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Don't want the Song to end

Once we sang a new song
A song of love, gentle and true
filled our hearts through
every day was a thrill with you

We shared our thoughts
baby yes we even fought
but the love we had
kept us sad for being alone

The times we had
we laughed, we cried
we soared, I was sure we could fly
our love always kept us high

What we did together
I didn't think could be better
but somehow we wanted more
but distance, that termidable foe.

I was in your soul
in your heart, a spiritual thing
I saw your eyes, and always knew
there would be no one but you.

Baby all the things we did
from each, was nothing hid
we became one, mind and soul
our bodies made them whole.

Like the song that ends too soon
wanting more of that lovely tune
the verses became too short
and then the song was over

Our love was like those songs you know,
we loved, like each new hit
on the charts, to the top
baby how we were hot.

Now the song is over
the swan her song now sung
and like those shooting stars
burning brightly, and then are quickly gone

How I wished that song would last
it played so beautifully yet faded fast
now only lingering in my mind in time's past
out of sight, lost in faded flight.

I sure wish Sam could play it again
not wanting that song to end
again and again
play it over for me again
(words by Vince)

Place to Visit:

Cindysu's Love Links
