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Acies Poems 8

Poor Folks

I remember those cold nights
I though my feet would freeze
Our house had so many cracks
You could feel the cold breeze

My mother would heat old irons
And wrap them up with a sheet
She put them at the beds foot
There we could warm up our feet

The stove would burn up the wood
It would be ice cold in the morning
Cold mornings I would have to run
To the old out house without warning

No running water, no elctricity
Kerosene lamps to light the house
We knew what it was to be poor
Heck I shared my bed with a mouse

To Be In Love

When you know you are in love
You get that feeling every day
And within your beating heart
Your love grows more every way

All the days now are so good
My loves image is in my mind
Knowing I could search the world
And never find another of your kind

With our love growing every day
Our plans for the future is bright
Always wanting to please each other
Everything will be forever right

Tomorrow will bring us happiness
Never a day could we ever be blue
Our home will be so very loving
Heaven on earth, for me and you

Two Hearts

Two hearts beating in unison
Beats in the rhythm of love
Ever will my love be for you
Always true as the stars above

To explain the deep feelings
I now carry within my heart
Would take me so many hours
I wouldn't know where to start

With feelings of superb grandeur
I now give to you my loving heart
Knowing you will ever care for it
Always knowing we could never part

The way you are always on my mind
Sends joy through the heart in me
Forever I will be in love with you
Knowing no greater love could there be

Walking In A Mist

In the foggy mist while I was walking
A vision came so clearly to my mind
It was of a sweet loving lady I know
A lady truly gifted and one of a kind

Little raindrops were so cool to my brow
As I held her vision so dear to my heart
My thoughts and hopes were only about her
Knowing we were in love from the start

I thought of the days when we first met
And how I wondered how our love could be
I knew I had met the lady I had searched for
I never thought you would also love me

What a wonderful walk I have just finished
I pray every thought I had will come true
For I would ever spend my life on this earth
Loving you beautiful lady, my heart belongs to you

Our Day

With a melody in my heart
With thoughts ever so kind
I will greet the coming day
With your image on my mind

Morning will be oh so nice
Thinking of our time together
How much happiness we will have
Loving time spent with each other

Afternoon I hope we'll meet
If we can just have a short talk
To spend some time with you
I would take a long, long walk

The day will ever be great
As always is my love for you
Tonight when we meet my sweet
Hugs and kisses will be due


I hear her beautiful voice
Her song from its infusion
The pretty lyrics I hear
Wonderful to its conclusion

Her voice so sweet and kind
Like an angel softly singing
Has light the fire in my heart
Has set the golden bells ringing

The lovely uttering of her song
Brings peace and joy to my mind
She is an angel here on earth
No greater lady could I find

So sing again to me sweet lady
Your wonderful song in my ear
My heart will ever be open
Your songs I love to hear

Her songs she sings of love
Contentment shows in my face
To blend our voices together
Music we could never replace


She is like a lovely flower
Her pedals in perfect rows
A flower of such magnificence
Who's beauty ever will grow

She is like a delightful rose
Dressed in her beautiful red
Her blooms so soft and delicate
Like silk sheets on a royal bed

She is like the tiger lily
So tall and so nice to see
Her pretty orange blossoms
Lights up the heart in me

A flower in my mind she'll be
Ever to hold a place in my heart
The most beautiful flower growing
Her vision in my mind will start

The Beauty Of My Lady

Like a majestic mountain rising
With all her beauty from above
Nothing could be more beautiful
Except the lady I know and love

Like a swan with her pretty plumage
That is as white as the driven snow
She is in my heart now and forever
With love that no other could know

Like an orchid with its purple petals
So delicate, not unlike a ladys skin
A lovelier lady in this whole world
I know for sure, there has never been

Like the tranquil beauty of the forest
Where all of God's animals will play
She is steeped in all her serene beauty
So wonderful that she loves me today

A Country Boy In Love

Just a simple country boy
A country girl he does love
Hearts now beating as one
Underneath the stars above

He tells her of his love
How he wants her ever near
Always to be there for her
Never a need to shed a tear

Nights when they are together
Happiness fills their heart
Knowing how much love is there
Knowing they could never part

Their dreams some day fullfilled
happy together they will ever be
living what their hearts want
Two happier people you will never see

A World Of Dreams

May I be lost in a world of dreams
Where only happiness and love abound
To ever be with the sweet lady I love
She radiates my life when she is around

My dreams start when her image appears
Her beauty shines and lights up my day
A life that is full of these fond memories
Are forever sealed in my heart to stay

These dreams that come so clearly to my mind
Of this sophisticated and lovely lady I see
How she brings so much love and tranquilty
To my inner being, a better man I'll be

If fate would only let us dream together
In a life where only total love would live
My hopes and dreams would be there forever
With all the passion my heart has to give

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