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Acies Poems 3

The Ravages Of Time

The old man took out his worn wallet

inside he found memories of time past
on faded and cracked pictures he saved
of his wife and a love that will forever last

When they were young and she was so beautiful

time seemed to be more than they would need
but the ravages of time has taken her away
tears well in his eyes and his heart does bleed

Thinking of the past and the love they once shared

the old man slowly brushes away a tear he has shed
whats happened to the time we have spent on this earth
he mumbled not wanting to believe his love could be dead

the old man has faced a fate that will be for us some day

don't think you can escape what time will bring to you
make sure you tell your love every day just how you feel
hold her in your arms and love her, you will have memories too

copyright © 1998 By Acie

Spirit Captured
by sheila lynn

Time has stolen me away

It's dark and lonely in this place
I wait so anxiously to get
A quick look at my lovers face

As he opens up his wallet

To take a peek inside
He picks me up and takes a look
With reverance and pride

I see his tears come falling down

He hugs my image to his chest
And sees my beauty pictured there
Was when I looked my very best

We were surprised when I passed on

He never will recover from
The shock that we don't live forever
It's sad to see what he's become

But I smile a little wider

When he opens up to see
These pictures in his wallet
For I know he misses me

Pretty soon we'll be together

Two pictures in our daughters book
So happy when she opens up
This photo album to take a look

copyright © 1998 By Sheila Lynn

The Old Man Goes Away

The old man sees his wallet no more

They came to carry him away today
he was clutching her picture to his chest
they said they found him this way

He now has gone to meet her up there

to walk again with his beautiful wife
To be with her again so happy you see
they now know a eternally happy life

The pictures he had of her in his wallet

will be forever lost in a darkness of a box
to be lost and gone without any fond memories
for memories you know never have any locks

Those of us that knew him will cry a tear or two

and remember him as such a kind loving man
who always set such a fine example of how to live
follow in his footsteps be just like him if you can

copyright © 1998 By Acie

Our Picnic

The gentle breezes wafted that day

along the small brook we had found
She had brought us a picnic basket
and we made a table on the ground

The birds there all were singing

with so much happiness we saw there
so much in love we were that day
with never a single worry or a care

we will never forget that bright day

it was that day that real love started
we knew that from that day we were one
so very much in love never to be parted

today we live along that lovely brook

in our home with so much love and trust
so happy we are together with our twins
so much pride my chest will surely bust

How great it was to find this place

but so much greater it was you I found
My mind will forever go back in time, when
my lovely lady made the picnic on the ground

copyright © 1998 By Acie

Our Log House

I built it along the lovely brook

with logs sawn for the senic land
I cut and fitted each log there
with pleasure I did it by my hand

With times so very hard at first

but our undying love did prevail
so hard we worked on our log home
it was the best one in that dale

Times with abundance did arrive

our hearts were filled with joy
for just one year after we moved in
came twins, a pretty girl, and a boy

Today our home is filled with smiles

for us there can't ever be a frown
with life always so filled with happiness
our love is always up and never down

Our grandchildren come to see us now

and oh how they love our log home
yes it is our little piece of heaven
on our land where we are free to roam

copyright © 1998 By Acie

Our Precious Moments

The precious moments that we share

will be always etched in my memory
our thoughts, our hopes, our prayers
will be ever locked there eternally

The beautiful thoughts we evolve

makes our hearts beat so fast
always striving for a better life
and the way for our love to last

Always hoping for that fine day

when we can be together forever
knowing when that day comes our way
our love could leaves us, no never

Our prayers will be that you and me

will find the true happiness we seek
we will live the life we want so much
in our beautiful home along the creek

So now you see why our time is so precious

every minute to be used with loving care
we know the wonderful love will always be
in the hearts of this ever loving pair

copyright © 1998 By Acie

Goofy Golf

I sat it on a silly wood peg

and it looked right back at me
I got so teed when I hit that ball
I guess thats why its called a tee

Lay there and look at me white ball

you know I can wallop your white hide
I know if I really crank it up enough
I'll give this ball a long, long ride

Now look at what this thing I've done

I know now I have made a big mistake
I swung much too hard at that damn ball
And hit it in the middle of the lake

They told me to keep my eye on the ball

I was never to worry where it would go
but how am I going to watch that ball
because where it went, I'll never know

So now little ball you got the best of me

I know I am no good and I like to brag
So who beside me will ever know how I did
you are gonna be burried deep inside the bag

copyright © 1998 By Acie

Wrapped Up With You

To have you hold me so tight

is like a perfect dream to me
The way you make me feel today
this love in my heart will ever be

I love the wonderful care you give

and I want to return it my dear too
to make each other safe from all harm
will be my greatest happiness for you

Never a struggle will you ever find

to ever leave you my sweet lady dear
The happiness I have with you right now
Makes life without you too much to bear

To hold me to your lovely breast

and to have me always by your side
will always make this heart beat
so tenderly there's nothing to decide

We will always stay close and never part

Our sweet love we will forever share
My love for you will go on eterenally
In our world where we make a beautiful pair

copyright © 1998 By Acie

Tell Her

Our days are now so much better

all our memories are delightful
To think I almost let you go
these thoughts are oh so frightful

The heart does play tricks on us

Never knowing which way to go
Should I tell her every day
of my love or does she really know

take her love not for granted

Tell her every day how you feel
let her know for sure without doubt
tell her every day your love is real

Tonight my love, to you I will say

you are the only one that I love
the wonderful life we now have
was given to us from the MAN up above

copyright © 1998 By Acie


If my heart belonged to you

would you handle it with care
would you love and cherish it
would we be the ideal pair

If my love for you was forever

never to be lost, or to stray
would you always want me darling
could I know that you will stay

If we could always be together

never worry that we might part
could you forever love just me
and hold me deep within your heart

If we really want it to happen

there are things for us to know
love me for who I am my darling
let our love flouish, let it grow

If our lives can be lived as one

and surely life will let that be
our lives will be of contentment
like heaven on earth for you and me

copyright © 1998 By Acie

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