Joe's May '99 ZoogDisney Chat

Zoogerator: Welcome Zoogers! We will be expecting a great chat today with the one, the only.... Joey McIntyre! Lets get PUMPED! So give me a J, give me an O, give me a Y. What does that spell? JOEY!!! Please note that the photos you see on the web of Joey are taken with his very own Digital Camera! Impressive, No? Well...let's welcome Mr. Joey McIntyre!!!!!!

Joey_McIntyre: Hello, it's good to be back on Zoog Disney! I'm in the middle of rehearsals right now, but it's great to take a break and chat with you all!

Whatever7asif7 asks: What is your favorite song you sing?

Joey_McIntyre: We have been trying different arrangements with "Stay The Same" and "I Can't" is just a fun upbeat song the crowd really gets into.

ZammyZosa asks: What is your favorite type of music?

Joey_McIntyre: Tough Question! I like all kinds of music. Stevie Ray Vaughn is what I was listening to in my car. I also enjoy the Gap band, lots of music

Kiklt1104 asks: What age were u when u first started to sing?

Joey_McIntyre: I was about 6 years old. I sung my first song with my sister Carol onstage then. "I'll Do Anything" from the musical "Oliver!".

Kiklt1104 asks: What is your favorite color?

Joey_McIntyre: I like eggshell. No but seriously probably blue (what do I mean probably?)

Kiklt1104 asks: How do your friends feel with you being a singer now?

Joey McIntyre: My friends have always known me as a singer. Nothing has changed between us.

Kiklt1104 asks: Do you watch your old NKOTB videos?

Joey_McIntyre: I don't actually. But since doing this promotion, I have heard alot of the old music, and its fun to hear it; it brings back a lot of good memories. But I'm so busy now, I don't have time to see those tapes of those days.

Tamee22 asks: Joe, Can you give us an idea about how busy your schedule is? (i.e. "A Day in a life of...."Tamee

Joey_McIntyre: Okay, I do whine a BIT too much about the schedule! Right now, I get up, walk into town, have breakfast, go to the gym, workout, take some steam, then go to rehearsal, figure out what kind of show we are thinking about for the tour, then make 15-20 business calls (from what flight to what shirt do i want to wear on a show), and just a lot of incredibly interesting things...and then before you know it, it's time for bed....and I am exhausted!

Crisjenny asks: Hi there Joey!!! First of all I would like to tell you that I'm a big fan of you and NKOTB since I was 10 years old and now I'm 19. One month ago I went to Boston and I bought your CD, it's great!!! I was wondering when are you going to come to Mexico, because I'm one of your Mexican fans...

Joey_McIntyre: I'm actually going to be there at the end of this month! I am going to be doing a big TV show (I have forgotten the name) one of the most popular Latino shows down there. I don't know the complete schedule, but I hope to see you!

JoeyLyn75 asks: Hi Joey..I'm from Manilla, Phillpines..I just want to know if you'll ever come here for a promo or even a show. It will be great because you have lots of fans out here and your song is doing great too!

Joey_McIntyre: Thank you! I don't know exactly when we will be in the Philippines. I remember the last time we went, it was awesome and we had a great time. I hope we will be there in the fall performing, and I will try to make sure Manila is on the schedule.

Beth1979 asks: Hi Joey, My name is Beth Anne and I am twenty and have Cerebral Palsy. I just wanted to tell you that I love your album and especially the song Stay The Same. I can really relate to it because I have such a good attitude about my disability and people always to never change and always stay the same. I just wanted to thank you and I wish you all the luck in the world with your album.

Joey_McIntyre: Your story, and many others, have touched me big-time, as far as "Stay the Same" is concerned. It is a personal, special song for me. You have certain gifts that make you special, and thats what life is all about. Thanks for sharing!

Smiles386 asks: Joey how long were you with New Kids on the Block?

Joey_McIntyre: I was with them for almost 10 years. I was 12 when I joined them.

Mirellaa asks: Joe did you just tape some show in Mexico? Did you sing Stay the Same in Spanish?

Joey_McIntyre: I didn't tape a show in Mexico [yet], but I did sing "Stay the Same" in Spanish. I was anxious to get that version out to all our Spanish and Latino fans, and I think it may be held up in the politics of the recording company, but we're working on getting it released.

JoeJoeM4ever asks: Hi Joe, hows it going? On one of your past chats, you mentioned that Stay the Same has a Spanish version. When is it going to be released? What about the dance version that is up on your website? I love it!

Joey_McIntyre: As I said, we're working on it, and it may be out soon. The dance mix is going to be out on the single in England and other countries; I'm not sure about in the U.S. I am going to have to find out these answers; you're raising a lot of good questions!

DnceForce asks: I just wanted to wish you all the luck in the world. Your songs are beautiful, and you deserve success. How does it feel to have touched so many people and made such a difference in so many lives? ~Kendra

Joey_McIntyre: Wow! Well, I don't wake up every day thinking I am changing lives. But its cool to get that kind of feedback, and to know what you do helps people. It can get hectic in this business, and you can lose sight of what it is about. I am grateful to the fans, and that they understand and appreciate the music.

Tamee22 asks: Hi Joe! As a fan from "way back when", how do you feel about the hype happening again this time?

Joey_McIntyre: The hype? LOL You do what you gotta do. You can only worry about the art and the performance, and not try to get too involved in the hoopla. I want to make good music, take my time, do it at my own pace. Sometimes you can get caught up in the machine of hype and you can get carried away. But it's nice to have people noticing what I do, and want to know what I'm doing-it's cool.

Honey443 asks: Hi Joey, Honey from Rome is chatting. Thanks for coming back, I've got 2 questions for you. 1. What about an Italian promotour? 2. What do you think 'bout this sentence "The entire basement of my singing; is the feeling... when I don't feel a song I don't sing it." (Billie Holliday) Thanks in advance. See you soon in Rome..your Italian friend Honey from Rome.

Joey_McIntyre: I agree that maybe getting a promoter in Italy, because I haven't been there yet, even though I have been to Europe a couple of times. But Sony is doing a great job internationally, so I should be over there someday. As for the quote from Billie Holliday, that's cool: I try to sing songs that mean something to me. And now that I am writing songs, I think that is important even more so.

JoesGirl21 asks: Joe can you please sing me something online? I know I won't be able to hear it, but it would be almost as good :0) Love you!! Natalie in Rockhampton QLD Australia. p.s. (((Joe)))<~ that's a huge hug for you :0)

Joey_McIntyre: You turn me up, you make me high, when I feel your love I want to fly, No matter what we're going through, there ain't nothing we can't do...

Zoogerator: WELL DONE...what a trouper Joey! singing on line...WOW

Joey_McIntyre: (From "Because of You"- Off the critically- acclaimed "Stay The Same" album) *grin*

krsflue 1 asks: Um, Joey--I just wanted to say how much of an influence you have been to me. During my younger days...back in junior high if it wasn't for NKOTB I would have never identified with music, thanx to you guys I have been a faithful follower of the sung and written song since then. I hope to one day have a career, but who doesn't right? Just because you made it... makes me believe in myself <--stay the same plug!! Thanx for everything.

Joey_McIntyre: I am a great fan of the sung and written song myself, and its good to know there are more followers out there. It's cool that we helped you in finding your love of music.

KeliSue72 asks: Joey- you're quite the ring-a-ding-dinger! I think you're going to be the "New" Blue Eyes!!!

Joey_McIntyre: Those are some BIG shoes to fill. But bring it on! LOL If I could have his longevity and sing songs for the rest of my life, and not go crazy, that would be a great achievement. And to do it with the class and style and originality of Frank Sinatra, would be fantastic, but he's always in my heart. I don't know if it will happen.

Andie224 asks: It was so nice to see you on German TV, good to have you back =) Wish you lots of luck. Love Andie

Joey_McIntyre: It was good to be on German TV, and to have all of the fans there. I love being in Cologne, it's one of my favorite cities, and I can't wait to get back there.

JoeyJoeFan asks: I met your parents a few years back, and they are lovely people... How are they doing with your success again? You are terrific. Love Cindy

Joey_McIntyre: My father is very excited, as he was before, and my mother is petrified as she was before. My father eats it up, loves to travel, and somewhat of a celebrity with the fans themselves. My mother is just worried whether I will remain a good boy or not, and avoid doing bad things.

Chaseplummer asks: What happens when you forget your song and you have to start over again and again?

Joey_McIntyre: I don't start over- I just kind of la-la my way through it. I just make the mistake very evident, and get on with the show, and hopefully pick up the lines again.

CarmenEloisa asks: Wow Joe! I absolutely LOVE every and each of your songs, they are so inspiring, and with such a positive message! Are you going to keep writing songs?

Joey_McIntyre: I am. I've written some songs since then. I have been busy, but hope that once on the road, I can work out some with the band members. But thanks much for that compliment. Just rent a van, get big speakers, and go up and down your neighborhood playing the album. (Just Kidding)

popgirl38018 asks: Joey I just want to say that of all the singers in the world you are the most sweetest and most kind to your fans!

Joey_McIntyre: I want to thank you, popgirl. I just try to be honest and myself. Sometimes I can be in a bad mood - "the prankmeister"- but I think the fans appreciate that. And the fans understand, and I do my best to be there for them when i can. And I think we can just keep going with the love.

Froggerzoog0 asks: I love your song stay the same! It gives a real good messsage and it helps me day to day because I wish I could change all the time.

Joey_McIntyre: Don't we all? Thats why a song like that is important! Some days, you don't want to get out of bed. You just hope it rains, and you can hide under the covers. But you have to get up, put one foot in front of the other, and this is from me to you: Don't change!

baby-grl011 asks: Hi Joey, Andrea here from Boston. I just wanted to say thank you. When I heard that song "Stay the Same" it changed my life and made me feel good about myself..because I have always had no self esteem. Thanks so much Joey =) *kisses* ~Love always Andrea

Joey_McIntyre: Once again, I'm overwhelmed with the love, and the fact that when you write a song, it can help people. It's a constant vigil to hang in there, and whatever your goal or dream is, to everyday stay on the path or the course. If I can help with that, I appreciate the chance, and I am thankful for your undying love. Yikes!

redwing9191 asks: Being from Boston, home of one of the NHL's original Six teams, are you a big hockey fan? I certainly am, and it isn't easy being a hockey fan in Hawaii and being a girl! :)

Joey_McIntyre: Double Yikes! That sounds like a good ESPN commercial! They should have you on a beach in Hawaii with a hockey puck and a stick, shooting them into the ocean and waiting for your game to come on. ESPN, thats for you: no charge for that idea! I am proud of the Bruins...they were down 3-1, now they came back 3-2...they're young, talented, just keep your fingers crossed.

Zlivia asks: Have you ever been to disneyworld??

Joey_McIntyre: Yes, I have been to Disney World. One of the greatest times, in 1990, when the whole group came down with the families. We were allowed to cut the lines, for the safety of all- there's nothing like cutting the lines at Disney World. To show you how rare that is, I went back a year later. And they said, "No one is following you around, so we don't think so."

bluemaui asks: When you're out on the road and it starts to get lonely or you just need to blow off some steam who do you call? --Stacy

Joey_McIntyre: Ghostbustters! LOL Actually, I have a very supportive family. I have 7 older sisters (and a great brother), but I call the sisters when I need "therapy". They are there for me when I need to talk.

guest-red1298 asks: How do your american fans differ from your fans overseas?

Joey_McIntyre: The American fans are great, but more like myself. But when you travel afar, it's a whole new world, so to speak. It's just cool to see different cultures, and I think on the whole, they are a bit more excited overseas. I am lucky to be an American. Across the world, America is looked up to as a leader in many things. It doesn't mean we are better, but we often lead the way, especially in entertainment. But that's a tough question to ask, and you put me in a corner, because I don't like to compare my fans.

PRINES_LAYA says: I'm falling in love

Joey_McIntyre: Let me catch you! What can you say when someone says that?

ZoyciteOR83026 says: just thought I should say Joey Mac is a very talented young man, with a great heart, an angel sent from God! Keep spreadin the love Joe

Joey_McIntyre:It cracks me up when people say things like that, but it's not a bad thing.

ariesrising44324 asks: Fans often bring you gifts at personal appearances, what do you do with all of the handmade things they bring you?

Joey_McIntyre: Lots of times, stuffed animals and such are given away to children's hospitals, but some things I try to keep. It's really hard though, because when you're on the move, traveling, it's not easy. It's touching when someone has made something for you; it's a piece of someone, and it means a lot to me, but I can't always keep them ;-(

Kauwela708 asks: are you dating, have a girlfriend, or something?

Joey_McIntyre: Something.

Kaitzline says: I saw you about eight years ago in concert and I still love your music.

Joey_McIntyre: Thanks! I'll be touring this summer, and most of the year, so hopefully you can come see me, and hear the new music!

jesse1987 asks: How old are you?

Joey_McIntyre: 26

getshysoul76 asks: Do you like to make jokes and what kind of jokes?

Joey_McIntyre: Yes, and clean ones. (Joey hums the Mickey Mouse Club theme in honor of Zoog Disney)

SweetShugga asks: Joe, did it hurt when you fell from Heaven???

Joey_McIntyre: That's almost as bad as "You're so sweet, you give me cavities" *grin*

zoob6 asks: do you have competition?

Joey_McIntyre: Ohhhhh! Obviously, you want to know if I consider Jordan as my competition...a sly way to go about it. LOL It's a funny question because we aren't in a league, playing for a championship. You have to concentrate on what you do, what YOU have to offer. You're competing with yourself. As far as Jordan is concerned, I am happy he is out making music. He is a very talented guy. And I apologize if you weren't thinking that. And if you were, see?

sra05 says: Joey with stay the same it applies to you because you did stay the same, you are still topping the charts.

Joey_McIntyre: That was brilliant! Thank you! That was a very nice spin you put on that. I appreciate your support, and I hope I can remain on the charts, as this is ONLY the beginning!

JoeFan56 asks: Joey are you going to tour in the south? -Kristy

Joey_McIntyre: Yes, I will be in Florida. As for the rest of the schedule, I am not sure now. We will be touring all over the place, so hopefully we will be at a theatre near you.

princess349 asks: Joey, you're such an awesome celebrity. You are without a doubt one of the few who truly gives back to his fans. Who, if anyone set this example for you?

Joey_McIntyre: I think Donnie and Danny were really good with the fans in the old days, and maybe because I was young and busy with school, I wasn't always comfortable hanging out with the fans. And I think they put up a good impression on me. The fans are so much a part of my success, I give as much as I can. I appreciate the compliment, and try to keep it going.

beth1979 asks: Will you go to prom with me?!

Joey_McIntyre: I'd love to! Speaking of proms, I heard a prom was having "Stay the Same" as their song. It made me feel good. Prom songs are very memorable in people's lives, so I was touched by that. It would be really cool if I could walk in and perform it live, but I know that isn't realistic.

zania8025226 says: I cannot believe I am actually chatting with you. I am one of your biggest fans! I am in love!

Joey_McIntyre: Are you zania than me? LOL It's true-enjoy it, and I will see you in a theatre near you!

JoeyJoeM4ever asks: Joe, how are you going to celebrate your birthday this year cause it's on Dec. 31 and the next day will be a new milennium?

Joey_McIntyre: Wow! Thanks.. I didn't know that! *grin* I hope to be performing, that would be really cool. If not, I want to take it easy, because I've been to way too many New Years Eve celebrations where I was in bed before the countdown.

EZGuest31579 asks: Are you excited for your upcoming tour and your stop in Minneapolis MN?

Joey_McIntyre: I am excited about the tour, and more so for the stop in Minneapolis. I am doing the KDWB show at the Coliseum. It's a lot of fun out on the road, and I hope to see you!

RainSonney asks: What is your favorite fast-paced New Kids song? We love ya! ~Christy & List in San Diego

Joey_McIntyre: "Cover Girl" Donnie did a really good job, and it sounds like a J Geils Band song.

joemac26: How do you feel when you see all the screaming fans?

Joey_McIntyre: It's actually a rush. A quick burst of energy. But it can be dangerous, because when onstage, you can get ahold of yourself, and you need to maintain your composure. I find it especially now that I am on my own, as much as I would love to go crazy and nuts, I still have a job to do. But don't get me wrong: I don't want you to stop screaming.

Zoogerator: Well...we must say good bye Joey :( and we're sad to see ya go. Y? Cause we like you! Any closing inspirational words to your fans online?

Joey_Mcintyre: I want to thank Disney for inviting me here today. All the nice words and support you fans say to me are very much appreciated, and it makes me look at the big picture a little more.

Zoogerator: Bye Joey and thanks for being a sport and giving us such great informative answers!

Joey_McIntyre: Thanks to Disney, and we'll see you soon!
