My Poems
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My Poems Page 47


He sits alone and wonders
How could time pass so fast
It seems like the days fly by
Soon he knows it will be his last

The air is much colder now
His old jacket is worn out
His life has been a good one
Of that he has no doubt

He has a scrubby mustache
With whiskers on his chin
His face hasn't seen a razor
Since he can't remember when

Dream along my old friend
Dream of what there will be
You will have a happy reunion
When your friends again you see

A Lonely Man

With the warm red wine flowing
He wonders where to sleep tonight
He sadly thinks of time long past
When his life was looking so bright

He thinks about the days of wealth
He looks back to the fine home he had
He sees her vision haunting his mind
And the three kids that called him dad

Today he is just a solitary old man
His friends gave up on him long ago
Wrong steps were taken in his life
He drinks alone with no place to go

Maybe some day he can find his way
Go back to the great life he once knew
Fight his way out of this way of hell
Find those who have love him so true


Can we be sweethearts tonight
Can I always be on your mind
Can our hearts then beat as one
With love that will forever bind

Can I see that smile on your face
That is so beautiful for me to see
Can you whisper something sweet
That will be meant for only me

Your words come to me so clear
Bringing a big smile to my face
Our world seems so perfect now
You have filled my heart with grace

Can I hold you in a sweet caress
With my arms around you so tight
If this is the start of our dreams
Please don't let it end tonight

Close Your Eyes

I walk along a narrow path
Uncertain of what I see
Longing for you by my side
Pleasure in life there would be

The tides of wind are blowing
Closing my eyes I think of the past
I can see the image of a sweet lady
In my heart her love will forever last

I see her smile so bright and clear
I think of all the things we will do
Makes no difference where we are
As long as I can be there with you

To hold you close and give you a kiss
Would be of extreme delight to me
A heartfull of love is waiting for you
Close your eyes and you will see

My Old Friend

The wings of time have passed him by
His knurled hands show all his pain
Years of hard work has taken its toll
Arthritis now has made that so plain

When he was young and handsome
Work seemed to be more like play
Working out in the harshest weather
From sunrise to the end of the day

His hours of work were unending
Even weekends had their plan
He worked so hard for his family
He was so proud to be their man

He thinks of the years long past
To what his life could have been
Had he just taken care of himself
In the years he knew back then

Lifes Pathway

Your smile is like the sunshine
It lights up the feelings in me
So gracious are your manners
In my heart ever you will be

I feel the laughter you bring
What a way to start my day
Happiness just to be with you
I love every word that you say

I so much enjoy being with you
Every day seems like a holliday
Your words get so much sweeter
You are so lovely in every way

Every time that I am with you
My heart you will hear say
Sweet lady will you go with me
As we walk down lifes pathway

Our Whispers

There is a sly look in your eyes
Your smile was made for me
Our day is filled with sunshine
Happiness forever we will see

You fill my life with laughter
A wonderful lady in every way
You are polite in every manner
Your being makes my every day

I look at you in all your beauty
I feel this warm glow deep within
There is a wild beating of our hearts
We know a kiss is about to begin

With my arms circled around you
I gently pull your body close to me
We whisper of the things of tomorrow
Knowing together is where we will be

Our Dream

I have a dream within my heart
That can be shared only by you
Your vision is always on my mind
Do you have these dreams too

We walk along a flowered path
Where nature has put on a show
Holding hands and laughing aloud
Our feelings continue to grow

With a pretty smile you turn to me
It is a moment I don't want to miss
When I pull you so tightly to me
On your lovely lips I place a kiss

This dream we have is fantastic
With feelings only we can share
You will forever have my heart
Yours I will handle with care

Wings Of Hope

Tiny wings of hope I see
Growing there for you and me
Help me nuture them today
Make them strong and fly our way

I have always wanted to meet
Someone who is nice and sweet
In you I see what my heart desires
You fan my love and light the fires

These strong feelings in my heart
Were planted there from the start
Your smile has so enchanted me
Your beauty in my heart I see

Can you also see these wings
In your heart the hope it brings
Tell me you can see them too
Two hearts together me and you

Sparkling Bright

With every beat of my heart
Your image comes to my mind
Seeing a lady that is so sweet
Truly you are one of a kind

To see that smile on your face
Brings a smile to my face too
Of all the places I could be
I just want to be with you

The fun we share together
Makes our life filled with bliss
Holding you tightly in my arms
It is delightful the way you kiss

So tell me you will be there
When I come after you tonight
We will spend a lifetime together
Our world will be sparkling bright

copyright © 2000 By Acie

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