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Acies Poems 5

Will You?

Will you love me tomorrow

as you love me today
will I depend on you
to love me every way

Will you forget all others

who have come to your heart
and love just me darling
will we never ever part

Will our love keep growing

and always be so true
will you tell me this day
that my love is for you

Will you overlook all my faults

and look into my heart
will you love me my darling
please tell me where to start

The Sweetest Words

The sweetest words I have heard

will ever be ingrained in my heart
that warm spring day at our picnic
her words said we would never part

With a voice that mesmerizes me

to hear her sets my heart beating
when I am with that sweet lady
time for us is always fleeting

Lovely is this lady that I love

always so nice and ever so sweet
to be with her forever is my aim
a life that could never be beat

Words I heard that wonderful day

were spoken to me out of the blue
as I held her tightly in my arms
she whispered sweetheart I love you

Your Inner Beauty

The beauty that lies within you

lights up this heart of mine
no other will replace this feeling
may our love age like fine wine

For internal beauty is the best kind

with all acts of kindness from you
surely everyone will say they love
the lady with eyes of heavenly blue

The beauty of your face is apparent

it is there for all of us to see
but look inside of you and know
what real beauty always will be

Her acts of kindness to us all

could fill quite a large book
always helping those she meets
makes no difference how they look

I am so happy to say I know her

and I say to her today sweetheart
your wonderful beauty astounds me
love me forever never let us part

Steal Your Heart

Can I steal your heart

and make it mine forever
to keep it within mine
and to return it never

Forever to be kept by me

never to let it ever go
always and ever loving it
so tenderly to make it grow

Never to have an unhappy day

always to be filled with cheer
know it will never be alone
knowing I will always be near

If I can steal your heart

I will give you mine to keep
every time I would see yours
I know mine would surely leap

Let our hearts beat in union

always to love the other one
never losing love or respect
always until our time is done

Her Sweet Kiss

Her sweet kisses flood my heart

with love I have never known
ever since we had the first kiss
love has bloomed and has grown

I will never forget how it started

just a causal hello, how are you
our eyes met and I was in love
I knew my heart was yours too

Lucky I was to see you that day

our dreams I know can come true
I will ever live in contentment
forever to be in love with you

I know I can make you so happy

My life is now dedicated to you
come with me, spend your lifetime
my love for you will always be true

If I Could Do For You

If I could do everything for you

that your heart desires this day
I would work always with you
to please you in every kind of way

For my heart is always with you

I know you will always love it
today, tomorrow, and forever
our flames of love will be lit

I want to share a life together

doing little things you desire
knowing that brings you happiness
your love sets my heart on fire

In the future I know we will see

a lifetime of love so very true
forever loving one another
you loving me, me loving you

My Heart Beats Lonely

My heart beats lonely without her

Days are long and nights are cold
the endless hours always searching
for that lovely lady I want to hold

I see her every night in my dreams

always coming near but yet so far
letting me love her more every time
setting my helpless heart on fire

How can I get her to love only me

to make her see what I can give
let me open up her beautiful eyes
show her a life she wants to live

Joy and happiness I will want for her

I have heard they go hand in hand
come to me and forever love me
make us the happiest pair in the land

Come Sail With Me

Come sail with me to eternity

may the breezes be forever kind
with your love forever in my heart
and your beautiful face on my mind

Come sail away with me tomorrow

may the winds blow a course so true
always keeping us happy together
may there be love for just us two

Come sail away with me forever

may all our days be so bright
with you in my arms my darling
love will last through the night

Come sail with me sweet lady

we will cruise the world today
with all your love in my heart
forever together we will stay

I Will Try Aagain Tomorrow

I will try again tomorrow

to be better than I am today
I will try to make her happy
with each word I have to say

I will try again tomorrow

to say what she wants to hear
to reassure her of my love
whisper sweet things in her ear

I will try again tomorrow

to be the man she wants of me
to let her know my feelings
how my love will forever be

I will try again tomorrow

to tell her what she means to me
Of all the love and affection
in my heart there always will be

Sing A Song To My Heart

Will you sing a song to my heart

can you sing it with love this day
playing the sweet music in my ear
and beautiful words that you say

My heart aches for your lovely song

one in which you sing your love of me
The beautiful lyrics from your voice
assures me that our love always will be

The sound of your sweet song thrills me

it drives my heart to beat so rapidly
sing your song every day for me to hear
forever your love will be for only me

Your beautiful voice allures my heart

ever to flirt and tempt it you see
sing it at the top of your voice now
make this a perfect world for you and me

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