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September 9th - Well, I added 'Pictures' a while ago but more are coming soon. I added 'Updates' today. I will hopefully be adding a little something everyday, but school is really wearing me out.

September 10th - I added the 'Chat' and 'BoardRoom' so check 'em out. If anyone has any ideas on how I can make my webpage better, please let me know. Just keep in mind, I have stuff in store, I just have to get them all up. But still, e-mail me your thoughts please.

September 11th - I added alot of news.

September 12th - Updated 'News'.

September 13th - Added 'Links'. If you have a homepage that has anything to do with Justin or 'N Sync, feel free to add your webpage to my links. I also added 'Appearances'but, the page is not up yet and I updated 'News'.

September 14th - Added my song dedication to Justin on my main page. I also added a link on how everyone can vote for 'N Sync to get on the cover of Teen People and Total Request. GO VOTE DAMNIT! *LoL*

September 16th - Updated 'News'.

November 14th - I am sooooo sorry I have not updated anything lately. I have been so busy with school it's not even funny. But, I have seen some weird messages on the Message Board. WOAH! *LoL*

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