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Free Will?

"If regeneration were a reward for a previous act of faith by our ... free will, God could not know ahead of time whom He could save. The Arminians say God could look ahead and see who would freely accept Christ. But if this 'looking ahead' were accurate and unchangeable, the man's will would not be free. Some factor in the dim, distant past would have had to determine the will so that it could not change. If it was not God who determined the act of faith, then there must be some power beyond God's control that did so, for a completely free will is not subject to accurate prediction."
-- Gordon Clark

GOD hath from the beginning CHOSEN you to salvation through sanctification of the Spirit and belief of the truth: whereunto He called you by our Gospel...

-- The Apostle Paul writing under infallible inspiration of the Holy Spirit as recorded in Second Thessalonians 2:13 (b).

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