
Greetings and salutations. I am Frkgirl, a.k.a. Tori, and yes I am a FREAK! At least that seems to be the general population's vote. I am from a small country town in Ohio. It's not such a bad place except for the mass quantity of drunken hicks. Don't get me wrong there are a few freaks and rejects here that I can relate to, but alas, they are the minority. Anyways... I am making this web page for the basic purpose of letting people know a little about me. The contents on this page either reflect some aspect of my life, strike me as interesting, or are things i find to be beautiful. If it offends you or is contrary to your beliefs, I don't really give a shit. This is my life and who I am. I do not claim to be goth, punk, a necromantic, or a vampyre. I am just a person with likes and dislikes like everyone else. So if you judge people on their looks, what kind of music they listen to, what kind of movies they like, or what intregues them, then i suggest you ignore my pages. Thank you.

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you are my
victim (so far)