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My Poems page 50

Mary is my sister-in-law, and has lived with us for 21 years
She has downs syndrome, and Alzheimers.

Her Name Is Mary

The little lady's name is Mary
She is one of Gods chosen few
She lives a life that is lonely
Not understood by me or you

If you knew her you would love her
Always able to con anything from me
And then telling me, you are dumb silly
Showing me a sly grin that I see

Yes she has won her way into my heart
She is always a little buddy to me
When she rides in my pickup truck
She is just as happy as she can be

I will never betray her faith in me
Always to be here for what she will need
I will keep her safe from all harm
I will love her forever, yes indeed

Art And His Tulips

Large tulips grow on fertile ground
Their beauty is a sight to behold
The wonders of these lovely flowers
Are worth so much more than gold

To see the wonderment of natures best
A wonderful site I was privileged to see
I drove on a road out of Henley Ohio
To a farm that was owned by Art Keonig

Art was so enthralled by the tulip
He had seen them out in the cold snow
They looked like they were crying to him
He had a vision of seeing thousands grow

With so much enjoyment he set them out
He treated every one with loving care
Today I know he still watches over them
As he tends to all the tulips up there

Your Bouquet

Beautiful flowers I send to you
A bouquet like you have never seen
Made with Mother Nature's finest
Flowers that would befit a Queen

Orchids in their reddish purple hue
Their petals are so delicate to touch
A hundred pretty orchids I send you
To let you know I love you so much

I will send you some long stem roses
The red Chrysler Imperial is the best
So soft are these beautiful red petals
Their blooms far outclass all the rest

I will send you a big basket of lillies
Inside the basket is my heart to you
Flowers, I give to you my sweet lady
A kiss and a smile are enclosed too

Start Our Day

Rose petals are so silky smooth
So much like my sweet angels face
The love for you I find in my heart
I could search, but never replace

The sweet mysteries I find in you
So lovely, warm, gentle, and kind
Surround my heart with emotion
You are surely just one of a kind

Your vision come to me so clear
Your smile makes me smile too
These feelings held in my heart
Will be there forever for you

The time I get to spend with you
Is so very special in every way
A wonderful kiss upon your lips
A fantastic way to start our day

Springtime Is Here

The beauty of the springtime
Has now opened up my eyes
With the dogwood blooming
Temperatures are on the rise

The lawns are getting so pretty
Their coats are a soft lush green
Buds are on the Rhododendron
Are the biggest I have ever seen

Roses growing their spring coat
Beautiful red blooms will arrive
Spring rains will quell their thirst
Miracle Grow will help them thrive

So much beauty has the springtime
As it resurrects from the winter past
A time to enjoy all God has given us
Preserve it, please help make it last

Childhood Days

Today the rain is falling
Days like this I can reminise
Go far back in my childhool
To days filled with happiness

Days that were playing baseball
Over on the old Osburn farm
To times we played pranks
In which we never meant harm

Those days seem so far away
Yet in ways seem like yesterday
When I was just a tow headed boy
Who's goal in life was to play

Sometimes we wish we could go back
To those wonderful carefree days
But we would then change it all
To suit our own selfish ways

The Ring

In the cool of the wooded valley
We talked that hot summer day
Sitting on a moss covered rock
Watching the animals run and play

You put your head on my shoulder
I could feel my heart skip a beat
Sitting alone with my sweetheart
Makes this day a fantastic treat

We talk of the days upcoming
How together forever we will be
Happiness will be with us always
A beautiful lifetime we will see

She smiles as I tell her I love her
In the distance we hear a dove sing
Shaking hands reach in my pocket
A kiss and then I show her the ring

Delightful Desire

As we stand in this warm spring air
Beautiful thoughts I can clearly see
There I can see a very beautiful lady
Brightly smiling as she winks at me

We have walked the country hillside
Memories will forever flood my mind
Happiness I have found with this lady
Prettiest country lady I could ever find

She knows how fast my heart beats
When I see her heading my way
I will get a big hug and a sweet kiss
Which will certainly make my day

I know that love surrounds my heart
Her sweetness and beauty light my fire
Smile along with me and you will see
How you fill my life with delightful desire

Every Day

When two lovers meet and talk
Their faces light up with a smile
Knowing to share their feelings
Will make their lifes worthwhile

The warmness of their affection
Sends a message to their hearts
Tender words spoken so softly
This is the way love first starts

With sweet reflections of the heart
The respect they each can now feel
For togetherness brings happiness
They know their love is so real

With a world that is all their own
Happy days they know will stay
Pleasing each other is not a chore
It is a pleasure they enjoy every day

Dream World

If tonight your head was on my pillow
Wonderful dreams there you would see
Two lovely people walking in the sand
On our favorite seashore we would be

Hand in hand we would walk the beach
Kicking the white sand with our bare feet
Stopping to enjoy the fantastic scenery
Sharing a tender kiss would be a treat

A wonderful smile would be on our faces
Living in a world of complete perfection
Every day our skies will be a beautiful blue
Our lives would be filled with satisfaction

I surely would pick you a pretty bouquet
From all of the beautiful flowers we see
Our dream world is fantastic each night
Filled with heartfelt love for you and me

copyright © 2000 By Acie

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