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Acie's Poems Page 30

Roses For A lady

I send you a bouquet of roses
Red ones with long green stems
My darling I love you so much
I will cater to all your whims

Roses have a very special meaning
Every petal shows my love for you
Red, yellow, or pink it is the same
They will show my love is so true

Their aroma is so sweet to smell
Their nectar is sweet to the bee
I will send these roses my darling
As my token of love to you from me

Roses will forever be my favorite
Their beauty will remind me of you
The lovelist lady I have ever met
Only your sweet love can ever do

Dream Lady

The day I meet my dream lady
Happiness we will forever see
She knows how much I love her
I know she is in love with me

The very first time I see her
My arms will hold her so tight
Our lips will meet in a kiss
Our future will be so bright

For loving her makes me happy
Her happiness I will then see
To be with my lovely sweetheart
In a way it was just meant to be

Walking the path of time together
Will be a grand voyage for us two
Knowing all the love we will share
The enjoyment in everything we do


If you look inside my heart
It will be there you can find
The image of a beautiful lady
Who will forever be on my mind

She is the model of perfection
Her disposition always so sweet
The sheer beauty surrounding her
Completely swept me off my feet

The love we share is delightful
Every day there is an I love you
Always our hearts beat together
In a rhythm that is ever so true

My love I will give to her forever
With the respect she does deserve
To tell her every day of my feelings
Our wonderful love we will preserve

Forever In Love

Because you are so special
My heart I now give to you
I leave it with you forever
Your heart you gave me too

Our love we have surrendered
We have exchanged our hearts
To spend our lives together
That is how our love starts

Every day it will be stronger
That bond that we will share
Such deep emotiomal feelings
Knowing we will forever care

The future for us looks great
We will never look to the past
Only to the days ahead for us
To a love that will forever last

Our Deal

A heart full of love I give you
Please take it for you to keep
The pleasure of being with you
Caused my heart to make a leap

For you will ever be my love
In my heart only you will do
To ever be a part of your life
And you to share in my life too

Loving you sends joy through me
Actuated by the beauty I see in you
When I hold you tightly in my arms
I realize no other ever would do

We see the world more clearly now
We know how true love does feel
Come spend our lifetime together
A million kisses to seal our deal

Love Is Right

So quiet was that night
We met in the moonlight
Holding hands and walking
Smiling wide and talking

Knowing how much we love
I smiled to the moon above
Just how perfect can it be
To have my love here with me

My arms circle her waist
Walking slow without haste
No other place I want to be
As I hold my love next to me

Our lips meet in a sweet kiss
With feelings we can't miss
Happiness we saw that night
Love with you is so right

I Will Ever Care

As I dream about my darling today
It becomes so plain for me to see
My heart will always belong to her
In my heart her love will ever be

I have made an everlasting promise
To love her more as each day goes by
And to dedicate my life only for her
To make her happy never more to cry

Happiness will surround our hearts
As our love grows stronger each day
What happiness we will forever have
Doing all the things in our own way

Her very presence deep within my heart
Magnifies the love that lingers there
She is the loveliest lady in the world
She knows in my heart I will ever care

A Mountain Of Love

It is an honor and privilege to know
This beautiful lady that I love so
What wonderful joy you brings to me
My admiration for you will ever be

The love in your heart thrills me so
I will cherish your love where I go
Any place on this earth now will do
If I can spend my lifetime with you

Adulation for you ever fills my mind
With deep feelings of a lady so kind
Deep within my heart you will ever see
A mountain of love there for you and me

Some day I know there must certainly be
A place in this universe for you and me
To be together each hour of every day
We know our sweet love is here to stay

Until Eternity

The smile on her beautiful face
Showed me what I needed to know
How wonderful that I do love her
And that our love will ever grow

The afternoon we spent together
Made our hearts happy as can be
Forever to love that sweet lady
And lifetime of happiness to see

I will ever be so thankful to her
For she showed me what love can be
With arms reaching for each other
I felt the passions raising in me

Never can I forget this pretty lady
I know she will always remember me
With our hearts locked to each other
We will love until we see eternity

A Great Life

Will you take me in your heart
Will you make my life complete
This heart I have given to you
A life with you would be sweet

We have this wonderful feeling
Of two people who really care
We now know what true love is
Happiness forever for this pair

Two hearts so entwined together
All my love I will offer to you
Give me a part of your life too
Every day our love we will renew

I know our future will be bright
Telling you of my love every day
Knowing how much in love we are
A great life must come our way

copyright © 1999 By Acie

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