Joe's Disney Chat

March 15, 1999

Joey_McIntyre: Hey! Everybody!! I'll be giggling a lot tonight because I'm nervous. *giggles*

swimgal14 says: Hi Joey!! I just wanted to say your new song is very inspirational and I love it! My question is what inspired you to write this song?

Joey_McIntyre: Well, thank you. I'm glad it touched you. "Stay the Same" was a song that was in my head that would make me feel good when I was feeling down. When I was figuring out what direction I wanted the album to go in, sometimes you hit a wall, so this song helped me stay focus and like the song says believe in yourself.

joeylooksgood says: zeether Joey i would just like to say Thanks on behalf of all of us that sometime feel that we dont fit in and that we are to fat, too thin or something like that. Your song Stay the Same really made me feel better about myself. Thanks again Amanda in VA

Joey_McIntyre: Well, Amanda, I'm glad you got the message. There are so many images today that tell us to where certain kinds of clothes or talk a certain way or, if your not thin you're not going to be sexy you're not going to be attractive and that's not true. We come in all shapes and colors. We all have something to offer. When we realize we all have a special gift we can all be a much happier world.

wolvie says: hi I was wondering what inspired you to come back to the show business

Joey_McIntyre: I really don't know how to do anything else. It was either that or become a bricklayer like my father or my brother. I decided to stay indoors.

nick2005 says: Is it funner singing solo or in a group?

Joey_McIntyre: It was a lot of fun being with the group and sharing the experiences I shared with the other guys. However, I enjoy being onstage by myself. Both experiences are great, but for now I'll go out on my own.

kiss says: why did u leave the new kids on the block?

Joey_McIntyre: Cause they smell. Laughs. The rest of the guys didn't take bathes and they smell. So after travelling on a bus with them for four years, I had had enough. But seriously, we were together for almost ten years. So when you're a young person you want to do some other things and explore other ideas you don't get to do as part of a group. I think it was very natural for us to break-up.

joeyjo says: Do you still keep in touch with the other guys from New Kids on the Block? I know Jordan Knight is also recording an album? What is Jonathan Knight up to?

Joey_McIntyre: Who cares? But SERIOUSLY FOLKS! Jon Knight is into real estate. He likes to build homes and renovate homes. He is happy as ever. Jordan has an album coming out so he's busy. Donnie has done about 12 films, mostly independent but he just finished one with Bruce Willis. Danny is into producing music. We're all doing really well.

guest-sada4 says: Hi Joe.Have you ever thought about singing a song in Spanish or other language?

Joey_McIntyre: You must have ESP because I just finished singing "Stay the Same" in Spanish like ten minutes ago. I'm in the other room at the studio. We just have to mix it and get it out there. Its cool cause there are so many cultures out there. I remember travelling with the group, people wouldn't speak English, but they knew all the words to the song. So its great that I can give something back in their language. Watch out Ricky Martin! *laughs*

guest-jeana10 says: I was a die hard New Kids fan and am now 21, I bought you single the other day and plan to go tomorrow to buy your album, I wish you the best of luck with this venture of you life.

Joey_McIntyre: Gee thanks for your enthusiasm and your support. What can I say? Its a new chapter for me and I realize that, a lot of my fans were New Kids fans. We're all a little bit older now. I hope that I get younger fans and older fans. I think my music has something to offer for everyone.

guest-jenpenry says: I love your Video Joe..where did you tape it? Jen

Joey_McIntyre: Well thanks to Zoog Disney for checking it out! It was a really great experience filming the video in LA. It had a really good vibe from the director to the producer to choir and I think the song kinda had a lot to do with that. ALthough we filmed it in LA alot of people thought it was in other cities like NY or Boston and I like that it has that non-descript feel to it. Its like a small town feel in the shadows of a big city. The irony of the hig without looking at the little things in life is amazing. I like that message in the video.

guest-cheri330 says: I just want to tell you that I am one of those crazy girls.. was.... that sat outside your house for hours waiting for just a chance to see you. I would like to appolagize now! I still think you are terrific! You coming out with anther album makes me feel like I am 16 again!

Joey_McIntyre: Well you're forgiven. You can repent by buying the new album. Consider yourself a new woman. *laughs* I always think my conscience is clear being nice to fans-- signing pictures and autographs. That's why I think its great because when I need privacy people are really nice about it. So thank you in advance for supporting me.

guest-ashley1512 says: I can't wait to buy your CD. Are all of your songs emotional like Stay the Same? - Ashley

Joey_McIntyre: Ashley, I'd have to say the album as a whole is an emotional rollarcoaster. There is one song called "Without Your Life" (webmistress's note: the song is called "Without Your Love" nice typing Joe! LMAO) that my sister says is way too scarey and shouldn't be on the album. However, I just let go of myself and let my theatrical side take over. There are plenty of upbeat, fun songs so I hope you enjoy the ride as much as I did. Badaboom.

guest-jo_ca says: Will You Be Signing Autographs In Minneapolis (Mall of America) On Wednesday?

Joey_McIntyre: I'll be signing three autographs. I'm completely up for grabs so show up early. But SERIOUSLY FOLKS, I will be signing plenty of autographs and I'll be singing a few songs. I'm very excited. I've been in the Mall of America briefly, but to be down in rotunda, its going to be pretty wild. I hope to see you.

guest-skd100 says: Have you ever done any Broadway or off-Broadway? I heard that you did.

Joey_McIntyre: I didn't do Broadway or Off-Broadway. I did a movie of a Broadway show, "The Fantastics." Those who know my career will know I like to make light of the fact I finished it four years ago and its STILL not out. I have done theater. I've done it all my life. I definitely have some roots on the stage.

guest-jenlovesjoey says: joey---do you have a girlfriend?

Joey_McIntyre: How bout those Denver Broncos?


Joey_McIntyre: Yes and no. I feel pretty confident. I'm used to the interviewing and doing TV thing, but you never know. I'm more worried about getting to bed really early tonight so I can look crispy clean and get up really early for the show. So wish me luck.

guest-oceanluver says: Do you ever hear your songs on the radio and sing along?

Joey_McIntyre: Constantly. "/me laughs" I remember when I heard "Stay the Same" on Kiss, it was a dream come true. There is nothing like hearing your store or a restaurant and you hear your song. you're just going along being a normal person, well I am a normal person and there is it. Its quite a trip.

guest-odietoadie says: You are quite the little joker, aren't you?

Joey_McIntyre: Its how I get through the day. "/me laughs"

guest-cutie1 says: who were u thinking of when u made the song "stay the same"?

Joey_McIntyre: I get asked that question alot. Its not really dedicated to anyone special. Its just a song that would help me out when I was going through some tough times. It was really to myself and telling myself to hang in there.

guest-peaceocake says: joey what do u like to do in your spare time?

Joey_McIntyre: I'm really not being my joker self here, I love to do laundry, straighten out my house because I travel so much I like to have things in order when I come home. Its like a real matience job. Its very relaxing. I feel like if a man's house is in order, so is his life. And I love to take walks.

guest-jazzygirrl2006 says: What is your fave song that you sing?

guest-cool1 says: do you have a favorite song that you sing?

Joey_McIntyre: I like "I Cried." Its just a simple, honest song that gets right to the point. It starts out like a lot of my songs, quiet and subdued. It gets bigger and bigger so by the end I'm spilling my guts out.

guest-binki52 says: Has there ever been a day in your career when you woke up and thought to yourself you don't want to make music anymore?

Joey_McIntyre: Oh yeah. You know there are even times now, even though I wanted to give my music the best chance to be shared with the world, I knew what kind of sacrifices would come with that. I know what can happen when you have a successful career in the music business. Your life becomes very fast-paced and cluttered at times. It takes a lot of energy to maintain some kind of normalcy. So, to answer the question maybe I don't want to be in the buisness of music, but there is always going to music in my life.

guest-mrsjosephmac says: I just wanted to tell you that I got your CD off your site, and I got number 35 and I was very excited, and I just wanted to thank you, for letting the album out to your internet fans before everyone else.

Joey_McIntyre: Thank you for being there and making it possible in the first place. You know, I never thought I would release it on the website because its easy to tell yourself, I sold 35 million records I don't need to sell it on the Internet. But all that does is stop you from achieving your goals. When you put yourself on the line its really positive. Ever since I decided to put it out there its done really well.

guest-aramina19 says: Will you be coming out with anymore videos for your songs that we can buy? - Jen

Joey_McIntyre: Absolutely, I hope. There will definitely be more singles out on the album. We haven't decided absolutely what the next one is going to be. I'd be interested to know which one you guys think should be next. When we do decide I'll be looking forward to shooting the next video. Perhaps we'll put together a compliation together so you guys can snap it up. aka buy it!

guest-laulyrie16 says: I love Stay the Same. I'm going to try to get my class to pick it as our song for graduation this year.

Joey_McIntyre: Aw, well that's cool. To me, that's the kind of song it is -- a universal song. Its not about boy meets girl, or girl has a crush on boy, its about self love. If there is anything I can do to make it your song of the year, whether its cleaning the awards for the jocks or giving Spanish lessons to the jocks, just page me.

wizars says: I Know that Frank Sinatra was one of your musical influences (Cause he did it "his way) Do you have any other influences while you were growing up?

Joey_McIntyre: I had many influences growing up. As far as that era of Frank Sinatra, there was also Nat King Cole, Al Joleson, and Bing Crosby. Those guys had a great way of delivering a song. Those songs had great melodies. I was also inspired in the 80s by Lionel Richie, Elton John George Michael and Michael Jackson. Three of those people had first names for last names. There you go. *laughs*

nkotb3 says: today is my birthday and i was so excited about you comeing and chatting that I wanted to say thanks it was the best birthday present ever!

Joey_McIntyre: Well HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!! March 15th, the Ides of March. Can anyone tell me what the Ides of March are? Beware!

guest-mcintyrefan says: I like on the single your song about being a movie star,playing golf with tiger woods, where was thet written and why

Joey_McIntyre: That song is also about dreams. You know, its just about outlandish stuff that seems out of reach. Its fun to dream. The more we say yes to our dreams, the more those dreams are going to come true. I guess I was just feeling optimistic that day so I wrote that song. Other days I'm not as optimistic so then I write songs like "I Cried."

ztoyszoo says: I love your music but aren't you scared to sing in front of people how do you sing in front of all those people? Do you get scared?

Joey_McIntyre: I am very comfortable on-stage. As far as singing, its a challenge to be onstage and be infront of the energy and the hysteria, and still maintain my even keel. That's what I have to do to sing my songs, so as much as it is fun for me, its also a challenge. I'm learning more and more as I go.

guest-stacy86 says: What was it like to sing the National Anthem at last months Celtics/Nicks game in Boston?

Joey_McIntyre: It was fun to be in my hometown and sing the national anthem. My brother went with me. He was more scared for me then I was. His face was as white as snow, he looked like he saw a ghost. I wasn't nervous until I saw him. It went pretty well so I was happy with it.

guest-shydragon says: You look buffer nowadays, have you been working out?

Joey_McIntyre: Nothing to brag about. I do a couple of push-ups and a few sit-ups, take some walks. I'm not really into lifting weights. Thanks for noticing.

guest-joeyjoem4ever says: Joe, I had a chance to meet you on Feb. 4! It was the best day of my life! During the interview, you mentioned that you don't like video cameras? Why is that?

Joey_McIntyre: Good question! When I'm meeting people, and there are a bunch of people there so I always say 'I really don't like video cameras'-- I leave it up to them to turn it off. I would never yell at that person. Its one thing to meet someone in person, the spontaneity of it all. However, for someone to have a camera on you like that feels like your being watched. It feels weird that's all.

Zoogerator: Hey Joe, someone noticed your mention of your influences...

guest-halfpint75 says: You can hear the different sounds in your music. I can pick up the different eras and styles that you mentioned.

Joey_McIntyre: I'm glad that my influences are being picked up like that, I'm glad you can follow my music that way.

guest-rebecca130 says: Hey Joe, got a question for you...where did the song "I Love You Came Too Late" come from? I have the special edition CD and it's not on there. (excellent CD by the way!)

Joey_McIntyre: Thank you very much for your compliment. "I Love You Came Too Late" is coming out on the album tomorrow. We only released 2000 on the website. It was written by Eric Foster White, he's a very talented guy, he also produced the song. Its the only song I didn't write on the album. It came out really well. I like the message and I hope you do too.

guest-joeyjoem4ever says: Joe, on my favorite song called We Can Get Down, who sings the rap part?

Joey_McIntyre: The rapper is named Super Mister Marvelous. He's been a good friend of mine for a long time. He's also worked with Donnie. Its a priveledge to be working with him.

kensieo1 says: Joey, I am now 22 , but at 14 years old you had to of been my favorite person, how have you grown, would we all still Know the SAME JOE?????

Joey_McIntyre: I think I've grown more in the last two years, then I have almost in my whole life. Just by taking this challenge of getting my music out there, really made me make some decisions in my life. I learned from them. And I try to learn from every decision that comes along. Although I try to maintain my morals and values I got from my parents, there is still always more you can learn.

guest-stacy86 says: I got a chance to see your Jan 22 show in NYC, you were amazing! How does it feel to be performing your own songs on stage?

Joey_McIntyre: Thank you for the compliment first of all. It feels amazing to be performing my songs on stage. I never thought I'd be doing it like this.

guest-linn24 says: What is your top priority for your career at the moment?

Joey_McIntyre: Just to make every day count. And just be as present as possible. Because when you're doing all these interviews, trying to tell people your story you want to make every one count and special like the first time. I think if you look at it that way, you can have a lot more energy because it can be very draining at times. Also, I'm really excited about putting my tour together which will start in May. I'm really excited about touring and being onstage because that's what its all about for me.

guest-katvtj1 says: Joe it has been a dream of ours to talk to you and they wont put any of our questions through. I just wanted to say hello from Virginia Tech!!!!

Zoogerator: Oh yeah, katvtj1? ;-) There ya go!

Joey_McIntyre: Okay Virginia Tech! They actually did put your question through go Hoakies? Ps what the heck is a hoakie and how do you spell it? *laughs*

guest-laurali46 says: What do you want to say to the Youth of America?

Joey_McIntyre: I hope you always stay the same, cause there is nothing about you I would change.

Zoogerator: Joey, I'm afraid we've run out of time for today's chat!

Joey_McIntyre: Well I want to thank Disney for inviting me on their worldwide webpage. I'll see you out there. A million thank you's . Peace. Love and MUSIC!! I'm crying over here.

Zoogerator: I'd like to thank Joey McIntyre for dropping by the Zeethatorium!

Zoogerator: Be sure to keep your eyes GLUED to Zoog Disney for the next time his video for "Stay the Same" will pop up!

Zoogerator: And of course, you'll be watching Zoog Disney ANYWAY so...

Zoogerator: there you go!

Zoogerator: Thanks for dropping into the Zeethatorium today.

Zoogerator: Be sure to join us here on Thursday as we continue our Joey week here in the Zeether...

Zoogerator: 'cause our guest will be Joey Lawrence!

Zoogerator: Howzabout that?

Zoogerator: Who says the Zoogerator can't make magic happen.
