Jordan Knight Chat

September 14, 2000

Logging started at 14-Sep-00 3:54:19 PM.

«*V* jordan» i'm in minnesota with jimmy jam and terry lewis

«sanrio» sheila hear that

«CD» Oh, boy..someone has it in for Miguel...

«xray» i haven't got a set of q's too that was the only one i prepared lol

«*V* jordan» he is very good, thank you

«Tee» Flyte Tyme Rules!!!!!!

«sanrio» lol@jordan

«melanie» How is recording going?

«jsdrem» Jordan you are on time!! You are never on time!!

«silver11» lol@xray cool ka lang

«Southie» Does Dante talk yet?

«xray» can dante run around the house now?

«sanrio» jordan what q's are you answering I lost track of the q's

«*V* jordan» miguel went home early. he can't take it out here! :)

«Tee» Jordan...have you visited Paisley Park yet?

«silver11» lol@jsdrem

«CD» Can we expect any cover songs on the new LP?

«sanrio» lol@js

«short-n-sweet» jordan... pass this on to jimmy jam and terry lewis....

«short-n-sweet» she's awesome!!!!!!!!!

«*V* jordan» recording is fun. i am doing a lot of different music.

«sanrio» I have nothing to type silver xray sheila help

«bugger» we definitely want to see more videos of you!

«Sonia» I have some messages from people that I promised I would write : Hi From the Europeans: kATY from UK, Saoirse from Scotland, Crazy Kay from Denmark and DizzyBee who's italian originally lol

«sanrio» opps I came after jordan look lol

«CD» I want to see you win some Grammys!

«*V* jordan» hopefully it will get played on the radio

«Sonia» how's the album going?

«short-n-sweet» the pinay posse and all the canadian fans say hello

«Southie» So when does your album come out?

«sheila» *blag*, shiela just fell off her seat...

«jsdrem» You

«sanrio» JOrdan I want to see you perform live on MTV

«sheila» hopefully@jordan

«sanrio» lol@sheila

«*V* jordan» i haven't visited paisely park yet - too busy at flyte!

«Sonia» hope we get some funky moves like we did in the GITY video :o)

«silver11» shucks i cant type

«sanrio» can I join you there

«jsdrem» What is paisely park.

«CD» What happened with the duet with Mya?

«silver11» lol@sanrio

«Southie» Jordan- Whats your favorite place in the world?

«sanrio» sanrio just lost all her fingers

«sheila» JORDAN, so did you see the answers for the six degree questions?

«Southie» yeah what did happen with her?

«Sonia» omg this is ridiculous I'm like a 12 yr old I'm so nervous.

«Tee» jsdrem...Prince's studio and facility

«melanie» Jordan-What did happen to the Mya song?

«xray» all the answers i mean even the ones that didn't win but were legit?

«sheila» JORDAN, so did you see the answers for the six degree questions?

«tinkerbell» sonia -it's okay... i'm 25

«jsdrem» ohhh

«Sonia» good Q@CD what happened to spanish skies?

«xray» did you see how we connected you to BUGS BUNNY? lol that was cute

«*V* jordan» Mya's song was handed in on time to be released on her album. but, uh, by the time it may be on my record.

«sanrio» lol@sonai


«Sonia» I'm not 12! I feel it though!!!!

«*V* jordan» sorry, not handed in on time

«CD» Cool...

«xray» so that's what happened to the duet with mya?

«xray» jordan when u come back to manila could you stay longer than two days and this time SOLO concert, please :D

«CD» Doesn't that suck?

«sanrio» Can I glue jrodan to the chat see I mispelled his name again

«Southie» JOrdan how many songs are gonna be on your next album?

«melanie» Jordan-That happens a lot.

«jes624» We forgive you Jordan:)

«sheila» i always had that same effect to computers@JORDAN

«bugger» come back to michigan!

«Sonia» Jordan, are you coming back to London this month to work with the Groove Bros?

«sheila» i dont know why they always freeze on me, lol

«sanrio» sheila don't I know it

«*V* jordan» um, maybe 12

«tinkerbell» come back to PA!

«CD» Come back to sweat in Arizona!


«jes624» I second that tinkerbell....come to PA

«Sonia» lol I have GITY in the background!!

«*V* jordan» there's been a lot of dance songs, uptempo, I should say

«jsdrem» So Jordan when is the album out?

«sanrio» xray sheila silver that k with you

«Southie» Are you going to be singing any songs in spanish Jordan?

«sheila» JORDAN, are you coming back to manila?

«Tee» "come back to me..."

«Raindrops» JORDAN- How many songs have you actually completed so far?

«CD» Come endure our 120 degree heat!

«silver11» my brother says "hi" jordan!!!!!!

«Sonia» yeah!!!! Dance songs!! wicked.

«melanie» Would you concider doing a duet/trio with any of the ex-members of NKOTB?

«sheila» JORDAN, are you coming back to manila?

«*V* jordan» i've done one ballad so far and a house track

«xray» Mabuhay, Philippines!!!

«xray» oh great i love your ballads, j

«Sonia» HOUSE? wow I'm shocked

«sanrio» HI I"m sanrio from Manila PHilippines lol

«jordan» If i could speak spanish, i would :)

«xray» Manila fans love ur ballads like Broken By You

«tinkerbell» ballads are beautiful

«melanie» What's the difference between "Jordan" and V Jordan? Who's who?

«Southie» Dude he's messing with our minds

«Sonia» good, coz I love house but still shocked

«Southie» Jordan in blue Jordan in red...

«sheila» JORDAN, are you coming back to manila?

«sanrio» why is ips brb

«jordan» it seems like everyone is doing that now - spanish tracks

«xray» maybe you can learn some Tagalog songs and sing one someday?

«sanrio» jordan please come back to Manila

«CD» Overdone...

«silver11» jordan are you typing

«jordan» k

«xray» lol@sanrio you're so cute!

«sanrio» that's all I will say for the next few minutes

«silver11» ????

«sheila» yap@jordan, even 98 degrees...

«sheila» yap@jordan, even 98 degrees...

«CD» It gets old when people run it into the ground...

«sanrio» JORDAN come back come back lol anyone watch titanic

«Tee» CD...I agree

«Southie» yeah... some sound great like Jordan and other dont sound so great like.........

«Sonia» UK people love the dance tracks...Give it to you was huge here

«short-n-sweet» let's try this again

«CD» Give it to you was huge everywhere!

«sanrio» opps what's happening to me

«Sonia» NKOTB haters, loved GITY

«Southie» lol @ silver

«CD» Get ready!

«sheila» On your new, upcoming album: Will "my heart's saying now", the song you've recorded for the movie "Snowday" be included in your next album?

«Sonia» scary! lol

«sanrio» oh boy no questions yet

«jes624» ok

«silver11» omg

«xray» Close My Eyes and Broken By You did great in Manila

«Sonia» have fun bugger!!

«sheila» upps suwrry...

«sanrio» good q's sheila

«bugger» thanks

«sheila» have fun bugger

«sanrio» my can't I think of that

«Southie» Will there be a home video out Jordan?

«Sonia» this is toooooo funny

«bugger» tell me when!

«Southie» with your music

«Southie» ya know

«sanrio» I hope I won't freeze

«Sonia» same here@Silver 11

«sheila» lol you're right @ sonia...

«*V* jordan» no home video yet, new album though!

«Southie» I'd rather have the album! =)

«sheila» lets all give way to bugger...

«silver11» okidoki

«*V* jordan» maybe on home video for new album - excerpts of new songs...

«xray» okidoki

«Southie» cool

«sanrio» silver xray I have no questions

«xray» goodluck bugger

«silver11» jordan are you typing????

«sanrio» txt me please

«Sonia» Jordan, you gotta do another wicked video like GITY that was so good- the choreography was brilliant!

«silver11» thats okay sanrio just be real

«xray» stop that slver

«sanrio» I'm panicking

«Sonia» Go Darrin Henson LOL

«*V* jordan» yup yup

«bugger» hi jordan

«silver11» i think im okay now

«*A* jps» ° room over load here °

«Sonia» er what's happenning?

«Southie» whats going on

«xray» good luck on the new album J!

«tinkerbell» uh oh

«*A* jps» ° brb °

«sheila» lol, that was freaky!

«CD» Glad to be here Jordan! What Stevie Wonder song would you consider covering? What about Elton John?

«Tee» Jordan....what do you think of todays Pop music?

«Southie» Jordan-Can you give me a hint on some of the "surprises" on your new album?

«sheila» On your new, upcoming album: Will "my heart's saying now", the song you've recorded for the movie "Snowday" be included in your next album?

«bugger» is it being fixed?

«tinkerbell» i think it is going to thunderstorm where i am

«tinkerbell» i hope my power doesn't go out

«Sprite» Lucky You Tinkerbell

«tinkerbell» i know

«CD» What about an Elton John song?

«*V* jordan» i want to surprise you if i cover a song.

«Sprite» it hasn't rained here in forever!

«jes624» where are you at tinkerbell?

«tinkerbell» my luck

«Tee» tinkerbell....use your fairy dust

«Sonia» I don't normally like covers, but how awesome would 'you make me feel brand new' be with Jordan's voice? or should I say, with your voice if you're still here :o)

«tinkerbell» PA

«*A* jps» ° You can speak now -> bugger <- °

«Southie» which song?

«bugger» hi jordan

«jordan» hi bugger

«bugger» wow, this is unreal

«jordan» hi

«bugger» I have waited so long for this

«bugger» first thank so much for taking time out to do this

«*V* jordan» hi

«*V* jordan» your welcome

«bugger» I saw you at the n'sync concert last july 1999 in detroit

«jordan» how did you get your screen name?

«bugger» did you think there were enough people at the silverdome, it was crazy

«bugger» my screen name is a childhood nickname

«bugger» my mom used to call me dd bug

«bugger» my real name is Denise

«bugger» so...let's see what to ask you...

«bugger» do you have a favorite current nba player?

«*V* jordan» oh...getting worried

«bugger» why is that?

«*A* jps» ° You have 30 seconds remaining... next up >>>>>>>> CD °

«bugger» did you cut the cord?

«bugger» what's your favorite alcholic beverage?

«*A* jps» ° Times up. You can speak now -> CD <- °

«*V* jordan» not really. i don't watch much. I love Larry Bird though so I was pulling for the Pacers last season. I like Reggie Miller

«*V* jordan» water

«CD» I'm fast so here we go! What album would win in a fight? Urban Hang Suite or Embrya? lol

«*V* jordan» besides water - sprite

«*V* jordan» urban hang suite by far!

«CD» Absolutely! My friend wants to know - who would win a fight? Mark or Donnie? lol

«*V* jordan» :)

«CD» Forget the Big Bopper questions!

«*A* jps» ° You have 30 seconds remaining... next up >>>>>>>> jes624 °

«CD» Thank you for your time wishes in everything you do...

«*A* jps» ° Times up. You can speak now -> jes624 <- °

«*V* jordan» thank you

«jes624» Hi Jordan

«*V* jordan» hello jes

«jes624» If I could grant you 3 totally selfis wishes what would they be???

«jes624» No world peace LOL

«*V* jordan» haha! Inner peace forever :)

«jes624» What are the best and worst things about your career?

«*V* jordan» for evryone

«*V* jordan» it will probably lead to world peace :)

«jes624» Porbably :)

«jes624» oops

«*A* jps» ° You have 30 seconds remaining... next up >>>>>>>> jsdrem °

«*V* jordan» best is probably i love what i do

«jes624» i suck at typing!!! :)

«jes624» worst?

«*V* jordan» traveling is fun but in moderation

«jes624» thank you Jordan

«*A* jps» ° Times up. You can speak now -> jsdrem <- °

«*V* jordan» traveling on a whirlwind promotional is tiring, but i enjoy it

«jsdrem» Hey what's up J?

«jsdrem» What is the hardest think about being famous and a father at the same time?

«*V* jordan» perks of being noticed but it has it's downsides...but you get thrown off if people follow you

«*V* jordan» the other day, some guy called me an obscene name in a mall

«jsdrem» Why that stinks

«*V* jordan» hi js

«jsdrem» Hi

«*V* jordan» being very busy and not being able to b ther all the time

«*A* jps» ° You have 30 seconds remaining... next up >>>>>>>> melanie °

«jsdrem» Thank you for being so nice to us whenever we have met you

«*A* jps» ° Times up. You can speak now -> melanie <- °

«*V* jordan» thanks js

«melanie» hi

«melanie» What celebrity do you admire and would be nervous to meet?

«*V* jordan» hi mel

«*V* jordan» phew, maybe Prince

«melanie» O.K...Keep that in mind. :)

«melanie» How do you ever get used to having people know so much about you? - They

«*V* jordan» he is so talented. i wouldn't know how to act around him

«melanie» They

«melanie» They know you and you don't know them.

«*V* jordan» um, i still don't think i am used to it

«melanie» Do you think you will ever be able to break being compared to when you were in NKOTB?

«*A* jps» ° You have 30 seconds remaining... next up >>>>>>>> Mentos °

«*V* jordan» they can't jump into my head. i dont feel too exposed

«melanie» What question have you been asked the most, and would like to never have to answer again?

«melanie» Thanks for your time.

«*A* jps» ° Times up. You can speak now -> Mentos <- °

«*V* jordan» do you talk to the rest of the new kids.

«Mentos» Hey Jordan, How are you? Nice to finally talk to you?

«*V* jordan» i can see why people would ask it, but it gets on my nerves sometimes. its an obvious question thoughm,so i dont blame anyone

«Mentos» So can you play Close My Eyes on the piano yet!?! LOLThat's my all time fave song!

«*V* jordan» hi mentos, mentos,mentos

«Mentos» When you write songs do you prefer to write the lyrics or the music?

«*A* jps» ° You have 30 seconds remaining... next up >>>>>>>> Raindrops °

«Mentos» So are you having tons of fun working on your new album? Can't wait to hear it!

«*V* jordan» music although i have written with people who have a title in mind, its easier sometimes.

«*A* jps» ° Times up. You can speak now -> Raindrops <- °

«Raindrops» Hey You

«Raindrops» How many songs have you actually completed thus far?

«*V* jordan» my first thing with music is the music then the words. album is fun

«*V* jordan» completed, completed - none.

«Raindrops» How many are close to completion?

«*V* jordan» i jump from song to song and do a littl e bit at a time, it keeps a fresh perspectve

«*V* jordan» recording can get tedious if you stay on one thing

«Raindrops» How many ballads?

«*V* jordan» one so far

«Raindrops» Do you still go clubbing?

«Raindrops» Or are you too old for that now?

«*V* jordan» every once in a while

«*A* jps» ° You have 30 seconds remaining... next up >>>>>>>> sanrio °

«Raindrops» Seen any good movies lately?

«Raindrops» If not you should go see Kings og Comedy or the Wathcer

«*V* jordan» hi

«*V* jordan» yeah, i remember

«sanrio» rememeber when you greeted some fans

«sanrio» lol

«sanrio» that was us in there.

«*V* jordan» how are you?

«sanrio» My question: Do you get annoyed when people follow you around

«*A* John» ° You have 30 seconds remaining.. up next >>>>>>>>> sheila °

«sanrio» JOrdan I'm great at et least I got a chance to type with you

«*V* jordan» yeah...

«sanrio» i mean chat

«*V* jordan» type type chat chat

«sanrio» Were you at this years VMA

«sanrio» at the audience I mean

«*V* jordan» no, i wish i was

«sanrio» DId you see janet jackson perform

«sanrio» She kicked some buttt

«*A* John» ° Times up. You can speak now -> sheila <- °

«jordan» yes she did

«sheila» Hi jordan this is sheila from the philippines.... here's a rose for you from all of us in here: @-->-- thanks for spending some time to chat with us =) and thanks for the kind words during the magic interview in manila =)

«sheila» on with the show, for my question/s:Given the right song and the right "artistic" reasons =), will you ever consider doing a video "posing in the buff"...

«sheila» much like what D'Angelo did for the song "Untitled" (album:Voodoo), where he was naked all over, from the start 'til the end of the vid? what would it take to make you consider doing that? =)

«sheila» why yes or why no?

«sheila» am i too fast lol!

«*V* jordan» i though nsync was really good

«sheila» Nsync performance in VMA was hot! I liked the TV screen "gimmick"

«*V* jordan» haha! maybe if i shaved my chest and got a tan :)

«*V* jordan» i saw christina a. at the the latin awards - that was awesome

«sheila» oh, okay... even if we all bribed you? just kidding..

«sheila» anyways, another questions: Given a chance to do a special appearance, but for just one cartoon show, what show will you choose: The Simpsons or South Park? Why?

«jordan» :)

«*A* John» ° You have 30 seconds remaining.. up next >>>>>>>>> short-n-sweet °

«sheila» Ok, that's all for me, thanks Jordan, good luck on your next album and best wishes for your family (Evy and Dante)...

«sheila» last

«*A* John» ° Times up. You can speak now -> short-n-sweet <- °

«short-n-sweet» hey jordan.. let's play a game

«short-n-sweet» what comes to mind when i say.. music?

«*V* jordan» south park - funny! Robin Thicke turned me onto that show

«short-n-sweet» soap?

«*V* jordan» the new music

«*V* jordan» song from madonna

«short-n-sweet» jello?

«*V* jordan» the shower

«short-n-sweet» oatmeal

«*V* jordan» red

«short-n-sweet» embarrassing?

«*V* jordan» my childhood and the house i grew up in

«*V* jordan» stage fright

«short-n-sweet» beans?

«short-n-sweet» air dry or towel dry?

«*V* jordan» picking at my uncles farm

«*A* John» ° You have 30 seconds remaining.. up next >>>>>>>>> silver11 °

«*V* jordan» towel dry

«short-n-sweet» thanks for your time.. if you get a chance.. please check out

«short-n-sweet» up and coming artist who'd love feed back!!

«*A* John» ° Times up. You can speak now -> silver11 <- °

«*V* jordan» okey

«silver11» hey jordan :)

«*V* jordan» by sns

«silver11» follow up to sanrios topic: you said hi to jeca, cristine and shiela, remember? (at you phone patch interview here in manila)

«*V* jordan» hey hey

«*V* jordan» yup

«silver11» well hi jordan im jeca

«silver11» do you remember it was raining that day......

«*V* jordan» hi jeca or is it silver?

«silver11» well today its raining here

«silver11» my chat name is silver11

«*V* jordan» it was raining in manila, yeah...

«silver11» jeca is my real nickname

«silver11» how are you???

«silver11» forgive me jordan but im shaking

«silver11» i cant type that well

«*V* jordan» pretty good...

«*A* John» ° You have 30 seconds remaining.. up next >>>>>>>>> Sonia °

«*V* jordan» i cant either

«silver11» lol

«silver11» anyways have a great day

«silver11» and goodluck to you

«*V* jordan» you too

«*A* John» ° Times up. You can speak now -> Sonia <- °

«Sonia» Hi Jordan !! Greetings from London AND Europe!

«*V* jordan» hello

«Sonia» I'm dying to know...did you get my musical birthday card in June?

«Sonia» when you were staying in London recording with the Groove Bros?

«*V* jordan» i got a lot of cards, i usually save them so i'll look for it

«Sonia» AND are you planning on touring here when you've completed your album? [which I'm seriously looking forward to!]

«*V* jordan» yes...they are some cool dudes

«*A* John» ° You have 30 seconds remaining.. up next >>>>>>>>> Southie °

«Sonia» are they located in Kingston? I know they did some work there, used to go to school there?

«Sonia» And do you like London?

«*V* jordan» touring definetely

«*A* John» ° Times up. You can speak now -> Southie <- °

«*V* jordan» i love london

«Southie» Hey Jordan glad to see your doing well

«*V* jordan» hi southie

«Southie» everyone in Sacramento says HELLO

«Southie» I was wondering where do you get your inspiration from?

«*V* jordan» hello sac-ramento!

«*V* jordan» what kind?

«Southie» Also at this point in your life do you have any dreams that you want to come true?

«Southie» And sometime I notice you mimick people (like me once) whats going on there.. what do you mean by that?

«Southie» just wondering =)

«Southie» inspiration for your music and to live life well

«*V* jordan» i want my son to remain healthy

«*A* John» ° You have 30 seconds remaining.. up next >>>>>>>>> Sprite °

«Southie» thats sooo sweet

«*V* jordan» tour the world again , a headlining tour w/ the new album

«Southie» Jordan thanks for your time love you!

«*A* John» ° Times up. You can speak now -> Sprite <- °

«Sprite» wwwwwwhhhhhhhhaaaaaaaaaaaasssssssssuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuupppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp

«*V* jordan» inspiration to live life well? it's a miracle that any of us are here and we only go this way once

«Sprite» Hay Jordan when are you gonna come and perform for us Oklahoman's?? Country people need love to you know!!!

«*A* John» ° Sprite? °

«*V* jordan» music? whatever touches me emotionally

«Sprite» When you did the remix of Give it to you.. Were you really in the room with 69boys??

«*V* jordan» wht hits you inside

«Sprite» Or did you record in seperate places??

«*V* jordan» seperate places

«Sprite» How do you feel about the boybands that's out now?

«*V* jordan» they played it over the phone

«*A* John» ° You have 30 seconds remaining.. up next >>>>>>>>> Tee °

«Sprite» LoL

«Sprite» If a tree feel in the woods and no one was there to hear it.. did it really fall?!

«Sprite» Bye Jordy Jord! Luv Ya!

«Sprite» Thanks!

«*A* John» ° Times up. You can speak now -> Tee <- °

«*V* jordan» i think they are really good. nsync is kicking butt. i know them, so it makes it better

«Tee» Whassup Jordan! If I went through your collection of most listened to CDs what would I find?

«*V* jordan» lately or of all time?

«Tee» both

«Tee» Which do you like better: performing live or working in the studio?

«*V* jordan» lately Nelly, alot of tapes of DJs

«*V* jordan» sisqo

«*V* jordan» all time - the beatles. so many songs

«*A* John» ° You have 30 seconds remaining.. up next >>>>>>>>> tinkerbell °

«*V* jordan» both are cool.

«Tee» Since you have been working with Jimmy Jam and Terry Lewis, have you met Janet? Any chance for a duet? That would awesome.

«*V* jordan» i don't like spending too much time on the road. it gets boring

«Tee» Check out a song I wrote:

«*A* John» ° Times up. You can speak now -> tinkerbell <- °

«tinkerbell» hola jordan!

«*V* jordan» two weeks ago, she was working in the studio. ive met her before. on one door it said janet and on the other door it said jordan

«tinkerbell» exactly 11 years ago today i saw you in concert for the first time!! What an anniversary gift talking to you tonight!!!

«*V* jordan» hola tinkerbell

«tinkerbell» i wanna know - out of all the songs you have ever recorded which one means the most to you?

«*V* jordan» thank you but you're making me feel old!

«tinkerbell» sorry!!!!

«tinkerbell» didn't mean to!!!

«*V* jordan» give it to you because it wa smy first single as a solo artist. it was inspired by a lot of my ideas

«tinkerbell» which song do fans say means the most to them???

«*A* John» ° You have 30 seconds remaining.. last up >>>>>>>>> xray °

«*V* jordan» and...I'll Be Loving You forever

«tinkerbell» if you could sit and chat with god what 3 questions would you ask him??

«tinkerbell» thanks - you are my lucky star - keep shinin!!!!!

«*A* John» ° Times up. You can speak now -> xray <- °

«*V* jordan» i'll be loving you forever

«xray» hi J! mabuhay from Manila Philippines!!! be looking forward to that buff vide. btw, i'm cristine from the magic interview, lol. for my question: love your ballads; how did you feel when you first heard Broken By You was being played over the radios in Manila even though it wasn't released as a single?

«*V* jordan» the notes are getting high, i need to war m up a little bit

«xray» when u come back to manila, can we expect a longer stay and a solo concert maybe?

«xray» how about an exclusive interview with your number fans in the philippines, Knight Circle when you come back to manila? and did u know that Prince has Filipino blood (from the Philippines, lol)?

«*A* John» ° You have 30 seconds remaining. °

«jordan» i loved that broken by you was played in manila! vindicated. sometimes you when you do music feelsgood that it was appreciated.

«You may now SPEAK»

«Auditorium mode is Off»

«xray» thanks J! enjoy the rest of your day :) and regards to your brother, my favorite new kid :D Manila fans love you!!!

«Sprite» That was cool!

«Southie» alright

«sheila» thanks j

«bugger» wow

«Southie» the chat was cool

«jes624» Thank you Jordan

«sanrio» I'm speaking I'm speaking lol

«CD» Thanks again...Donnie would

«melanie» Thank you for your time, Jordan.

«xray» OMG i almost didn't make it back

«tinkerbell» thank you so much jordan!

«silver11» when will you come back to manila jordan

«jes624» That was fun

«sheila» it was so nice chatting with you!!!!!!

«Raindrops» JORDAN - Release dares????

«Mentos» So Jordan where are you right now?

«Tee» Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan

«sanrio» Thanks jordan

«Southie» Thanks Jordan!

«xray» i'm still shaking here

«silver11» xray what happened

«sanrio» JORDAN PLEASE come back to MANILA

«Sonia» ahhh That was great! THANX so much Jordan and Good Luck!!!!

«bugger» come to michigan soon jordan

«tinkerbell» i am shaking too!


«Sprite» Mucho Thanko Jordan

«silver11» me too xray

«xray» Jordan you didn't answer my quesion about an exluusive interview in Manila


«xray» with the Knightscircle

«*V* jordan» thank you for all your support. this chat will give me a lot of inspiration in the studio tonight

«Southie» Jordan when are you coming back to Northern Ca?

«tinkerbell» love you jordan!!


«Sprite» Welcome!

«melanie» Good luck.

«Mentos» Yeah good idea come to michigan! =)

«silver11» i cant of anything else to say jordan

«jsdrem» You inspire us to J

«Sprite» Tell Dante and Evy I said... Whaaaaassssssuuuuuuupppppppppppp

«silver11» all i can say is thank you jordan

«tinkerbell» and you will inspire us also!!!

«sheila» oh ya@jordan, we're all very inspiring just ask john!!!!

«jes624» Good lucky Jordan

«xray» regards from Denver, Cellie, Charmaigne, omg i don't want to forget someone hlep me KC girls

«Sonia» Hope you'll be very happy with whatever you do :o) [hopefully singing forever!]

«silver11» thanks jordan :)

«CD» You rule...let's keep our fingers crossed for the Grammys! Scooter and I love ya!

«jsdrem» I wonder, do you realize how u touch pepole


« - *V* jordan - DEPARTED building Chat on Mon Sep 04 17:01:24 PDT 2000»

«Southie» Jordan YOU ROCK!!
