Danny's April 22nd Chat

DANNY: Hey everyone, how ya doin? It's good to be back. I'm living in Miami now. I've been working on my production skills…and down here workin' on a lot of projects. And I'm looking forward to hearing from everyone.

MODERATOR: Welcome to tonight's chat with Danny Wood. To ask a question, send an email to Question@DannyWood.com.

Q: Bam-Bam Knight, Sacramento CA: Hi Danny! Its great to ~finally~ see you back! =) My question is: Are you going to be doing a promo tour or anything of that sort for your new album? In other words when are you coming to California? =)

DANNY: The record will probably be available in two weeks on my web site. And then in record stores in a month. And a promotional tour will really depend on the reaction I get from people.

Q: Julie from Pennsylvania: I was wondering if you own a copy of Jordan or Joe's Cds???

DANNY: Yes, I have both. I think they're both good. I did two songs on Joe's. I wish them the best of luck.

Q: Ashley asks... Just wanted to know what style of music you've been producing, and will be selling online.

DANNY: My instrumental CD is a fusion of hip hop and R&B. Other projects I'm working on are alternative. I'm working with one girl name Sharin Lee. And her music is like a combination of Garbage and Alanis Morrisette. And I'm also working on another project that's gonna be a big surprise that's kinda like Porteshead.

Q: Taina asks... Excited, apprehensive, anxious? How does it feel to do it all again?

DANNY: Much better this time around. Because I'm older, I can sit back and really enjoy everything I do. And what I do now is much more creative than just singing and dancing on stage.

Q: Do you have an address where artist can send their demo tapes? Also what do you look for when listening to a demo? Thanks.

DANNY: 7280 West Palmetto Park Road Suite 106, Boca Raton, FL 33433. Put it care of Damage Productions.

Q: Jen Penry asks: What is it like being a producer versus being a performer?

DANNY: Performance is, ya know, more of just doing the final act to what you've been doing. Being a producer for me is much more creative. I can sit in my room anytime and make music and really express myself through what I do. Sometimes when you're on stage, you're expressing other people's music.

Q: We are Patty, Martha, Carol and Gemma from Spain and we've been following your career as a producer. We love the song you wrote for Street Poets "True Romance" and T-Max's "Execution style" . We would like to know if you are going to keep on producing hip hop music or if you are more into the kind of stuff you did for LFO and C-Note?

MODERATOR: Sorry about that, technical difficulties! Thanks for your patience. To ask Danny a question, send email to: Question@DannyWood.com!

Q: BamBam asks... What types of music do you listen too now and like?

DANNY: Lenny Kravitz... The 5 album is hot, Porteshead, Garbage, Lauren Hill, Room Full of Smoke, Nas... his new record is alright. If something is alright it's good, cuz there's so much bad stuff out there...

Q: Hey Danny! What made you want to move from Boston to Miami?

DANNY: Just a change of pace. I love it down here. The weather's beautiful. I needed a new start.

Q: Would you consider doing a reunion with the other guys in a few years?


Q: With the Portishead influence, will you be visiting England?

DANNY: most definitely... I was there last summer.

Q: I got this project I'm working on. Anyways, I just wanted to know what inspired you to write "Let Me Take You For A Ride" with Joe.

DANNY: I did the track. Joe liked it. Joe wrote the lyrics. And it came out great.

Q: When It was all over and you came off tour what was going through your mind?

DANNY: I wanted to rest. I wanted to work on my production skills. I wanted to raise my son. I really wasn't upset at all. Because I know there's more to life than singin' and dancin' on stage.

Q: Danny when I met you in 90 you were very sweet and you even gave me and my friend tickets to your concert. You really appreciated your fans. Do you still have fans approach you on the streets now?

DANNY: Sometimes, but here in Miami not too often.

Q: My question is...do you still keep in touch with the other guys in the group?

DANNY: yeah, I talked to Donnie last night. I talked to Joe a couple weeks ago. But I haven't talked to Jordan or Jon lately.

MODERATOR: If you'd like to ask Danny a question, send email to Question@DannyWood.com.

Q: Is that you singing is Joe's song called "Let Me Take You For A Ride"?

DANNY: No. Joe did all his vocals.

Q: When is your website going to be up?

DANNY: 2 weeks. I want to make sure I have enough stuff on order.

Q: A while ago there was a Culture Shock in Amsterdam,..was that yours?


Q: Do you find yourself doing a solo album yourself in the future as Joe and Jordan have done?

DANNY: I find myself doing many things in the future. But nothing close to doing anything like NKOTB.

Q: I had the chance to meet you and your adorable son back in '95. I was just wondering how he was doing and if he's still a little flirt? Christine

DANNY: No he's not. He's shy. He's a super little athlete. He can do 50 pushups. And he does one handed pushups.

Q: Cindy from California asks, Being that you've traveled so much and done so much, is there anything that you still would like to do but have not done yet?

DANNY: I just wanna keep being creative with music. Keep expanding. Keep learning. Keep taking risks.

Q: What's the greatest challenge in your life right now?

DANNY: Raising my kids so they become productive, loving adults.

Q: Kristie asks...Did you realize how many fans are still out here that love and support you???

DANNY: The NKOTB fans are the most die hard devoted fans on the face of the earth. So I've always known that you guys are out there. And that's why I did my record... to give something back. Something different. Something creative. Something from my heart.

Q: Michelle asks, How often do your surf the web?

DANNY: Never. But I'll start to, knowing that this is the best way to talk to everyone.

MODERATOR: Danny, a few fans have wondered about acting/film.

DANNY: No, I dont' really know if I would ever be a good actor. It' s not something I have confidence in.

Q: Did you feel let down when New Kids began to fade. You guys always had such faith in your fans and ultimately they let you down.

DANNY: I don't feel like they let us down. On our last record and tour, all the fans came out to see us. And supported us. It just wasn't the right time. And some of the music was a little too different from what we did in the past...maybe a shock to people. But it was our record and it was what we wanted to do.

Q: Bri from California, How do you think NKOTB changed your life?

DANNY: It was a wonderful and beautiful experience. It made me mature. It made me feel very lucky. It also enabled me to become a producer.

Q: What do you do with your spare time?? Brad, Sacramento

DANNY: Lift weights. I run. Take karate. Spend time with my children.

Q: Stina from Sweden, We'd like to know what your funniest memory involving fans is?

DANNY: Ok. I can't think of one specific memory. But it was always funny to me when a girl said she was my biggest fan... or thought I was cute... because I could never see myself that way.

Q: Who really decided that the group should split??

DANNY: Everyone. It was just time to go our separate ways. And I had my son back home who needed me.

Q: I heard that you and Jordan weren't friends anymore because of some girl? Is this true ?

DANNY: No, that's ridiculous.

Q: Danny, what's up with the tatoos? We heard you have several. We think that's pretty cool.

DANNY: I've got one on both arms. And my whole back's covered.

Q: Did u get married and have ur kid while u were still in NKOTB? -Leslie


Q: If I send you some lyrics do u think u could write the track?

DANNY: It depends on the lyrics.

Q: Rosa asks, How are you? How do you feel about the shooting incident at that Colorado High School?

DANNY: I'm always shocked when somethign like this happens. It's so unexplainable. How two young men can be so angry at the world. It's tragic.

Q: When can we buy "A Room Full Of Smoke?" I can't wait!

DANNY: In about two weeks on the web site...and a month to six weeks in the store.

Q: Carina asks, is there any singer in particular that you would like to produce?

DANNY: Hmmm... Let me think... Billy Corgan... Lenny Kravitz.

MODERATOR: We have time for one more

Q: MaryAnn from Maine asks, What did you think of your first internet chat?

DANNY: Actually, I hate computers. Something always goes wrong with them. But this chat has been very interesting. And I think I'll do one every month. It's been nice talking to everyone. I'll probably come back on in a month. To let you guys know the retail release date for my record. Also, the progress on other projects I'm working on. Stay in touch... love Danny Wood.

MODERATOR: thanks everyone, good night!
