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Sweet Janet

Her smile is still so very beautiful
My heart she won many years ago
All the love I had back at that time
Is still there and continues to grow

My thanks I give to God I found her
She is sweetest lady I have ever met
That day she became my lovely bride
Was the happiest day I have seen yet

As she entered in my life, love I found
This gracious lady with a heart of Gold
Respect she deserves and I give to her
My heart is hers ever to have and to hold

We are growing older together and I find
Its more wonderful with each passing day
Janet, your being here means everything
I love you sweetheart what else can I say

Summer Into Autumn

Turning from Summer into Autumn
Is such a beautiful time of the year
Leaves turning and Mums blooming
Apple trees much fruit they did bear

Pumpkins grow to enormous size
Soon corn will be ready to harvest
Food we will store into our larders
With this we know we are blessed

School has started for the children
Boys practice for their football game
Crows can be seen in the cornfields
This year like in the past is the same

Cool air will come from up in Canada
Nights will then bring us restful sleep
Autumn is a wonderful part of the year
It is a time I wish we could forever keep

The Copper Penny

It is kinda funny when you think about it
This American coin worth more as scrap
Why do we continue to mint these coins
I guess it is another governmental flap

It is so odd when they are melted down
They increase in value, thats not funny
It isn't that way with all of the other coins
When one is minted it costs us money

Yes the lowly penny is a troublemaker
When its on a walk most wont pick it up
They see it then ignore its small worth
Too cheap to drop into a begger's cup

What are they going to do with this coin
Let it go the way of the extinct dinosaur
All of them melted back to being copper
It then can be a part of American folklore

This Pathway

As I walk that shaded dusty pathway
A cool breeze touches my moist brow
Sweating from walking in the hot Sun
A feeling of comfort comes somehow

I know that He is walking beside me
There is a glow in my heart I can feel
It is my Love for Jesus I keep walking
For I know His word is true and real

As I open my mouth to speak to Him
A magnifcent smile I see on His face
Sensing that He has something to say
I smile, it's then I slow down my pace

Listen, is what I heard Him say to me
It is through Me your rewards are won
Many times I have walked this pathway
It is the pathway up to Heaven, my son

A Blissful Feeling

Days when you are feeling sad and blue
Your heart is heavy with sorrow and pain
Turn your thoughts to our precious Savior
For it is through Him Heaven you can gain

A short prayer will make a big difference
He will hear each and every word you say
Tell Him of the faith that you have in Him
You can tell Him this each time you pray

This day can bring to you a blissful feeling
If in your heart you will let our Savior stay
Love for Him has to be real and unending
You will find a home in Heaven some day

That day will bring such a joyous occasion
In that land where there is no setting Sun
To then see Almighty God in all His glory
Hear Him say my good servant, well done

A Glimpse Of Heaven

Secluded down in the small narrow valley
Surrounded and protected by the tall hills
Beautiful scenery is seen in all the flowers
Growing upon the banks of those little rills

Quietness is broken by the chirping birds
Startling colors are the feathers they wear
Life here seems so tranquil and peaceful
Land once roamed by the deer and bear

Surely this could be a glimpse of Heaven
I come here to walk with Him for a while
He tells me that I must be ever faithful
If in His kingdom I want to wear a smile

It is with heart felt sorrow I leave Him
Never knowing when that day might be
I walk on those streets paved with Gold
Again to see my dear Savior beside me

Hurricane Ike

A hostile wind sways the tall Sycamore trees
Heat of a hot and humid day is lost in the wind
Remnants of hurricane Ike moves on Northward
A path of death and destruction is near its end

A wide swath Ike cut across the state of Texas
Unmindful of all the damages he had caused
Spinning around in his circular eyewall pattern
Unrelenting in movement never has he paused

Many in Texas have nothing to come home for
All of their possessions have been swept away
Some escaped with only the clothes on their back
Others rode it out and all they could do was pray

Ike spread his ill winds all the way up into Ohio
Putting huge trees and power lines to the ground
Lying scattered there like dolls in complete disarray
Some of Ike's vast damage may never be found

The Final Day

When our eyelides become heavy with death
As the life on this old Earth has eroded away
Ascend and find our blessed Savior in Heaven
Having passed judgement on the greatest day

Tears will rain from the eyes of our love ones
They know not what we find after our death
Without knowing God and His precious word
Where would we go as we draw our last breath

Love of God will bring us to meet Him one day
Up there where every day the sky is a deep blue
There in that marble manison He has built for us
You will then find your reward is payable and due

When we leave this Earth make sure we know Him
Praise His name, fall down on our knees and pray
Show Him that our heart is filled with wonderful love
Be sure you are ready when it becomes the final day

His Words As Our Guide

See Red Roses growing so beautiful
See how the petals are expertly right
Today will surely turn into a tomorrow
As a morning will always follow night

In Heaven be met by a lovely angel
Hear the music she will play for you
Strumming her harp with expertise
Seen there in a cloudless sky of blue

Meet God in His wonderful Kingdom
Watch Heaven open its heart for you
Feel the goodness that overflows there
Know that everything He said is true

See that fantastic City he made for us
Ever be by our Lord and Master's side
Find it was worth all the effort we gave
When we used His words as our guide

Without Any Burden

As sure as we are born into this world
One day we know that we also will die
To move on to be with God in Heaven
To this old world we will say goodbye

It that land no one here can describe
This impeccable place called Heaven
Shall be our home throughout eternity
To live there there without any burden

What we do on Earth is the guideline
Listen to all of the words that He gives
Our place in that Holy City we look for
Where our Savior Jesus Christ lives

It is to Him we must give all the praise
It's His blood that washed away our sin
When we ascend that Golden stairway
That is when our eternal life will begin

copyright © 2008 By Acie

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