Joe McIntyre Chat: May 13, 1998

Nina from Houston Texas asks: What is your personal definition of success? And do you feel like you have achieved it?

JOE: The meaning of success has changed in a lot of ways for me. I guess I've gone through a period of my life where success might have been fast cars, money... but now, as I get older, I'm learning that success lies within me.

Denise from Ohio asks: Do you like being referred to as a "former New Kid member"? (Joe heard the question as: Do you mind being referred to as a former New Kid member...)

JOE: Of course I don't. It would be like playing for the Boston Celtics for 8 years and getting mad when someone called you a Celtic.

Nancy from Montreal asks: If you could do a duet with someone, male or female, dead or alive, who would it be?

JOE: There are tons of people I would love to do a duet with. However, if I had to chose someone right now, and I did answer this question, so I guess I better pick someone (laughs)...Monica. She had a song on the Jams soundtrack. And had an album out too. I think she has an incredible voice and she's got a good personality and I think we'd be a good match.

Jackie from South Carolina asks: When will you start promotional tours?

JOE: When I have something to promote. (laughs) I've learned not to give dates out until I get on a bus with my luggage and my band.

Jen from Canada asks... Finish this sentence..."Nobody knows I can..."

JOE: Now everybody's gonna know it. Let me get back to ya on that one.

Nancy from Montreal asks: Have you ever seen a movie and thought to yourself it would have been a perfect role for you?

JOE: Every time I go to the movies. But seriously, there aren't a lot of roles for where I am right now. I feel more and more that my tastes and morality conflict with a lot of the stuff that's on the silver screen. However, there is a lot of great stuff out there, and if I put my heart out there, the right thing will come to me.

Karine from Montreal asks: I work at a golf club and I know how much of a golf fan you are. Be honest, what is your best average so far? Don't worry I won't tell anybody if it's good or bad.

JOE: Oh sure. You won't tell anybody. Just the thousands of other people who are reading this question. It's funny you ask. I just played today. And I'm hitting the ball very well. I just got a new putter. And I love it. I'm not scoring as well as I'm playing, but I really feel I'm making a breakthrough in my golf game. And anybody who doesn't know golf, has no idea what I'm talking about.

Lisa from Tennesee asks: What is your favorite book?

JOE: "The Way You Wear Your Hat... The Lost Art of Living." It's the life story, or should I say, life style story of Frank Sinatra. And this book dealt specifically with Frank the swinger. And when I say swinger, I mean a guy who wouldn't go to sleep until he saw the sun coming up. It's a great book.

Michelle from Canada asks: Now that the Bruins are out, who is your pick for Stanley Cup Champion?

JOE: It should be the Bruins, but for an inch of a skate in the crease. And it would make me sick to see the Washington Capitals in the Stanley Cup. So, I think it's probably going to be Buffalo and Detroit.

Jenny from Columbia, South Carolina asks: So how do you like the internet so far?

JOE: I was just in Myrtle Beach. It's beautiful country. "Dem dare hills are some of the pertiest thangs ah ever did see." As for the internet, it is a blow mind. Blow mind? (laughs) It's wild to see all the addresses from around the world. It's incredible to think where we'll be in another ten or twenty years. It's a blow mind. (laughs)

JOE: coffee anyone?

Host: Joe just stepped out for coffee. =)

Brad from Sacramento asks... Is a New Kids reunion out of the question? Or will you guys get together again one day?

JOE: A few years ago, I would've said HELL NO! A year ago, I would've said no. Today, I say... I don't know!

Lang from Australia asks: If you were suddenly to meet the girl of your dreams, and she didn't notice you, what would you do to get her attention?

JOE: I would sing her "Answer Me" by Nat King Cole.

Leslie, Laura and Lisa ask: What 3 words would you use to describe yourself?

JOE: I remember you guys from Page Me. Are you guys serious? (laughs) 3 words, uh...bold, brash, beautiful (laughs) A few more...cocky, cunning, and compulsive.

Margaret from Texas asks: What is the sound/style of the new album?

JOE: That's a hard question because as I said before, it's hard to describe your own music. I'm not used to that question. Every time I'm asked it, I start by answering it like I just answered this one. There are plenty of heartfelt ballads. Some even gut-wrenching. And there's certainly enough jams on there too, but I think you'll find (if you ever can find my album) that I have a wide variety of tastes.

Cade from South Africa: Have you ever thought of taking a vacation in Africa?

JOE: I know somebody who just got back from a safari. I wish I went with her. Someday I'd love to. Until then, tell Poombah I said nookie nookie. (laughs)

Tia from Michigan asks: So have you talked to Donnie lately? How is he?

JOE: Ask him. 'cause I can't get a hold of him. Actually, Donnie's very busy right now in La La Land. But we keep in touch and I'll be seeing him soon. I'll tell him you said hi.

Jen from Virginia asks: Will you be watching the last episode of Seinfeld?

JOE: Hell yeah. That's why we moved this chat to Wednesday. (After thinking about giving a longer answer) The world doesn't need my synopsis on Seinfeld.

Paige asks: Do you have a lot of free time on your hands? If so, what do you do?

JOE: I stay pretty busy. I'm back and forth to New York and LA. But I like to work out, play racquetball, golf... and pick up chicks. (laughs)

Danielle from Chatham, Ontario asks: Since both yourself and Jordan are releasing solo projects, how do you feel about being in competition with a former bandmate?

JOE: There's always been a healthy competition within the group. Ok, sometimes unhealthy. (laughs) But for the most part, considering what we've been through, it's pretty healthy. And for me, to worry about whether people will judge me differently because of what Jordan does, or vice versa, would really go against everything that life is really about.

Keiasha from California asks: How much writing and producing did you do on the album?

JOE: I wrote all the songs on the album. As far as producing, I've been working with Donnie and Joe Carrier and Danny Wood. But I did produce a couple of tracks myself.

Kelly asks: What is currently your fave song on the radio?

JOE: "You're Still the One" by Shania Twain. I love her album. It's called "Come on Over." She's not only beautiful, but her voice is beautiful. And she's married to one of the best producers in pop music. If anybody knows Mutt Lange, call me.

Patty from Spain asks: Are you planning to move from Boston, or will you always want to live there?

JOE: My heart and soul will always be in Boston. (singing) "No matter where I go, I will always have a soft spot for my hometown" (now in a really bad British accent) ...and furthermore, may I say, that no matter where I go, I will always... oh forget it. (laughs)

Barbara from Belgium asks: Do you prefer the internet or talking on the phone?

JOE: I think the instant message thing is really cool. Especially for someone like me who couldn't type his way out of a paper bag. But I am really stuck in the 20th century, so I'll stick with the phone. PS... don't call me! (laughs)

Dalana from Virginia asks: Do you have any regrets about the path your career has taken you thus far?

JOE: For me to complain about where I am in any part of my life, especially my career, would be ludicrous. I am blessed enough for 1,000 lifetimes. However, I take my career very seriously. And I realize that it's a life long journey that I'm on and that's what I have to remember most.

JOE: Coffee anyone?

Joe has gone to get more coffee.

For the next 5 minutes, we are turning the chat back ON and Joe will be at the keyboard...

JOE: The first time we ever went to Korea, we were swarmed at the airport by about 3,000 girls. And it was very scary. And a lot of people got hurt. When I just went on to the page, that's exactly how I felt. I didn't know how to speak Korean and I don't know how to type! (laughs)

From Gail and Amy in Milwaukee and Brookline: What do you dream about in your sleep?

JOE: My dreams are clearer when I'm awake. But harder to attain... Seriously though, I clinch my teeth, I toss and turn... and you know what that means.

Michelle from Ohio asks: Will you do theatre again?

JOE: Definitely. Speaking of theatre, I just got off the phone with my acting teacher, Allen Savage. I really enjoy working with him and it helps me stay focussed on what acting is all about.

Kaja from Norway asks: Will your album be out in Europe?

JOE: Yes it will.

Deb in Illinois asks: Have you played golf with Mark Wahlberg and is he good?

JOE: Yes, I have. And as I recall, he was doing a voiceover on a cellular phone while he was literally swinging the club. Ya gotta love Hollywood.

Paige from Tennesee wants to know: Do you have any idea when your album will be out?

JOE: Don't jinx me.

Kiersten from Alaska wants to know: Would you remake Nat King Cole's "Unforgettable?"

JOE: I probably wouldn't do that song. I think Natalie did a great job. And noone can really top that version. There are so many songs that he sang that I love. It's really hard to pick one. But I sang a song called "L-O-V-E" for Maurice Starr, and it got me in the group. So ya gotta go with what got ya there.

Ann from Massachusetts asks: If a movie of your life was made, who would play you?

JOE: First of all, for a movie to get made about me right now, I'd probably have to die of a heroin overdose. And that just ain't gonna happen. But say I got hit by a train, and for some reason they did a movie of the week, I'd probably like Ricky Schroeder to play me. Wait wait wait! But say I go on to be the next Frank Sinatra, I'd probably want Matt Damon to play me.

Amer and Shannie from Ontario ask: How many pairs of shoes do you own... and Pepsi or Coke?

JOE: I own about 50 pairs of shoes. But of course I only wear maybe 3 or four of them. And Pepsi. (Joe is reminded of royalties from the Coke commercial...) I mean Coke.

Responding to several e-mails:

JOE: I'm not married.

Cindy from Dayton Ohio asks: If there was a community built on the moon, would you ever take that chance to go there? If so, what 3 things would you want with you the most?

JOE: No I wouldn't go there. But I'm sure people would, and here's 3 things I'd give to them so I'd never have to see them again: The Spice Girls, Hanson, Backstreet Boys. Just kiddin'! I'd give them a pack of now or laters, a pair of clean underwear... I'm kiddin'.

Chele from Indianapolis asks: If you had a Milk ad what would it say?

JOE: I have the best idea for one of those. Not the commercials, those are great. But the billboards, ya know, "Got Milk?" But I can't tell you 'cause it's mine. And you can't have it. But thanks for askin'.

Valerie from Nevada asks: What do you think of all the NKOTB wannabes out there?

JOE: To call somebody a wannabe is wrong. If it wasn't for New Edition, there wouldn't be a New Kids on the Block. And if there wasn't the Jackson 5, there wouldn't be New Edition. And if there wasn't The Temptations, there wouldn't be a Jackson 5. And if there wasn't a New Kids on the Block, there wouldn't be a Backstreet Boys.

Shadow asks: What's your worst memory of performing on stage?

JOE: Havin' the flu on stage at Dodger Stadium. It sucked.

(After reading several e-mails)

JOE: Boxers or briefs, boxers or briefs? WHO CARES?! I hate underwear!!!! (laughs)

Jennifer from Phoenix asks: Joe do you sing in the shower?

JOE: Yeah. I sing in the shower all the time. I have one of those steam showers, so it has great acoustics. And I write a lot of songs singin' in the shower.

Andrea and Mary ask: Do you really like being called Joey Joe? Who made up that nickname?

JOE: Donnie Wahlberg gave me that nickname. As he has for so many other people out there... and when Donnie gives you a name, it sticks. Joey Joe I don't mind. And I really don't mind Joey. But the truth is no one ever called me Joey before I sold a record.

Lee Ann from Washington, living in England wants to know: You said on your web site you were into politics. I'm just wondering what you think about Clinton. Also are you a Democrat or Republican?

JOE: I am very interested in politics. My father has been a labor leader all his life and has been inside politics because of it. So there's a lot of democratic blood running through my veins. However, I'm a little bit more open minded, or should I say, open to other candidates, regardless of their party as opposed to my father who would vote for Jeffrey Dahmer if he was a Democrat. As far as Clinton, I think he's a very shady character. But like so many other Americans, if you ask me if he's doing a good job, I'd have to say yes.

Andrea from Sweden has a great last question: How did you like the chat?

JOE: If I could act out the way I feel about this chat, it's kinda like when Mr. Rogers would say goodbye. When he would take off his little sneakers and put on his loafers, take off that little blue cardigan, throw on that coat, and say "Goodbye Boys and Girls. Goodbye Neighbor." And so I say to you, (singing) "Won't you please, won't you please... Please won't you be my neighbor." Bye neighbor.
