My Poems Page 97

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The Majestic Oak

Boughs of that mighty old Oak tree
Have seen many years pass on by
Having seen the darkness of night
Sun shining brightly from the sky

Years have been good to that Oak
Stately it has grown from an acorn
Squirrels have run its many limbs
Baby birds there have been born

Withstanding many windy nights
Sometimes a limb would be lost
She would there be left standing
Still growing no matter the cost

A large tree when I first met her
She looks so enormous to me today
This majestic tree will keep growing
Long after my life has passed away

Three Roses

These three roses I give to you
As the symbol of our friendship
Petals so soft and silky smooth
Nectar for the honey bees to sip

Nature's finest flowers I do give
Red, may they please your eye
Aroma so sweet for you to smell
Long stems will hold them high

Growing in a garden so lovely
These roses show much pride
Sitting inside a wedding chapel
Admired by the beautiful bride

The beauty of these three roses
I give to you as my good friend
Unlike the short life of the rose
May our friendship never end

Pathway To Heaven

His path was strewn with stones
There were no shoes on his feet
His disheveled clothing was so dirty
He sweats profusely from the heat

Although he trod this path before
Never has it been so hard to walk
As he stumbles on this rocky path
He asks his Lord if they might talk

Lord, this path you have changed
I once walked it with so much ease
Today I must struggle on my way
Why have you changed it, please

He then did hear the Lord answer
If I make things hard here on Earth
When you join me in up in Heaven
You will know how much it is worth

Our Lives

In a time of sorrow and strife
Please hang on, don't let go
Look inside your heavy heart
He will help, you must know

No trouble can be too great
No load be too much to bear
Ask His help and you can see
All your problems He will hear

Make life the very best you can
Always have respect to all others
To those you see most every day
Honor all the fathers and mothers

We only stay here a lifetime
Our name is then on the line
To those left then to grieve us
It will become auld lang syne

Memories Of Youth

My memories of a barefoot boy
Walking down the country road
Kicking dust and stubing a toe
Watching the hopping of a toad

Summer and a swimming hole
Where our trunks were not worn
Swiping melons from the patch
Hear the farmer's words of scorn

Fishing hole and a can of worms
Hoping the big old catfish will bite
Mow the lawn with a push mower
Then you make sure you trim it right

Playing games most all day long
Some things from my youthful past
Memories kept through the years
For all of my lifetime they will last

Old Friends

Do you often think of old friends
Some you haven't seen in years
Some brings a smile to your face
While others will bring you tears

Friends will always stay with you
Back into your mind you then go
To remember all the good times
How in your heart they did grow

You wonder where did some go
For these many years far apart
If only a few minutes with them
How it would warm our old heart

With some fond memories will do
In this world those we can not see
Until God opens up his arms to us
Together again that day we will be

As We Remember

As we walk these sacred grounds
Remembering those that we love
Knowing they are in a better place
In God's kingdom so high above

We look at all the marble markers
It is there we can see their name
Some can not see nor understand
Their fate one day will be the same

With grief, their hearts can't let go
If only they knew how to believe
In the eternal life waiting ahead
Troubled minds it would relieve

Take solace my friend I say to you
Please let God lead you by the hand
Join your friend on that judgement day
Up there in that glorious Promised Land


Standing up on that small ridge
A bugler plays the military taps
Another fallen soldier has left us
A light rain falls upon our caps

Fog swirling down from the hills
Spreading low along his grave
Symbolizes the mood of the day
For a young life this soldier gave

Heartbroken stands a young lady
Engaged days before he went away
A fancy marriage wasn't necessary
She had dreamed of that happy day

They had told her of his great bravery
It is so hollow to her on this rainy day
Her life now has such an empty feeling
As his body enters into that hole of clay

Memorial Day

Grass was so green and so pretty
Flags there were standing up tall
It is memory that brings us back
With the love we have for them all

Why must life be short for some
While others live out a long life
At times a father dies suddenly
Leaving his children and a wife

Tombstones will show us a name
Of one burried down there below
So many will have a broken heart
Teardrops from their eyes will show

Flowers that we put on their graves
Honors those who have passed away
Standing alone we pause and reflect
Back to the past on this Memorial day

Love For A Lifetime

Does your heart still hold those memories
Do you think of the time back so long ago
When you told her how much you loved her
Felt the feeling only a true love would know

Days that were made only for sweethearts
You saw how lovely all the world could be
As in a dream each day would grow better
Two people in love that was so plain to see

All the world then became your playground
Happiness became such a part of your life
Sharing that common bond of togetherness
Then asking her to become your lovely wife

Today your world is so filled with happiness
All your days and nights seem to go by so fast
Life with this wonderful lady you are married to
Holds a place in your heart that will forever last

copyright © 2003 By Acie

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