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Snowflakes softly falling to the ground
A big white blanket soon will be found
Like a painting it will seem to have no end
Every flake is different but they will blend

A snowman will pop up with out doubt
For that is what winter is all about
Having fun and playing in the snow
Yelling and dancing just letting go

Riding down the hill on a bobsled
Hitting a tree thinking you are dead
What fun if you were here with me
A snowball fight there would be

The cold wind would whip at our face
To keep warm I'll run you a race
I wish I could share this with you
Our winters in Ohio are beautiful too

My Day

The beauty of a new day dawning
When the sky is a wonderful blue
Wakes up a vision I keep seeing
It is the beauty I see in you

Sweet as the flowers in springtime
Pretty as the brightest red rose
I have this special affection for you
One that has blossomed and grows

I see in my heart a sweet angel
One who is so gentle and true
A reflection that is so beautiful
I know it can be no one but you

I know my day will be a happy one
For this day your vision fills my mind
It is a painting of a great master
To me you are truly one of a kind

A Pixie's Garden

In the garden of love I first met her
She was standing near the wishing well
Never will I forget that summer morning
The aroma of the pretty roses I did smell

I knew from the minute I first saw her
My wishes were all answered that day
With so much beauty surrounding me
I knew happiness had come my way

She looked my way and she smiled
Such a beauty I had never seen before
She filled my heart with high expectations
With wonderful love but even much more

Each day now we meet in the garden
Where I know a pixie makes it so neat
My heart belongs to that red haired lady
Who is so beautiful and always so sweet

A Tender Kiss

If we could only be together
How much fun we could share
Holding hands and laughing freely
Facing the future without a care

With our thoughts all in agreement
We face tomorrow full of hope
To live in a land of enchantment
Where life wont be hard to cope

We will walk the path together
Smiling with each step we take
We will stand tall in this world
What a handsome couple we make

So come to me my lovely lady
Not a minute do we want to miss
I want to hold you in my arms
On your lips place a tender kiss

Our Winter Night

How wonderful are my thoughts of us
In our cabin on a snowy winter night
Sitting in front of a roaring fireplace
Watching as the flames burn so bright

I look into your smiling green eyes
A vision of loveliness there to see
All of the stars in the whole world
Could never be prettier than thee

To laugh and be so happy with you
In this cabin that is filled with bliss
I want to hold you in my arms tonight
On your lips place a sweet and tender kiss

Outside the winters wind is howling
Inside it is so warm and cozy with you
So wonderful being with you tonight
May happiness touch your heart too

A Christmas Tree

Just a plain and simple pine tree
Standing in the middle of the field
Harvested as a childs Christmas tree
Many hours of joy it will now yield

Sitting majesticaly in the living room
All covered with ornaments so bright
Ready to receive the gifts from Santa
When he comes this Christmas night

This beauty can be found in everything
Just make sure to keep it in your mind
Open both your eyes and your heart
Love is what you will always find

May your holiday season be great
May your heart be filled with joy
To each and every little boy and girl
May Santa bring your favorite toy

Christ In Christmas

How I long for an old time Chrisrmas
Stringing popcorn to decorate the tree
We surely knew we were poor back then
But we were as happy as anyone can be

We would all get up on Christmas morning
We just had to see if old Santa had been here
We would find all the presents under the tree
But we never saw hoofprints of his reindeer

It must be true he came down the chimney
For there was no footprints on the ground
It was hard for me to believe he could have
He had a belly that was so big and round

If we could only go back to a simple Christmas
We would all realize just what it is about
It is a time for celebration of a birthday
The way Christ got in Christmas no doubt

The Joy Of Life

I sit and look in awsome wonder
At the world God wants me to see
A majestic mountain rising from a valley
To the pristine beauty of a shining sea

I see and love the beauty of flowers
The aroma of a bright red rose is a delight
His beauty surrounds us everywhere
In the daylight or in the darkness of night

I hear the sounds He has given us
A song from a voice so sweet and true
Her melodious singing is so soothing
Its a song she is singing to you

Look up and thank Him this morning
For this world He has made for you
Enjoy everything he has put on this earth
With a promise to Him you will be true

Santa Got Skyjacked

The grinch skyjacked Santa
There is no Christmas night
His sleigh runners are broken
Rudulph is a terrible sight

Donner has a broken leg
Poor Santa has the gout
No way can he travel
No presents can he give out

This Christmas will be misery
No gifts can be found
With all of his problems
Santa can't get off the ground

Will we all get things for Christmas
You know that answer is yes
Old Santa aint a bad guy
He will just send them all by UPS

When We Met

I think about the day we first met
There was a special quality in you
The brightness in your sweet smile
Made the sun come shining through

I said hello with a tip of my hat
I saw a glimmer of hope in your eyes
I felt this funny but warm sensation
It was then my spirits began to rise

With a voice soft as a southern breeze
I couldn't believe you were talking to me
These wonderful words you kept saying
Gave a hint of the things that were to be

Today you bring so much happiness to me
In you there is so much beauty I did find
There will be a place in my heart forever
For this lady who is always on my mind

copyright © 1999 By Acie

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