Danny Wood always enjoys a chin-way about this, that and the other with whoever should be around, which in this case is your beloved Number One. In this exclusive chatarooney, Danny boy gives the low-down on his vigorous training programme and his opinion on his own "hunkiness"!

"My leg hurts!"

Danny Wood is standing in Number One's photographic studio feeling rather sorry for himself. Yet again it seems that his ankle, one injured by a flying rubber boot, is playing him up. And everyone knows how much Danny cares about his body. He may not be too tall, but he's certainly immensely musclebound, although today his biceps, triceps and all his other bits are hidden beneath a baggy sweatshirt.

"My body is very important to me! After my family and friends I'd say it's the most important thing. I spend a lot of time keeping it in shape."


Danny is always the first to check out a gym in a new city and is often called "Food Cop" by his fellow Blocksters because of his strict dietary programme - ie, he won't eat junk. So what's this fitness malarkey in aid of? Is Mr Wood training to become Mr Universe?

"Maybe, ha ha! Perhaps in the future, but I'm not big enough yet, Saying that, I wouldn't want my muscles to get too big, so I'll probably go in for an amateur contest sometime."

His brow furrows when the subject of silicon muscle implants is mentioned and at this point he becomes very serious.


"I'd never go for cosmetic surgery. No way! I'm 100 percent natural. I believe that you can reach your goal if you work hard enough. To have muscle implants is just like taking the easy way out. It's the same with all those muscle-building drugs and stuff. You're best to stay away from all that and just be determined to work on your body naturally."


So does Danny like his girlies to be musclebound then?

"Um, I think women bodybuilders are very talented," he smirks, "but I like my women to be soft! I'd hate to date a girl who had more muscles than me!"

Dansville becomes remarkably coy at the mention of the words "hunk" and "heart-throb", because as far as he's concerned all his rigorous working out is purely for himself and not to make loads of girls fancy him!

HUNK?! "I often think back to a few years ago when no one cared or knew about New Kids On The Block," he recalls. "You know! I had a few girls here and there, but I wasn't exactly tripping over them! So no, I'm not a hunk!"