hidden in the forest all the animals roam free

Its glacier top coated by winters fallen snow
Provides the water for the lake in the spring
When the warm rays of the bright April sun
Melts ice and down to the lake it does bring

Timberline growing high up on the mountain
Gives the mountain a big variety of tall trees
In the summertime when you stop and listen
You can hear the leaves swaying to a breeze

Sun splashes a mirror image off clear water
Reflecting into a sky that is of azure blue
Here a site that no artist could ever capture
A most amazingly perfect place we do view

Daniel O'Donnell

As I sit and listen to his beautiful voice
Inspiration begins to stir my inner soul
His song about Jesus calling us home
Brings me joy and it makes me whole

A lovely Irish lilt is heard in his song
Voice soothing as the song he sings
With his soft genteel style of singing
Emotion into this heart it now brings

I listen as he renders his selections
Inspirations that comes to my heart
I could sit and listen for many hours
To the end all the way from the start

We are fortunate to have public TV
So we can see this program tonight
Daniel O'Donnell's wonderful songs
Has made my evening so very bright

My Heart For Ireland

I want to send my heart to Ireland
For surely that is where it belongs
To see those green fields growing
Hear a bonnie lass sing her songs

Let me see a beautiful paradise
Where I might see the Irish Sea
There to see its unspoiled beauty
Irelands hospitality waits for me

Walk in the magic of Irelands air
Strolling sands of Murvagh Beach
Play Donegal Town Golf Course
See if a birdie is within my reach

I know when God made Ireland
He had to have Heaven in mind
Beauty seen in that lovely island
Can be the only one of its kind

My Morning

In the quiet time of the morning
It is a good time to sit and think
You can brew pot of fresh coffee
Sit and have a hot cup to drink

Ponder this day that is starting
Think of the things you might do
Like going to our local college
Meet other friends just like you

It is friendship we do see there
Swimming in their large pool
We all love our Shawnee State
It is a highly thought of school

So to drink this cup of java
Get up and be on my way
It is so good to get up early
What a way to start my day

An Early Spring Day

Sunrise on an early Spring day
Is such a lovely sight to behold
Sky above is of an azure blue
Sun appears like a disk of gold

Air is clean and clear this day
No clouds to clutter up the sky
A feeling winter is going away
Time to tell the cold goodbye

Flowers escape the cold soil
Jonquil shows its yellow head
For them it is resurrection time
As they arise from the dead

Beautiful Spring is soon here
Its time to invigorate our soul
If you do your best each day
He will let you meet your goal

School Picnic

I remember our school spring picnic
How we would ride a bus to the lake
Everyone would bring an open dish
Baked beans, was what I would take

We would choose up sides and play
Softball was what everyone liked best
We would play until we were so tired
Then lay in the grass and take a rest

Picnic tables filled with the good food
Would disappear right before our eyes
Kids seemed to be hungry all the time
I really liked Mrs Wolford's apple pies

On our trip back to the schoolhouse
Not many of the kids had much to say
They were all pretty much tuckered out
By the picnic on that warm spring day

copyright © 2005 By Acie

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