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My Poems Page 65

My Mountain

So peaceful is my mountain
The serenity quells my mind
Air so fresh and pollution free
It’s happiness here I do find

Along my cabin a creek flows
That spawns the rainbow trout
I see a big buck up on the ridge
He looking for a doe, no doubt

The hickory’s are full of nuts
The squirrels are having a ball
Storing the nuts up for winter
When old Jack Frost does call

The beauty that surrounds me
Cannot be duplicated by man
The wonder of my mountain
Is a part of the Masters plan

Winter Joy

I hear the crunch of icy packed snow
As I walk this frigid moonlight night
I see my breath like a cloud of steam
My overcoat and muffler pulled tight

Jack Frost is painting his coat of ice
On all the windshields along his way
Cars that have old worn out batteries
Will not start come the break of day

These nights so cold, yet invigorating
Come our way this time of the year
Carolers are singing down on the square
The Christmas carols we all love to hear

All the houses are lovely decorated
With lights that are beautiful and bright
The children are waiting in anticipation
For a most wonderful Christmas night

His Birth

The moon shines so bright tonight
Helping travelers find their way
It was on a night much like this
They found a manger full of hay

With no doctor there to help her
She gave birth to a healthy boy
Mother and child were doing fine
Father was filled with loving joy

The world became much brighter
As he filled the world with love
So beautiful was this holy night
The stars all glittered high above

Jesus was born that precious night
To save all sinners like you and me
Find his love deep within your heart
An eternity in heaven you will see

Teardrop On A Rose

As he saw her lying in stillness
Her hand was holding a rose
The grief he felt within his heart
Haunts his every day as it grows

The flowers all around her casket
A memorial to the life she did live
Brings to him thoughts of her beauty
To all the wonderful love she did give

The quietness of these surroundings
Are broken only by a muffled sob
They had been such sweet lovers
Her death, his heart does now rob

Tomorrow will be lived in sadness
She took all of his love he knows
That night, when in all his sadness
His last teardrop fell on that rose

Look To Him

When your day is dark and cloudy
When your troubles seem to grow
Lift your head and look to heaven
Ask Him which way for you to go

Sit down and tell him all about it
From your heart you can let it pour
Tell Him how much trust you have
That you will love Him for evermore

He will guide you out of your trouble
You need only to take him by the hand
If you will just hear what he tells you
You can join Him in the promise land

Those dark days will never let you down
If you let Him share the burden with you
He will show you the light and the way
You will find peace and salvation too


I heard the wind in the willows
A sad song it was singing to me
Time was when I was so happy
Beauty was all I could ever see

Time has seemed to stand still
Since the day you went away
My heart that day was broken
That was the price I had to pay

I still have much love for you
I am sure you are happy now
Why did our love die that day
I don’t understand it somehow

Tomorrow is just another day
Teardrops in my eyes wont dry
Sadness will forever be with me
Since that day you said goodbye


Yesterday I went to see my family
There to see my father and my mother
A trail of tears then escaped my eyes
As I searched for my sisters and brother

There I bowed my head as I thought of them
Their memory I shall always have in my mind
As I placed artificial flowers by their graves
Words I wanted to tell them I just could not find

With this unfettered love I can feel for them
Their memories give much solace to my mind
I think of my brother and my two sweet sisters
My father and my mother so loving and so kind

They are up in heaven, waiting there for me
Once again to be together as a loving family
To walk along by the golden strand up there
In God’s arms, the way he wants us to be

A Dream

He walks alone by the blue water
There is freshness in the warm air
He dreams about a beautiful lady
She has blue eyes and auburn hair

The days they had walked together
Brought much happiness their way
Love bloomed between two people
Tender feelings filled their everyday

He smiles as he fondly remembers
Picnics they had near a small stream
As he closes his eyes he can see her
Now he knows it was just a dream

Had it been she felt no compassion
Was she just playing with his heart
Her memory will ever stay with him
Until from this life he does depart

Getting Old

Do you huff and puff a lot
Is your age starting to show
When you walk up the hill
Are your legs a little slow

The belly getting a little fat
Wrinkles under your eyes
Your clothes wont fit you
Cellulite in your big thighs

Has work become a chore
One you can do without
Things are getting heavier
Lazy there is no doubt

Muscles are getting weaker
Can’t get out of the chair
Reckon it just don’t matter
Know I ain’t going anywhere

Yesterday's Love

Yesterday I saw you on the street
You were with my old used to be
Holding her hands and laughing
That is the way she was with me

I think back to those lovely days
Long before she met you my friend
I could tell she wasn't very happy
She proved that to me in the end

Her face is still very beautiful
But her heart will never be free
She loves another not you or me
But I think she suits you to a tee

Well my friend you can have her
She no longer means much to me
A love so strong now gone wrong
I guess it was never meant to be

copyright © 2001 By Acie

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