Merry Christmas

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To All Our Friends

Jan and I wish you a very Merry Christmas
May you find peace and joy in the Holiday
All the hopes and dreams be filled for you
May you find contentment this blessed day

If we will remember Christmas is for Christ
Who was born in a simple stable that night
It will make this day mean so much to you
Giving you a day that is merry and bright

Give a prayer for all those less fortunate
Don't forget all of our troops over in Iraq
May God watch over them this Christmas
With His help they all will soon be back

To all our friends across this great country
To all our friends across the high seas too
It is the hope that you are safe and sound
May this be a good Christmas for all of you

Like A Rose

Beauty seen in the red rose
Is much of what I see in you
Graciousness both possess
Delicate and so loveable too

With each year spent together
Our happiness will ever grow
Love makes a happy marriage
It is something we both know

Another Christmas with you
Brings much joy to my heart
Years that now seem so short
Memories shared never to part

As I see you this Christmas
I know what you mean to me
A lady that I so dearly do love
Like the rose, beauty do I see

Christmas Of Long Ago

I remember the old days of Christmas
We made ornaments to hang our tree
Pop corn on a string was our garland
We all thought it was so pretty to see

Christmas Eve we went to bed early
There wasn't a thing under the tree
But, then we knew the next morning
There would be gifts for us all to see

Candy would be there for us to eat
Peanuts we would find in the shell
Oranges and apples in a big bowl
Santa brought them we could tell

A day of enjoyment spent together
Our family was poor in many a way
But when we celebrated Christmas
We all felt so rich on that Holy day

Our Christmas Day

I smell turkey roasting in the oven
It's aromatic odor is filling the air
Made with dressing thats so great
We know it took hours to prepare

Some guests are now arriving
Bringing us gifts and lots of joy
A shirt, perhaps in my package
To each child there will be a toy

With the men in the living room
Each one has a big story to tell
Of an occurance since last year
Looks as they are all doing well

It is with love we meet this day
Everyone has a shinning smile
We hear chatter in the kitchen
Dinner will be ready in a while

I Call It Christmas

No matter what they want to call it
We know it is still a Christmas tree
If we take Christ out of Christmas
It is a sad old world this would be

Was it holiday born in the manger
Even an idiot knows that isn't true
I will ever keep Christ in Christmas
My friend can I expect it from you

So to everyone give this greeting
Merry Christmas, may God bless you
From this land of religious freedom
Stand for your convictions, be true

Atheists if these words offend you
Then it will just have to be that way
Celebrate any way or day you want
To me it still will be Christmas Day

Our Friend

I look but I do not see
I listen but do not hear
My eyes are open wide
My ears are quite clear

She has gone far away
No more to say hi friend
A heart weeps this day
This must be the end

But wait, think it over
There has to be a way
To see her once again
On the judgement day

Life here isn't the end
For through God's love
Again to see our friend
In Heaven up above

Paper Route

As blinding snow blows in his face
His paper route he has to complete
He is a small lad of twelve years old
With heavy snow he must compete

No cars can be found on the street
As snow drifts up to near his knees
Looking up in the heavy snowflakes
He yells can anyone help me please

Then he hears the twinkling of bells
An old fat man is all dressed in red
On top of the snow he now sees it
Some reindeer and a gift laden sled

Taking him on the rest of his route
To home he then takes the young lad
Next morning gifts are under the tree
Christmas this year wont be too bad

Our Sincere Thanks

They work so very hard to help us cope
These nice people need to be commended
Giving hope in those dreaded situations
As a loved ones life on Earth has ended

Working to help these bereaved people
Helping in such a gentle and a kind way
Working out all of the details as needed
To make things less painful on that day

When we see a service conducted there
We realize just how special they have been
Always answering the real tough questions
Making arrangements as to how and when

Yes Dawn and Ralph our heart felt thanks
For your help through our dreadful ordeal
You graciousness will ever be remembered
Your genuine concern, we know it is real

Hear Our Voice

Do many people really know him
This man they call happy holiday
No pictures of him have we seen
Are they pushing Christmas away

It is December 25th we celebrate
As the birthday of Gods only son
There in a manger that cool night
Jesus Christ's life had then begun

This is my belief, you have yours
So don't you try to take mine away
I would fight to protect your rights
So respect what ever I have to say

You are given a right to celebrate
Any day any way here in the USA
I want the right to celebrate mine
One that I still call Christmas Day

So Wallyworld listen to this voice
Merry Christmas I am saying to you
This country was founded by people
Who would say Merry Christmas too

Listen America

America wont you please hear our voice
We are the land of Red, White, and Blue
Founded on religous principles long ago
To these principals will you now be true

Our forefathers came to escape tyrants
They wanted to worship God and be free
Working hard to build this great country
Fighting for their faith if that need to be

What now has happened to this country
Has God been replaced as our salvation
Does anyone think we can really survive
Unless we keep God's faith in this nation

A country founded by and for the people
Yet it now seems that we are ruled by few
Let God's name return to public buildings
Show the minority their rule is now through

He Is With You

He will walk with you in the valley
Walk with you to the top of the hill
Drink from a cup of water with you
Share food until you have your fill

Directing you from wrong to right
Listen to everything He has to say
For only truth comes from His lips
Prepare for a final judgement day

With a home up in Heaven high
Have no doubt what you will find
For there you share happiness
With a God thats gentle and kind

My friend we know you can do it
For He is around you every day
Search your heart then ask Him
As you look up to Him and pray

copyright © 2005 By Acie

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