To the Letter, Danny Wood is Divine!

Teen Beat
Circa '89-'91

Some say that it's his warm brown eyes and some say it's his infectious smile. Whatever your reasons may be for putting Danny Wood at the top of your priority list, here are nine more letter-perfect reasons for you to fall deeper in love with that wonderful chap named Daniel Wood! Heart be still!

D is for dancing machine. Have you ever seen this New Kid onstage? Then you know that Danny is tops in terms of working his feet fast 'n' fresh!

A stands for active. Danny is always on the go. Remember when Danny tripped over a rubber boot onstage when the New Kids were touring in England? Well, Danny was pretty upset not only because he was going to miss seeing Europe, but because he wasn't going to be able to perform for thousands of fans. Danny loves working up a sweat!

N is for nuzzle. Danny is one of those guys who is tough on the outside and soft on the inside. When it comes down to it, Danny likes to hug and nuzzle as much as the next guy. And how could anyone turn down such a cozy offer?

N stands for neighborly. Danny Wood is such a sweet guy that it's hard for him to spread his warmth. Before he decided to go ahead full-force with the New Kids on the Block, Danny was working with an organization called Rock Against Racism. Danny is very open-minded and feels that all people are equal no matter what race, color or nationality. Wouldn't you like to be his neighbor?

Y is for youthful. Although 20-year-old Danny is maturing, he likes having a blast as much as the next guy. Danny can be businesslike one moment and then be tossing his pals into a pool the next. Fact is, this Kid is still a kid at heart!

W stands for watchful. When Donnie, Jordan, Jo, Jonathan and Danny get in the mood to horse around, things get pretty electric. However, when it's time to knock off the clowning and everyone is still going at it, you can bet that Danny will pipe right up. He often keeps an eye on the situation and makes sure things don't get too out of control.

O is for outstanding. Did you know that Danny won a full scholarship to Boston University? He's one smart cookie! In fact, when his mother, Elizabeth (Betty), heard about the scholarship, she really wanted her straight A-student son to pursue his education instead of joining the New Kids. Good thing she let Danny decide for himself. Looks like Danny made the right decision!

O stands for Danny's outshining personality. This New Kid is just so charismatic and congenial that he attracts people like a magnet! Danny likes to be the best at whatever he undertakes. Considering his huge talent and perseverance, Danny usually excels in his endeavors.

D is for dashing. Although Danny likes to wear hi-tops and sweats like fellow New Kid Donnie, he's still a dapper dude! Danny's individual style comes through clearly! Depending on his mood, Danny can look like a bodybuilder, a rock star, a teenager or a basketball player. Whatever the case, Danny is divine!