My Poems Page 66

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Love Tied In Silk

Love died like a memory tied in silk
Her voice still haunts his world today
He sees her beauty in his every dream
His heart will never let her fade away

Thoughts of yesterdays still linger
Smiles of happiness donned her face
All of the wonderful times they spent
Cherished days time can never erase

Although her voice is now ever silent
Her songs will always stay in his mind
The voice of the loveliest angel God has
She has a heart that is so gentle and kind

Some day he will see her up in Heaven
Where all the land is honey and milk
There to hold her in his arms once more
Her memory no longer will be tied in silk


A sparkling drop of water
Glistens on a red rose today
It looks so much like a tear
That has come from far away

Beauty of roses grows daily
Silky smooth and a delight
Aroma so sweet to the nose
Colors of blooms so bright

Could it be He is showing us
Our ways are making Him sad
Can we show Him our faith
In a way that makes Him glad

Just say a prayer to him today
Let Him know how you feel
He will open the gates for you
He will show you heaven is real

Colorful Scioto County

Colors will soon again cover our Ohio hills
A pageant cascading from the different trees
Colorful reds, oranges, and yellows we see
Fantastic scenic sites for our eyes to please

A trip down through the Shawnee Forest
Will show the beauty of our Masters brush
Each leave will make up this colorful feast
Tinted with beautiful colors that are so lush

We the people of wonderful Scioto County
Are blessed to have this all in our back door
To see this magnificent explosion of colors
People will drive a thousand miles or more

I hope you visit our part of this great country
We will make you as welcome as you can be
It’s the place where southern hospitality begins
We have so many historic sites for you to see

Waiting For You

Why must this be in your troubled heart
Gone is the love you cherished so dearly
With the time you got to spend together
Your love for him you showed so clearly

The dreaded past must now be long gone
To the future is where you heart must go
Think of all the time you spent with him
Be strong, let your life continue to grow

Think not in anger why he was taken away
For each life is so fragile at the very best
Gone is all the hurt his health has wrought
Time has come for him to lay down and rest

Remember all the good times you have had
Face tomorrow with him still in your heart
Knowing now he is in a much better place
Waiting in a land where you will never part

Remembering Betty

Some day we will walk again together
Like we did in days that are long past
Lovely times in childhood we enjoyed
But time seemed to pass much too fast

Oh how I wish we could do it all over
Though we were poor I'd live it again
We were together and we were happy
Love is where the home should begin

Together we walked to the school bus
Sometimes we had to walk in the snow
At that time it seemed much a burden
Today it would be happiness I know

Closing my eyes I can clearly see her
Her memory brings a smile to my face
Betty was my sister I loved so dearly
An elegant lady that had so much grace

Answers Untold

Will you be sad and lonely
When from this life I depart
Have I in some way touched you
Have I stolen a piece of your heart

Will your smiles turn to sorrow
When you hear I have breathed my last
Has there been some happiness for you
Was there some joy in our past

Will your eyes fill with tears
Will you wonder why it must be
Can you still think of our love
In a life you could never see

Will the thoughts of me soon fade
Like a light on a foggy night
Will you soon find another
Will you call him Mr Right

These things I will wonder
Until my body is stone cold
I know I will leave this life
With these answers all untold

Her Vision

He sits alone in his rocking chair
His overalls are faded and worn
A patch covers a hole in the knee
He remembers the day it was torn

A smile shows on his wrinkled face
Though there is a teardrop in his eye
He is so glad he is still living at home
But lonesome feelings cause him to cry

Will he see his friends again today
Or do they have other things to do
Sometimes they forget about him
Leaving him with feelings so blue

His daughter is living not far away
He wishes she could stop every day
She looks so much like her mother
Vision of her on his mind does play

Some day again he will see her
But for now he will have to wait
Until that wonderful eternal day
They meet again at Heavens Gate

My War

The spiraling fog drifts through the night
Tiny droplets of water moisten my face
Eerie stillness floods in my troubled soul
Fear wells within as I quicken my pace

It is though a devil penetrates my mind
Causing a shrill sound inside my head
Flashing red lights then blind my eyes
Feelings of numbness that I now dread

I am wondering where I’ll sleep tonight
There is a feeling of discontent inside me
Deeper into the darken night I now tread
Thinking of the tomorrow I may not see

This stupor caused by the warm red wine
Brings back ghosts from that distant past
Deep down in my troubled tortured mind
My war still goes on and will forever last

Echos Of A Dream

A face so young and beautiful
Many nights ago they had met
He remembers her so vividly
His heart won’t let him forget

Love had bloomed that night
Like buds sprout on the trees
Smiles he always gave to her
His aim was forever to please

A sly glance she sent his way
He saw what was in her eyes
Then he fell in love with her
To him that was no surprise

He was so sure he knew her
Her beauty was such a sight
But was it an echo of a dream
That died at mornings first light

Heavens Gate

He sits and waits for Heavens gate
To swing wide open one more time
He knows then they will be united
To live a life in heaven so sublime

She left him in the summer time
Her death came without warning
He didn’t know she was that sick
She left him that Sunday morning

He thinks back to their young days
A smile appears on his craggy face
He remembers their wedding day
She was so beautiful dressed in lace

They knew God and obeyed him
True to each other all through life
Their reward soon will come to them
When he is united with his lovely wife

copyright © 2001 By Acie

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