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GKA Cortez

I bought my first horse in Aug. of 2000 and boarded him til moving to the country in 2003. We bought our miniature horse just 2 months after moving to the country. You know what they say, you can't have just one! ;-)

Taz is a beautiful 11 yr. old Arabian gelding.To see his pedigree click here.
JJ was our 6 yr. old minature (picture in the center) and he was just an absolute joy to be around, not to mention beautiful. Right after Christmas of 08 JJ died from colic. The vet tried to save him, but we had to put him down. We were heart broken.

Taz mourned for his friend for 2 months. They had been so close, attached at the hip. He was so depressed. It was sad to see him like that. With much prompting from my husband I finally gave in and we got another mini.

That's where Dolly comes in. (picture on bottom left) We bought Dolly and found out a week later when my vet came to vaccinate Taz and check Dolly over that she was pregnant! Wow! What a shock! Here I didn't even know if I ever wanted another horse after losing JJ because it was so heartbreaking. I never wanted to go thru that husband really had to convince me. Now here we are not only getting one horse but two.
After an adjustment period I absolutely loved Dolly with all my heart. She is a sweetheart. My husband & I were excited about the baby too. We lost much sleep those nights keeping an eye on the barn camera that we have connected to our t.v. watching & waiting for her to give birth. Thankfully she didn't wait til the middle of the night but had him at 8:30 p.m. on May 9. I say thankfully because we were awake and right there when it happened because we needed the Vet, fast! The foal was "hung up" and was NOT coming out. The Vet said our quick response in calling her saved that foals life and possibly Dolly's too. We were grateful. We named him Koda.
To see updated pictures of the barn click here.

This is Koda shortly after birth.

Koda playing in the pasture

The grass is always greener on the other side of the fence.