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Easter Day

Many years have passed since that day
High on the hill that was called Calvary
Jesus was nailed to an old rugged cross
He still was as quiet as anyone could be

With two thieves on crosses beside Him
He was ridiculed and mocked that day
Taking his robe and then gambling for it
Roman Soldiers were having their way

They put a crown of thorns on His head
Closing His eyes He died on that cross
His suffering then had came to an end
Many knew the world had a great loss

Put into a cave and blocked with a rock
He then removed that big rock some way
Ascending up to His Heavenly Kingdom
On the day that we now call Easter Day

King Of Kings

He walks along beside me
He takes my troubles away
My love is so strong for Him
I will pray to Him every day

Gloomy days He brightens
As He brings the sunshine
Clouds will always disperse
Making the day ever devine

Today, He turns to tomorrow
With twenty four hours a day
With time for sleep and rest
A time to work a time to play

He is the King of all Kings
His word takes my sins away
I want to walk along with Him
In Heaven that beautiful day

Happiness In Grace

Down in that dark clouded valley
Some poor soul has lost the way
They ignored the call of our Lord
Still forgiveness can come today

They can ask and He will cleanse
Their heart and their soul of all sin
Erase all the past transgresstions
Their way to Heaven they can win

Jesus Christ has love for everyone
Be it a little child or an old person
We will rely upon His compassion
It is on His Holy word He has given

If you truely believe and love Him
He will welcome you to His place
To live in God's paradise forever
There to find happiness in Grace

His Mercy

As the rain penetrates my thin jacket
I seek shelter where I can build a fire
I am soaked and my shoes are muddy
As I am walking through this quagmire

I spot a log cabin with a light burning
I knock on the door and it swings open
I stand there looking at the room inside
Thinking the door latch must be broken

Entering the warm cabin I look around
Not one person inside the cabin do I see
A hot bowl of soup sits on the old table
It looks like it is waiting there just for me

Have eaten the warm soup I fall asleep
When I awake I find my clothes are dry
I still haven't seen anyone else in the cabin
Finding soup and the warmth I wonder why

Outside the Sun is now shining brightly
As I look toward Heaven the answer I find
God has provided me with what I needed
If you believe, His mercy is tender and kind

His Arms

When I feel His arms around me
Joy will flow throughout my soul
As He takes me home up in glory
Cleansing and making me whole

After having lived the sinner's life
With no place for peace in my heart
I met Him and then I found his love
As His wisdom to me He did impart

He gave to me this second chance
I was lost but now I believe in God
I know that one day I will meet Him
Perhaps walk a path He has trod

Days up in Heaven will be eternal
Love up there will always be shared
In this land where the angels sing
No place can Heaven be compared

Sunday And Wednesday

In the twilight He brings me comfort
Night time He gives me sleep to rest
In the day I work to reap my harvest
It is on a Sunday that I like the best

It is to church on a Sunday morning
My wife and I so dearly love to attend
There to hear our Pastor Estep preach
We know everyone there is our friend

Joy it brings into this old heart of mine
When I hear the choir with their singing
Songs that have their gospel meaning
So beautiful it has those rafters ringing

Sundays bring so much enjoyment to us
But we must not forget Wednesdays too
Bible studies help us know His teachings
I hope on next Wednesday I will see you

Spring In Bloom

Free from the grip of the cold and cruel Winter
Trees are budding and flowers begin to bloom
Tulips have broken through the warmer ground
Spring is thriving as it takes away all the gloom

With the hillsides taking on their Spring mantle
Everything seems to be fresh smelling each day
All the drabness of the long Winter is now gone
Spring and its wonderous beauty is here to stay

With the grass being green and growing so fast
We hear the mowers as people work on the lawn
After buying a riding lawn tractor three years ago
I no longer have to rely on my fast fading brawn

Soon the beauty of Roses will grace our garden
With petals soft and with a scent that is so sweet
Isn't it wonderful how God made flowers so lovely
How He made this world is quite a marvelous fete

Paradise Is A Step Away

When His gentle voice calls to us
We will see His beckon on that day
As the gates to Heaven open wide
We know paradise is a step away

Beauty of Heaven we only imagine
For God keeps it as a secret from us
Until that day we enter those portals
To hear angels sing a lovely chorus

Don't you think you should see it
Up there where the Sun never sets
Where days are always cloud free
Up in Heaven there are no regrets

He will show us the right and way
Show Him all the love in your heart
Obey and believe all his commands
It is then to Heaven you will depart

The Lord I have Found

Although the storm clouds gather
There is no fear of me getting wet
He has provided me with a shelter
No raindrops have entered it yet

With the thunder roaring outside
Sleep comes as I hear no sound
Safe and secure from the storm
I am thankful it is the Lord I found

He will keep me from all the harm
For I walk on the path that is right
He will protect me from every evil
For He is with me day and night

He will ever be my pillar of strength
Knowing He keeps me from all fear
It is the undying love I have for Him
That will forever keep my Lord near

He Thanks God

He sits all alone on a stuffed cushion
An empty tin cup he has in his hand
Two stumps are where his legs were
He lost them as he defended our land

Still you can see a smile on his face
He will tell you God saw him through
On the day when the battle was over
Left standing his squad numbered two

They carried his shattered body away
Not giving up on their buddy in need
Seeking a medic to help their friend
God will reward them for their deed

He thinks not of his broken body now
His heart is filled with love for his God
Had it not been for some heroic action
He would be laying beneath the sod

copyright © 2008 By Acie

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