Joe's November 1st Chat

Hey everyone. Thanks for coming. How's everyone doin'? There's so much to talk about, I don't know where to start. I'm really excited for you guys to hear the music.

"Stay The Same" is about learning to love yourself which to me, is the first step in life. Once you do that, you can love everybody else. But let's just listen and then see what you think. I wrote this song with Joe Carrier. And the lyrics and the melody came to me at the same time. As do most songs I write. I just realized you were all listening to the song while I was saying that.

It obviously will sound much better on the radio. For those of you who don't know how to go to another page while you're on this one, I sympathize with you. Cuz I wouldn't know how to get there myself. So tomorrow morning, for those of you in the New England area, Kiss 108 is going to premiere it between 8 and 9 am on the Matty in the Morning Show. I will be in the studio with Matty. And I can only imagine the questions he's gonna ask me. If you can't get in to "Stay The Same," we'll be playing it throughout the chat. But we'll get back to that later. Let's take some questions.

Nina asks... How would you compare the music of your upcoming album with other music that is being played today?

Most of the time, the music business follows. I like to think that I go my own way. I'm not really stuck in one sound. I like so many types of music, and I think that shows.

Kate from Birmingham, Alabama asks... Do you know when you will start touring? Also, do you have anyone in mind that you would like to tour with?

How do you guys know that? :-) Are there leaks? Who on my team is the Ken Starr? Anyways... yes, I am gonna tour. And my first date is going to be January 19th at The Paradise in Allston, Massachusetts. Tentatively, in New York that same week. And I don't like doing shows when people don't know the music... sooo... are you ready? Are you really ready??? Ah never mind, I'll tell ya later. Next question.

Michelle from Eatontown, New Jersey asks I just wanted to know if you are ready for road life again cuz I know with NKOTB you guys did a concert every night and sometimes 2 in one day! Are ya ready to go back out on the road again?

Do you work for Ken Starr? How do you know what I've been planning? Anyway, Michelle... I think I'm ready. I know it's gonna be a lot different this time around and I'm gonna take it a lot more seriously. Not that I didn't take it seriously before, but I had four other guys who were pickin' up the slack. But I'm very excited for the challenge. And there's no other feeling in the world. So I'm gonna give it a go. Will you come and see me???

Tigger of Houston asks: What do you dress up as for Halloween this year (if anything)?

Private Ryan.

Barb K. from Pittsburgh asks... If you could remake any Sinatra song what would it be and why? My favorite is "I've Got You Under My Skin".

Pennies From Heaven...South of the Border... so many... I'm workin' on an Elton John re-make right now, but I don't wanna tell you which one.

Deb asks... If you had to wear a button with a maximum of five words on it describing your outlook on life, what would your button say?

Five words or less? Hmmm Good question. PLEASE BUY MY C D

Mindy Hilgers from Corvallis, Oregon asks... The Beastie Boys recently did a live webcast of one of their concerts during their tour this summer. Now that you know many of your fans use the net to keep up with you, is a webcast of one of your concerts something you would consider?

I definitely would consider it. I'd like to see how it looked and how it sounded. It's kind of like listening to "Stay The Same" on a computer. Wouldn't you rather listen to it off your own CD?

Lady J from New York asks... When is your album coming out? And what kind of music will be it?

That's the question of the day, and for it you get the first autographed CD. From me. To you.

Everybody else will have to send a certified check or money order for $16 (made out to Bowen Arrow Productions) to: Joe McIntyre, P.O. Box 299, Jamaica Plain, MA 02130. Same as the fan mail address. I know I've been jokin' around about this... but this is serious. And I really want you guys to get it. Please allow 6 to 8 weeks for delivery. There's 12 songs... I wrote all of them myself. And I just shot the cover Friday in New York.

There will be an order form on the web site tonight. So keep watchin'. If you don't have a printer, just follow the instructions on the page. Alright, what do you think???

(fan reactions)

Wow, cool. There are a lot of things we're working out. And I really need to ask for your patience with this whole thing. Because I'm doing it primarily myself, with the help of a relatively small team. As for overseas fans, we're working on it. Maybe you overseas fans can get it from a pen pal in the States. But I really want you to know you're just as important to me as U.S. fans. So believe me, we're working on it.

And I just wanted to tell you all right now so we can get the orders in and do what we have to do, so you can have the CD's before Christmas. There are also things as far as shipping in the U.S. that we have to deal with. But I'm really excited and I couldn't hold it in any more! So just hang in there with us.

Crystal from California asks... Joe what's your biggest fear? What's your biggest fear with the album?

It's not that I'm over-confident, but I love performing too much to fear it. I never really had stage fright, but it's gonna be very exciting. All I have to do is be prepared and get down to business. And the rest will take care of itself.

Sandra Kirk asks... A friend and I notice this on the Stay the Same page,© 1998 Bowen Arrow Productions, does this mean you have your own production company??

Yeah. But it's really just the name. When I used to think of production companies, I thought it was buildings... and parking lots... and cars...and security guards... but all it really is is a name for what we're doing. I mean... it is a business. And I'm realizing that more and more as I take on this whole endeavor. So I guess I am the CEO of Bowen Arrow Productions. Me and Michael Eisner pretty much on the same plane.

Joe just went to check the Patriots score...

Ok, I wanna see what's going on with you guys. Talk to me.

(Fans Chat with Joe)

As far as the tour, I'm concentrating on Boston and New York. But I believe that's gonna turn into a mini-tour of at least the East Coast. I probably shouldn't be sayin' this, but when I believe in something, I just do it.

Cellestial asks... Joe, if your life had a theme song what would it be, and why?

Stay The Same in many ways. It's a song that means a lot to me. In some ways, it's one of those songs that you kinda sing to yourself in the mirror when you wake up and you're not totally ready to face the day. But if you listen to the CD... and when you ORDER the cd, you'll find that there are all kinds of songs that symbolize different feelings that I've had... and that I still have.

Rebecca J Dailey asks... I love your new song!!!! I was just wondering, who are the background singers? They sound really good!!

That's another CD winning question right there. At the last minute, the choir couldn't get to the studio. So we had to scour the streets of Providence, Rhode Island for people to sing backup. We did have a few professionals, but I guess those amateurs really felt the song. It's amazing what love can do.

Tanja from Denmark asks... If I could teach you three words in Danish what would you want them to be?

Buy My CD

Lorena Veronica and Nidia from Buenos Aires Argentina asks... Will you do more chats when you'll be at the Top again? Because we are pretty sure you'll make it!

You're just "pretty sure?" I have thought about how busy I'll be on the road, but your support on the web site is very important to what I'm doing. So I'm definitely gonna keep online as much as possible.

AndreaR from London, Ontario asks: Over what ONE year period did you grow

The last year has definitely been the most growing I've done. I've really learned to be at peace with myself, and stay in the moment, and trust in God.

Kristen Detsis asks... So, Joe, what'd you do last night? I know you didn't just stand at your front door and pass out candy. Speaking of candy, what's your favorite?

Rolos. Didn't do much. Just walked around in an army uniform, trying to look like Matt Damon. I was Private Ryan.

Ah yeah, I don't know where this Pimp Daddy thing came from...I guess it's somewhat amusing. But just to clear it up... No one has ever called me Pimp Daddy. Nor have I ever referred to myself as Pimp Daddy. Or any Pimp. Or any Daddy. Thank you. That's all I have to say about Pimp Daddy.

Ok guys... just to recap. The past couple of weeks, I know I've been telling you that stuff is about to happen. And that to me is putting a live show together. And releasing this CD. (Exclusively off the web site) Mainly because I want you to sing along with me at the concerts. Well, kind of. Not too loud. Only when I ask you.

But seriously, I want you to know how important you are in me launching my solo career. It's taken me a long time to figure out how I wanted to do it. But I'm real happy with where I am right now. And I think this is the right way to go about it. Your input is very important. And I wanna know your reaction. And I can't wait for you to get the CD to hear what you think... see what your favorite songs are etc. However, tomorrow... I'm gonna be at Kiss 108. For all you guys in the New England area, it wouldn't hurt for you guys to call the station and tell 'em how much you like the song. But only of course if you do actually LIKE the song. Right now, Kiss 108 is the only station that has the record. And I'm not ready to send it around the country. I'd rather have it happen naturally and gradually. But when the time comes, I really want you guys all around the country and all around the world, to give all you can, cuz I promise I'll be giving all I got. Let's do one more question.

Melani from Tennesee asks... When you have children what is the one thing you want to teach them?

When I have children, all I have to do is sing Stay The Same. I'll talk to you guys soon. Thanks so much. And order that God-damned CD. Let's get busy!
