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All Things Right

Many times he passed that little church
There were times he thought of going in
Seemed he could always find an excuse
Still he knew he had been living in sin

One stormy night he had been drinking
He began to look for a place that was dry
He stumbled into the little church that night
Some of the congregation wondered why

Words he heard that night sobered him up
Tears had welled up in his bloodshot eyes
Asking God to forgive him for all his sins
Now the congregation has no more whys

He is a Deacon in that little church today
God had forgiven all of his sins that night
His heart is full of love for his dear Savior
He thanks God for making all things right

Call On God

When everything seems hopeless
Call on God for He will answer you
Tell Him about all of your problems
Above all to Him you must be true

He will listen to all of your troubles
Obey Him as He tells you what to do
All questions are answered in Heaven
Remember how much God loves you

He has made a mansion up in Glory
Where forever in eternity we shall live
Tell Him how much you believe in Him
It is this eternal life to you He will give

Confess your sins, He will forgive them
For on that cross He died to save us all
Be ready to make that journey to Heaven
When you hear that final trumpet call

Right To The Letter

Weeds have over grown that little church
That I attended those many long years ago
It seemed if the younger people didn't care
It grew when the older people couldn't mow

God had been in that church so many times
I could feel His presence there way back then
It was kept painted white and was very clean
Sitting there near the brook on a wooded glen

Memories I have of that little church are many
Of Sunday school and services that followed
Of the galvenized bucket that sat by the door
Taking a drink it was spring water we swallowed

In Winter time a pot belly stove gave the heat
Some of the men sawed up big chunks of wood
Making that old stove become a glowing Red
Everyone tried to stay warm as best they could

We don't see a church like that one these days
They have passed for what some think is better
But all of the religion taught at the little church
Followed the our precious Bible right to the letter


Primetimers are a great group of people
Always friendly with a smile on their face
Enjoying their life as good people of faith
They know they are living in God's grace

Having dinner together is much pleasure
Be it eating out or at the church basement
A group that has so much good character
Mild in manner and so nice and pleasant

It is with happiness we meet each month
There are times when I wish we met more
I know time restraints may not allow us to
But it might be someting we can explore

Janet and I are happy to be primetimers
We get to associate with ones of our age
Meeting and having such great fellowship
If you are not there fun is hard to gauge

Lovely Shawnee Hills

God has blessed these lovely Shawnee Hills
Land of flowers and with so much rare beauty
Springtime brings us many magnificent colors
Giving all of this enjoyment to both you and me

First we can see the Crocus and the Daffodil
Followed by many beautiful colored flowers
Tulips with their heady blooms of varied tint
Start to bloom from the early Spring showers

Azaleas and Rhododendrons are delightful
With many colors to brighten up this land
White and Pink Dogwood with the Redbud
Makes these hills come alive and are grand

Tho these hills are not as lovely as Heaven
They will suffice until we all gather up there
In His beautiful land that has no comparision
It is up there He will give us His eternal care

He Is Ever With Us

Be it in the brightness of a morning Sun
Or be it in the darkest hour of the night
His eyes will ever be vigilantly upon us
Always letting us know wrong from right

He is with us even tho we are sleeping
Knowing every thought that's on our mind
He took all our sins as if they are His own
Jesus Christ, who is so precious and kind

We know all the world is not in agreement
With whom the Supreme Deity is this day
However we know our God is up in Heaven
He is our God who we will honor and obey

When the end comes to this sad old world
Too many people in the pit of Hell will burn
Too late it will be for those who aren't saved
Too bad, lessons from God they didn't learn

Rely On God

In the early morning, dew is on a Rose
Caressing tender pedals of her bloom
Waking her from the dark of the night
Yawning she emits her sweet perfume

Soon Honey Bees will take her nectar
Then fly to their hive in a Beech tree
To fill the wax cones that they made
With delicious Honey for you and me

God has made so many tasty foods
You can find them by looking around
Many are up in trees or in the water
Some are seen growing in the ground

Rely on God for He will provide for us
Be hungry for our Lord's precious word
Be prepared to ascend up to Heaven
As the sound of the Trumpet is heard

Don't Throw It Away

If your heart is true
God will bless you
If your heart is bad
You make God sad

Pray to Him today
He'll show the way
Be on the right path
Avoid His great wrath

Know Him as a friend
Find death isn't the end
His is the final word
He wants to be heard

He walks with you today
Hear what He has to say
After you are in the ground
You will be Heaven bound

You will rise in the air
Live in His eternal care
Get to know Him Today
Don't throw it all away

Wonders Of Springtime

As the Sun shines today on God's green Earth
Recent rains have brought the flowers to bloom
So beautiful are the many colors of the Azaleas
Pink and White Dogwood wear a flowery costume

Next to Heaven this time has to be most beautiful
Lush Green grass on the manicured lawns we mow
Making sure we use the correct amount of fertilizer
All Summer it will look nice and continue to grow

Soon we will see the beauty of the Rose garden
With colors that are a special magnifcent quality
They have a lovely perfume scent that fills the air
God gave the Rose to be enjoyed by you and me

Later home grown veggies will be on the market
Until that time we will have to use those trucked in
I love to stop at Archie's roadway open air market
All of His veggies are the best there has ever been

copyright © 2009 By Acie

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