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The Lair of BAMdux will be undergoing a layout change effective through this summer. I have been hard at work of late, preparing for an internship with Fredericksburg and Spotsylvania National Military Park , and unfortunately I have been unable to complete the work I wanted to on this site over my break. Due to my college schedule, the next time I will be free to work on "The Lair" will be this summer. Until then, CWar Buffs will still be able to reach the sections of this website from this homepage.

This site is not designed to handle the Intenet Explorer browser at this time. Please use Netscape for the full CWar experience.

Sections of this website...>

Regimental History Research:

Muster Roll of Company K 115th OVI

Muster Out Roll of Company L 3rd Wisconsin Cavalry .

New Independent Research:
A History of the 18th Mississippi Infantry of Barksdale's Brigade
during the War Between the States

John Singleton Mosby Relic

Civil War Links

Civil War Relics Collection

Tribute to John Hunt Morgan

Tribute to John Singleton Mosby

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The Lair of BAMdux "nunquam victus"© founded November 15th 1997
All independent research and writings are expressly copyrighted by the Webmaster and owner of The Lair of BAMdux and may not be duplicated without consent of the author under penalty of law.