Jordan Lost His Heart to Yulia!

Her name is Yulia, she's from Russia and she isn't a regular girl. Because Yulia is Miss Russia!

Chosen from over a 100 girls, Yulia was picked out to be the best-looking. After the coronation she traveled all over the world. Read what happened to her in New York!

The American worldcity New York literally has tons of hotels. Real simple ones, average ones, the luxury ones and the super-deluxe ones. Hilton is considered one of the better hotels and Jordan Knight had moved in there for a few days. On his own, to get some peace and quiet. However, he didn't know that Miss Russia was also staying in the same hotel. After having conquered the miss-title, she got overwhelmed with offers and that was the reason Yulia was in New York: a big fashion house was to take pictures of her for a new advertising campaign. And so it happened that while Jordan was sitting comfortably in the lounge Yulia came sitting in that same lounge. She conquered herself a chair, made herself completely comfortable and gave all her interest to the fashion magazines that she had pulled out of her bag. As known, Jordan Knight never leaves a beautiful girl unnoticed and he couldn't help himself but to look in Yulia's direction every once in a while, while pretending to read a newspaper. Yulia, who isn't that interested in pop music, but is fond of classical music, had no idea that she was sitting in the same lounge with a pop-celebrity. That changed when the both of them began a conversation, which made it very comfortable that Yulia speak perfect English, because Jordan only knows one Russian word: Njet! Yulia and Jordan hit it off and before either of them realized it, they were having an animated conversation in which the both of them saw a new world opening. During this conversation, Jordan told Yulia that he's a rabid photographer and that it has always been his wish to make shoot pictures of a famous model. "Well, than shoot some pictures of me" Yulia stated, causing Jordan to almost fall out of his chair.

To cut the story short: the next day, around 3 o'clock in the afternoon Yulia was all Jordan's! A nice location had been arranged by none other than Lynn Goldsmith, the New Kids photographer who, at her shoot photographed this extraordinary occasion so that all readers of Top 10 (exclusively!) can see what happened. The photo-session finished at about 5:30, but we have to add that Jordan and Yulia spend the evening together as well that ended really, really late. Afterwards, Yulia was not to be asked any questions about the event and Jordan didn't tell everything he could have. The only thing he'd say was: "she's very amusing, a darling and she has really stole my heart." A relationship to be maybe? "No, not that," Jordan answered while a slight blush was coloring his cheeks .. .. ..

Out of: Top 10, a Dutch magazine.
Translated by: Barbara van Feggelen, July 1998