Quick Q&A with Danny Wood

Dream Guys 1992 (USA)

Recently Dream Guys managing editor, Kiki Casselli caught up with Danny Wood. New Kids were about to fly overseas to Russia, for a concert tour. Here, Danny was put to the test with some of your most asked questions. Read on and see how much he reveals about himself.

DREAM GUYS: Hi Danny, Great to see you again. We know you don't have much time, so here goes...Is it true you are writing a book on lifting weights?
I like lifting weights. I've been into body building for a while now. I'm working on this weight lifting book, but it won't be out till next fall. I can't wait.

DG: Wow! Good for you Danny. How about your music? What's more important to you, creating the song or your public image?
We have always been more interested in presenting our music more than ourselves. We've got this strong image and we are proud of it. But that's not what we are in our minds. That's why we've always enjoyed performing on stage so much. It's where we feel the most at home.

DG: Like with your own family. You've always been close to your mom and dad.
Oh, yeah, we are a pretty tight family. All of us. We do a lot of things together. I miss them when I'm out on the road. Right now, I would have to say, I feel the strongest sense of family. Because, I'm away a lot, I've learned to appreciate my family more.

DG: One last question before you take off. We all know how much New Kids love and appreciate their fans. Your message has always been a positive one. Any last thoughts?
We said this before and it's so important that kids say no to drugs. When we say this, we really understand what it means. We've seen the damage drugs can do. Say no to drugs. It's your life to take any direction you choose.

DG: Thanks Danny for your time and especially for this important message.
It's been fun. Thank you!