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My Poems page 48

Back Then

Along this old familar pathway
Where I walked as a young boy
On my way to the Osburn farm
And a day filled with playful joy

The kids from the neighborhood
Gathered there from dawn to dark
Playing baseball with all the others
Pretending it was the Reds Ballpark

When the Reds game was on the radio
We quit playing and gathered around
When we heard our favorites scoring
We drowned out the radio with our sound

We had so much fun in those old days
A dip in Brush Creek was a great treat
I wish I could go back to that time
My old friends again I would meet

Come To My Arms

The bounty of you tender love
In my heart will forever live
The beauty I have found in you
So much love you have to give

Today as I sit and think of you
I can feel my heart begin to rise
I think of the long walks we had
A big kiss was then no surprise

Golden days with golden dreams
I smile as I think of my days with you
If I could see your face right now
I know you would be smiling too

You give to me the warmth of love
My days you have filled with delight
With beautiful dreams I have of you
Will you come to my arms tonight

Within My Heart

I love your golden smile
It sends a message to me
You are such a lovely lady
In my arms you should be

Our hearts could be as one
Happiness would overflow
Every day is Thanksgiving
Feelings that will ever grow

We could walk a lovers path
Hand in hand just me and you
With so much joy in our hearts
Contentment with our lives too

Our time should be togetherness
Not a minute for us to be apart
In your eyes I see the beauty
That is now within my heart

Crystal Blue

Come with me to our prefection
It is a place called Crystal Blue
Such a beautiful place made for us
It has the qualities I see in you

There the sun shines the brightest
There is a feeling of love in the air
Your smile is always the sweetest
Deep within my heart I will ever care

The flowers that are growing here
Are of such a magnificent delight
Holding your warm body near me
Under the stars there each night

Come with me my sweet darling
Share this fantastic place with me
Let me show my deep love for you
Happiness forever there will be

It Shall Forever Be

Will you dream with me
Let's reach for the stars
Past the silvery moon
We could land on Mars

The universe as our own
Each star we give a name
Happiness together we share
Life will never be the same

Smiles we will have everyday
A lovely life here with you
Look into my heart and find
Your heart is filled with love too

The joy of having you near
Lights up the love within me
Your beauty is inside my heart
Held tightly it shall forever be

Your Heart

I see the grandeur of your smile
That you have bestowed upon me
Such beauty I never seen before
Your image in my heart will ever be

Like the freshness of a new days dew
You bring a revival of goodness to me
Perfections in all of your mannerisms
So plain for the whole wide world to see

My world is so much happier with you
My days and nights are full of gladness
For as long as we shall be together
There will never be room for sadness

In my heart there is such exuberance
A feeling of love that is only for you
To share this beautiful relationship
Does your heart have this feeling too

With The Dawn

From the shallows of the night
I hear a voice so loud and clear
There is a feeling in my heart
As my lovely lady comes near

I see a face of amazing beauty
With a smile that is wide and free
That has so enlightened my heart
Your lovely smile was made for me

This night you have brought to me
A heart full of happiness so sweet
I hope that my deep admiration
Will sweep you off from your feet

When dawn rises in the morning
Remember what I have asked of you
Will you spend eternity with me
A lifetime of happiness for us two

Our Dance

I sit and watch you dancing
Like a firefly in the night
So graceful in every move
You are such a delight

I reach out to touch you
As we dance across the floor
A feeling of sweet adulation
Fills my heart once more

In you I have found happiness
That sets our world apart
I have this wonderful feeling
That is bound within my heart

To hold you close and kiss you
Whisper my thoughts into your ear
To tell you of my love for you
How I forever want you near

A Love Song

Do you hear my heart singing
It is singing its song for you
Just listen and you will hear
A love song loud and true

Since the time I first met you
I have heard this tune all along
Telling me how much I love you
Can't you hear this pretty song

The days when we are together
Are our happiest days of all
I will be waiting here for you
Listening for your beckon call

Some day I know we will be happy
Two hearts will sing as a duet
I know some day it will happen
Wonder why it hasn't happened yet


Walk with me this sunny day
Watch as the world comes alive
We see the jonquils and daffodils
We know spring will soon arrive

Mother Nature will put on a show
When everything is clean and bright
Flowers will be blooming in day time
Whipperwills will be calling at night

The whole world will be humming
With pleasure I will hold your hand
Kick off the shoes and go barefoot
As we walk in the soft moist sand

The signs and the sounds of spring
Are welcome times for you and me
With love beating inside our hearts
Spring is the perfect season to see

copyright © 2000 By Acie

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