Joe's April 14, 1999 Chat

OnlineHost: Joey McIntyre is back! He has a brand new CD out called, "Stay the Same."

Question: You said that "Stay them Same" is like my anthem. Why is it?

Joey McIntyre: Well, putting this album together and putting my heart and soul into something is rather difficult. A reason is that you are not always hearing what you want and getting what you want. You also have people telling you that it's not good enough or they don't want to work with it. It's hard to take sometimes, and that song reminded me to believe in myself. We have to all realize that we all have a gift, and we have to get up every morning and keep doing what we do.

Question: When are you going to have another video come out?

Joey McIntyre: We are now talking about the concept for the next video, and I thought of the concept a couple weeks ago. The next single is, "I Love You Came Too Late," and we'll be filming the video next weekend in Los Angeles. It's going to be in a diner.

Question: What do you feel about being a teen heartthrob?

Joey McIntyre: Well, it's funny, because I've been there and done that before. It's weird because a lot of my fans are older, and I do have some teenage fans now so it's almost like a new career for me. I also have older fans and younger fans. I like just having a wide variety of people like in the music, but it's exciting and I just sing my song and hope it gets to the right people.

Question: I am 22 years old and was totally in love with NKOTB at the age of 11 or something. I even saw you all in concert, but it's really great that you have made a comeback for this generation! Do you feel different or sense the changing to this generation?

Joey McIntyre: Well, I sense the difference in the generations of course, but I don't really sing to any particular generation. I just sing, and convey a message that I feel is true to where I'm coming from. I feel like I'm outside a generation, and I feel like it's a different world. Except for the most part, I feel like I'm hip enough to get along with the new generation.

Question: How was it working with Danny and Donnie on your album?

Joey McIntyre: It was great working with those guys. They were there for me in the beginning, and I just treaded on their experience in the studio. They've both had success outside the New Kids, and there were times where you have to opt for friendship instead of business and you have to ask, what's more important when you don't agree and I always choose friendship. It's important for me to remain friends first.

Question: Joey I understand that your old buddy, Jordan Knight, is solo too. Is their any competition between both of you, or are you closer friends than you were before?

Joey McIntyre: Of course it's hard to convey my sense of humor so I don't want to be misconstrued, because I usually answer that question with a snide remark. I think that it's very ironic that we've both come out at the same time, but I think it's great and a testament to the fact that we do have something to offer. Now we are not just a bunch of cute little kids running around. Instead we have something to offer and are doing our own careers, and it's exciting that we've all come back in a successful way. In the last couple months I have seen Jordan. He was playing piano on "Stay The Same." I've looked up to Jordan for a while, and the fact that I'm a peer and on the same level with him is great.

Question: How did you like being on "TRL" 3 times?

Joey McIntyre: It was funny. They brought that up to me today, so I guess they said I only got Puff Daddy to beat, and I don't want to touch him. It's fun, being on MTV. I don't take it lightly. It's cool to be in the studio, like today I was voting on whose going to be the next VJ, and we were all taking it very seriously. It was a cool thing. I enjoy being here and it's cool.

Question: Where did you get the title, "Stay the Same?"

Joey McIntyre: It was just out of the song, "Stay The Same." It's funny because it doesn't have this one serious hook. It's all this one feeling and a lot of people didn't know the name of the song, but I thought this was the best title. It has different meanings, I guess, coming from my career. Essentially I have stayed the same. We're all pretty much the same as we were in the school yard as kids. I know I've grown a lot in the past few years, but part of growing up and coming full circle is realizing that it's okay to be who you are and that's kind of what it says too.

Question: When did you finally decide to make this new CD and what was your inspiration?

Joey McIntyre: Well, it wasn't something I sat down and said, "Okay, I'm going to record an album, here's my concept, let's write songs, and go in and record them." I basically took one song at a time. I was working on big band music because I love that kind of music. I was writing and arranging some songs in that genre. Then Donny and I wrote a pop tune and it was great. For a long time I was just digging it, and not attaching any album to it. Then I started working on an album and it was just music I liked, which is a lot of music. There really wasn't a concept and that's where it came from.

Question: Did you ever think you would sing with a choir? They sounded great, and you do too.

Joey McIntyre: Not like this. I sang with a choir as a young kid, but I have to say that my choir wasn't as soulful as the one I used. It's a lot more freeing and fun to just let it all hang out. A lot of this was a huge surprise to me, and I was just kind of finding myself and finding what kind of music I liked and did. Sometimes you find out what you need as you go along, and I found out that this song just needed a choir.

OnlineHost: Will you marry me?

Joey McIntyre: I'm really busy right now, but if you just give me a year or two to think about it. Anything's possible.

Question: Joey will you marry me? Well, in 3 years because, I'm only 14.

Joey McIntyre: Okay, I'll wait. I need three years anyway.

Question: What are your favorite bands right now?

Joey McIntyre: I like Lauren Hill. I like the new single by George Michael and Mary J. Blige. I don't know if it's over here, but it's definitely in Europe. It's a great song. Shania Twain's last album was awesome. Alanis Morisette. I like all kinds of music.

Question: Hey Joey! You have a great voice and I just wanted to know how you practice to make your voice grow and mature?

Joey McIntyre: I've studied the last few years with Mario Lowry, and its been quite an experience. It's really about reaching inside your soul and your gut and really digging deep. Lots of times we only use the small percentage of our voice and there is a lot to learn. I'm just touching the iceberg. Certainly its paid off. I'm trying to use my techniques and use them for live performances. hopefully I'll do well on Friday with Rosie O'Donnell.

Question: Do you have any superstitions?

Joey McIntyre: Not really. I like to be neat. I like things to be really neat, so I don't know if that's a superstition, but sometimes if things are not right or not in their right places I get kind of anal, as they say. So maybe that's just anal and not superstitious.

Question: What do you think of the boy bands out right now?

Joey McIntyre: I think that they're great. They all have something to offer. Obviously the similarities are there. I think we influenced a lot of them as New Edition influenced us, and as the Jackson 5 and the Osmonds, but they're all talented and all have something to offer.

Question: What is your earliest recollection of NKOTB?

Joey McIntyre: When I was 12 years old I remember the day I went over to Maurice Starr's house and auditioned. I sang a Nat King Cole song. I remember those days. We had a lot of great days. Before we had a chance to get a hit record, we had an album out and had a lot of fun and attention in our home town and the rest is history. We were just five guys who loved to entertain people and those were the glory days.

Question: I love your album! I've been a fan since the New Kids days. I'd just like to know what's your favorite song on the album?

Joey McIntyre: That's hard to say because they are all special. They're all like my kids, and I don't want to say. I have a favorite and they'll all get mad at me cause they all have to live on the CD together. I really like all of them and I'm glad I'll have a chance to perform them on the road. "Stay The Same," however, is a special song. It has a good message, and it's a personal experience. It helps a lot of people and that's what music should do. It's good to have fun, but sometimes it's more than that.

Question: Hi, my names Katie. I'd like to know how the death of Frank Sinatra affected you because I know he's your favorite singer?

Joey McIntyre: Well, it was weird, it didn't hit me very hard because his music lives on. His music is timeless, and I grew up with it, singing with my father. I was listening to tapes from the 40's and 50's when he was living in the 80's. He gave so much that his legacy lives on and it wasn't that hard for me. Though, the more I reflect on it, it becomes a strange thing for me.

Question: Would you ever do a remix or updated of the NKOTB song, "Please Don't Girl" I loved that song!

Joey McIntyre: Thank you. I don't know. I mean, that song is really special, and I certainly think it would be cool to try to give it a new edge. I sang that song almost 12 years ago, so maybe someday. I certainly wouldn't be opposed to it, but it would have to be really cool and really funky and maybe someday I'll do that.

Question: Hey Joey, how does it feel to be successful again. As well as having girls screaming at you? Also, do you miss being a new kid?

Joey McIntyre: The only thing I miss about being a New Kid is sharing it with 4 other guys and having that support and knowing that they know what you're going through. It's cool to have the fans excited again and into it. It feels okay. I want to be in it. I don't want it to feel like a dream. Even though I'm attaining my goals I want to keep a level head and stay normal. So far, I think I'm doing it.

Question: Do you talk to your fans online?

Joey McIntyre: I try as hard as I can. When I put my web site together, I just wanted to get back in touch with the fans. I didn't know I'd soon release the CD off the web site and get inside myself like that. At that time I was getting personal and talking to them, answering questions and such. I still do that, but I'm so busy. I try to keep it personal as much as I can. That's how I get in touch.

Question: What's the most important thing you've learned this year?

Joey McIntyre: Patience. Patience, I'm learning every day. I've learned that the last year, with trying to get my music out there, it's a fine line between working hard and trying to do everything you can for something you believe in. Except you also have to have patience and let life take its course. That's probably the best lesson.

Question: If you were stuck on a desert island. What three things would you bring with you?

Joey McIntyre: I guess a diary, some spring water, and a girl. I'd have to bring a girl. I'd have to recreate, or procreate, I should say.

Question: Joey, what is your favorite thing about singing?

Joey McIntyre: My favorite thing, whew! There's so much involved because you get to convey so many messages and feelings. It's a cool thing to be able to share your music with people and convey a message so I guess that's the best part of it.

Question: I still am in search for the answer, sorry about pestering you, but I am in desperate need of advice on how to be a singer. I need Details, like how did you get started?

Joey McIntyre: Well, my whole family was involved in music so it came very natural. I got involved in community theater, and I just did it for the love of it. Number one you have to do it for the love of it. There's singing and theater in every town, and you just have to find it. If the question is how to get a record deal or become famous, I can't answer that. You just have to keep trying and believe in yourself. Everybody ends at dead ends at times, and you just have to keep trying to find your path.

Question: Did any particular events inspire you to write any of the songs you wrote?

Joey McIntyre: I have 7 older sisters in my family. I've seen a lot of different relationships, good ones and bad ones, and I come from an emotional family. So I think a lot of my songs are about that, but they aren't about specific things I went through. I've seen a lot of stuff, so I can relate to that.

Question: Are you dating anyone? Do you want to date me?

Joey McIntyre: Well, right now, the New York Yankees! No, when people ask me if I have a girlfriend, I go How 'bout those Yankees!

Question: Would you ever date a fan you met online?

Joey McIntyre: I don't see why not.

Question: Joey, I love your CD, and I was just wondering if you'll be touring anytime soon?

Joey McIntyre: Yes, I'll be touring starting in the middle of May. Then I'll be going on to the end of the summer. You can find out all that on my web site.

Question: How long is the tour?

Joey McIntyre: We go to the end of the summer, and then we got to go to Australia, Europe, and Asia. I also want to tour the world too. That's because I have so many fans that have been really supportive.

Question: Joe, who has had the greatest impact on your life?

Joey McIntyre: I'm the youngest of 9 kids with two great parents, and I just feel like I'm a product of their love and care. They've been so instrumental from day one, and now what I'm going through, they're just really supportive, so I'd say my family.

Question: Hello Joe. How were you able to get the radio and video stations to start playing you again? Some artists, like Deborah Gibson, are having a difficult time doing that.

Joey McIntyre: Well, you got to be focused. I mean, it took me a while to figure out how I wanted to do it. But the minute I stopped telling myself stories like, I can't do this or I can't do that. When you break down those walls things happen and doors open where there weren't doors before. That's what happened to me. As soon as I got focused, released my CD on the web site, and scheduled some concerts. Then a radio station started playing my music. Its got to be good music, and people have to like the music, but if you're honest about where you're coming from, people will give you a chance.

Question: Did you ever party with the Funky Bunch?

Joey McIntyre: Yeah sure, I've partied with the Funky Bunch before. It's been a while. I haven't seen them in a long time.

Question: Are you going to be shooting a video anytime soon?

Joey McIntyre: Yeah, I'll be shooting it next weekend. Not this one, but the week after. Who knows when they'll start releasing the next single, but soon enough? That's why we wanted to record it soon.

Question: I have been a fan for over 13 years now. How has being in NKOTB helped or hurt your career?

Joey McIntyre: It's always like a double edged sword because sometimes they say if they come back from a teen idol group it's the hardest come back of all time. Then when you do come back they say, of course he came back he sold millions of records. Anything can hurt you, but it's how you decide to use it. NKOTB was always a good experience for me. It wasn't always fun times, but there are things that I learned back then that I can use now in my career. I just appreciate those times. I wouldn't be here if I weren't in NKOTB.

OnlineHost: What are you doing for Mother's Day?

Joey McIntyre: I usually take my mom to brunch every Mother's Day and her birthday. She just likes to go to church with me, and we take a walk outside if it's a nice day in downtown Boston. Something simple like that. Mothers don't want a lot, they just want the simple things to know you care.
