My Poems Page 70

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The Forest

A cool breeze drifts from the waterfall
The beauty of mother nature abounds
Undisturbed lies this vast virgin forest
Only the waterfalls are making sounds

Drifting high above in the sunlight sky
An eagle has spotted a rainbow trout
Swimming in the sparkling clear waters
Not realizing his old ememy is about

The sun filters through the tall oaks
Casting long shadows on the ground
The Laurel bush with its white bloom
Highlights all the beauty to be found

Beautiful is this little spot of my world
It is here I can find so much serenity
Knowing I can spend a quiet afternoon
With the forest, the animals, and me


A cool spring rain is falling
Softly it falls upon my lawn
You can see the grass grow
As night breaks into dawn

A feeling of newness starts
As the trees now start to bud
Dirt that I spread in my yard
Is turning into a pile of mud

Seed I put in the bare spots
Will soon start to sprout and grow
Fertilizer I used quite liberally
Makes tall grass for me to mow

The beauty that springtime brings
Gives a feeling of renewed health
From the doldrums of a cold winter
To a world that is filled with wealth

My Friend

Walking slow, but with purpose
He smiled the first time we met
A tall gaunt man I saw that day
His memorey is still with me yet

Friends we became for a lifetime
Words he said were so very few
But I knew what he was thinking
Wondering what good he could do

It seems like everyone loved him
Not once did he utter a bad word
On Sunday he sang in the choir
A beautiful tenor voice was heard

Now that his days work is done
The time has come for him to rest
He has finished all his work today
Meticulously he has done his best

Ohio Spring

White dogwood trees are blooming
Dotted among the leaves of green
Ohio hills are now so full of beauty
It's as lovely a site that can be seen

A clear brook on rocks splashing
Shows hoof prints made by deer
Having a leisurely drink of water
Unaware that we are standing near

The smell of a fresh spring breeze
Embelished by the bloom of liliac
Brings to us thoughts of granduer
Childhood dreams are brought back

The things we can see in springtime
Brings to all of us a feeling of delight
Taking us to a state of enlightment
Making springtime a season so bright

Spring Begins

White fleecy clouds drift on by
Highlighting a deep blue sky
Loveliest day I have ever seen
The hills have a coat of green

The feel of spring is in the air
Warm breezes blow in my hair
I see two robins building a nest
Spring is time we love the best

Honeysuckle has a sweet scent
Candy we make from peppermint
Herbs that we can use every day
Grow in the spring, as does hay

Revitalized from a winter so cold
Dandelions grow with heads of gold
Happy that spring is here at last
Gosh, doesn't the grass grow fast

A Dream Fulfilled

Neath that knurled apple tree
He had spent his younger days
Moving dirt with his toy truck
Building big super highways

Dreams he had of the future
He knew when he was a man
He would work in construstion
Driving a big truck was his plan

When his high school was over
A construction job he must find
To learn to drive the big truck
He would take a job of any kind

Today he owns that big company
Hard work had been made to pay
I can still see him in the big truck
Boone still works hard every day

Our Dance

Waltz across the floor with me
Hold me tight don't let me go
Be mine this night and forever
Help me make our love grow

Look into these eyes of mine
You see the truth they hold
A smile will always await you
Don't think I am being bold

Nights filled with happiness
Together this we will share
With my arms holding you
In my heart for you I care

Let this dance last forever
Please don't ever let it end
The beauty I can see in you
Let it make our hearts blend

All Alone

He sits alone and he wonders
Why have they all gone away
Will he see them once again
Have they forgotten him today

His life has changed so much
He can't seem to get around
He doesn't get out any more
They keep him homebound

He forgets much of the past
Although he remembers mom
He can still think of school
When he went to the prom

They say he has Alzheimers
He thinks he heard it before
Befuddled by what they say
His mind drifts off once more

Lost Love

The sands of time are so slowly falling
Each grain is the beating of my heart
The embers of our love have burned out
Our time has passed and we must part

Time was when you were the sweetest
Our love had blossumed and so it grew
The world became our special playground
My life I had bestowed to no one but you

I have often wondered how it happened
We were sure our love would forever last
Tears well in my eyes as I think about it
Its so hard to believe it is over and past

Tomorrow I know you will find another
Your beauty in his eyes he soon will see
Even tho life will go on without your love
In my heart and mind you will always be

There is a time

There is a time to love
There is a time to hate
There is a time to be early
There is a time to be late

There is a time for a grudge
There is a time to forgive
There is a time to die
There is a time to live

There is a time for rain
There is a time for sun
There is a time to walk
There is a time to run

There is a time to work
There is a time to play
There is a time to worship
There is a time to pray

There is a time to seek
There is a time to give
There is a time for thought
There is a time to relive

There is a time to think of heaven
There is a time to think of hell
There is a time to think of God
There is a time to know Him well

copyright © 2001 By Acie

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