Joe's July 2nd Yahoo Chat

Red_Hot_Boom_Host: Okay everyone Joe's here! We're about to get started!

Red_Hot_Boom_Joey: Hi everyone!!

taralovesisaac asks: Joey, what is the weirdest thing a fan has recently done to meet you?

Red_Hot_Boom_Joey: I normally don't take a poll, but I have had people drive across the country to meet me. But I don't think it's crazy.

crazyhomebodygirl asks: how does it feel to go solo and do album by yourself?

Red_Hot_Boom_Joey: It was probably the biggest challenge of my life thus far. To be on my own and make my own decisions. To put my heart and soul and everything on the line is very fullfilling. It has paid off, but at the same time you have to be patient.

joemac4ever asks: Hi Joe! Do you ever get sick of traveling a lot during your tour?? Thanks a lot, and I love you! Naomi

Red_Hot_Boom_Joey: Sometimes. But its really a lot of fun to be on the bus and travel from city to city. Its fun to perform for people every night. I chose to do this so I have to accept the ups and downs of the road, but it is a lot of fun

thankful19 asks: Hey Joey!!! Do You and the new kids still stay in touch if so what do u guys do together?

Red_Hot_Boom_Joey: Donnie and Danny helped me out on the album, and I see Jordan a lot. our schedules are so busy so it's hard to sit down and just vibe. Actually, I was in Boston the other day and I saw Jon riding down the street on a bike and I had not seen him in five years and we just happened to meet.

unicorn_WNS asks: What are your musical influences???

Red_Hot_Boom_Joey: I have a lot. I try not to box myself in a certain sound of music. I grew up in theater. I love musicals I grew up listening to Nat King Cole and Frank Sinatra. Kinda being the youngest of nine kids, you absorb their taste in music. My sisters love to dance so there was always dance music.

shadow7072 asks: Joe, if I were a genie and I granted you one wish...what would you wish for.

Red_Hot_Boom_Joey: That I wouldnt have to go to bed early to save my voice. That I could just always have a rested voice

xXx_KoRnyGiRly_xXx asks: How does it feel to be sucessful twice both at such young ages???_From Danielle

Red_Hot_Boom_Joey: Its cool. Real cool. When I was in the studio, I wanted it to be successful. You work hard and you have to concentrate on your work and you hope that you get a chance to perform and people get to hear it. At the same time, you cant go thru life thinking "i have already had my chance and I cant keep going" yesterday was yesterday and you have to try different things and I think this is what I need to be doing.


Red_Hot_Boom_Joey: Thank You Cnotedru14. I loved it. I was right in the center of the universe with millions of people watching. It felt natural and I have been doing this all my life. Anytime MTV wants to hand me the reigns for a few days, I will be glad to take it.

d1laguna asks: What do you like to do in your free time

Red_Hot_Boom_Joey: Well, I have a bit of free time on the road and I have my days to chill out. Its easy to get bored, but i like to read i am reading a book now about Richard Nixon and how he got into all that trouble I like history, like to read and work out as much as I can.

N0w1mN0th1ng asks: what do you think of marilyn manson ?

Red_Hot_Boom_Joey: Hmm. Thats interesting. from a musical standpoint, i think they are very progressive. you have to give a lot of credit to people who create new music. But, theoretically i really dont know enough of where they are coming from. People say that they are talking about suicide and killing people, but its just a form of expression. They are not out there killing anyone. If people look at it as a form of expression, then they would not view it as they have.

KGreene978 asks: Do you think you can Jordan will ever do a duet of any kind in the future?

Red_Hot_Boom_Joey: its an interesting question cause its always fun from the outside, the audience stand point to put different artist together. i like to work with people that i am involved with. i dont see him a lot I like to keep it as authentic as possible. not with me doing my song part in one side of the country and him doing his part on the other. i would like to work with him, its not out of the question, but we are busy and into our own things.

kitie22 asks: What inspired you to write the song "I love you Came Too Late"?

Red_Hot_Boom_Joey: thats an easy question. Thats the only song I did not write on my album. That was written by Eric Foster White. You have to relate to those songs and the songs that you sing. To me its a song about committment. In this day and age, you always want more. Like its never enough. Sometimes it could come too late. When she is ready to go and you have past her time limit, it can be too late.

kbomb2000 asks: Where do you see yourself in 20 years??

Red_Hot_Boom_Joey: I hope to have a family and kids. But other than that, I cant read the future.

kckat16 asks: Besides your family, what do you miss most of all on tour?

Red_Hot_Boom_Joey: Just the daily routine of being home. The routine that most people who live a normal life get sick of is what i miss just getting up and going for a walk and getting breakfast, and going to the gym. Its fun though cause i get to miss those places and then appreciate them more when I go home.

justina_84 asks: What's your favorite song to perform live?

Red_Hot_Boom_Joey: I like them all. But i have this one song, Without your Love. Its kind of a song where I let it all hang out. I get pretty dramatic. To me, as a performer, just being in the moment and being patient with the song... cause its a slow song, and it takes a lot of guts to go out there and sing a song like that.

cute_zombie asks: do you ever feel the pressure of fame?

Red_Hot_Boom_Joey: The only with fame is like... well, I like doing my own laundry. I am in a hotel and the laundry room is on the other side of the hotel. And, i have to do my laundry. But there are so many people that are on the way to the laundry room that can distract me and that can become a hassle.

CrackSpawnsGirl asks: what would you be doing if you werent into singing?

Red_Hot_Boom_Joey: I would probably be a teacher I think. I would either be in school or a teacher. And just involved in social things. one of my sisters is a professor and does really awesome work and uses teaching for a tool for other things. She is quite an inspiration so that is what i would be doing.

Hartford44 asks: What do u think about the teen violence in todays sociaty?

Red_Hot_Boom_Joey: Its not a question that you can answer in a three sentence answer. Its something that we have to sit down and just keep talking about it. Its a lack of communication. To me it starts with the parents. I am not saying that its easy. but we have to stay in touch with our kids and at least try and see where they are coming from.

NVioletS asks: Joe- hey babe. What is the most embarrasing thing that has ever happened to u?

Red_Hot_Boom_Joey: I am pretty good and not getting embarrased actually. I have been on the stage my whole life and to me when you are on stage there are so many opportunites for things to fall apart and you to be there and you can be exposed, but for the most part, my ego is in check and i really dont worry about it. But sometimes, when i am doing my laundry and walking amoung lots of girls that can be embarrasing. :)

taysbaby314 asks: Is there anything special you like to do before you go on stage?

Red_Hot_Boom_Joey: I go to the bathroom like three of four times. Like the last 15 mintues before the show. To make sure that everything is alright.

JustinsGal98 asks: Do you have any advice for people with stage fright?

Red_Hot_Boom_Joey: Just keep practicing at it. There are some work that you can do that I learned in acting class where you gotta really feel the ground under your feet and feel the air and be in the moment and just take everything in. It may not register at first, but just practice. You have to slow your mind down and analyze things and before you know it, you're in another world. Or, you can just picture everyone in their underwear.

Whatever131 asks: Who is your favorite actress?

Red_Hot_Boom_Joey: Gwenyneth Paltrow right now.


Red_Hot_Boom_Joey: The most impressive?? Thats a tough question. I really like Asia. Korea and Japan. The culture the pace of life and how they respect it is nice. I feel really at home there.

pinayG12 asks: where did you get the ideas for the lyrics for your songs? they are so inspirational!

Red_Hot_Boom_Joey: Life in general i guess. My first album was the first time I wrote songs in my life. Its a bit of everything till now. But i get a lot from my family. My mother is very creative and I have another writer in my family. I have a lot of creativity in my family. So its in my blood.

dawn_joeyfan asks: How fun was it to make the video for "Stay the Same"?

Red_Hot_Boom_Joey: Sure. It was a bit overwhelming. I remember when i first started the video and it was the first take and just to be standing there ready to go and to know that there were more than 100 people working on one song. its a wild experience. life is beautiful if you just look at whats around us. I was happy with it.

shadow7072 asks: Joe, if there was one question that you could ask your fans....what would it be?

Red_Hot_Boom_Joey: Thats hard to answer. Cause that would mean that all my fans were the same. I would have more than one questions for all. But they are all very smart.. GREAT TASTE!!

dawn_joeyfan asks: What was it like growing up with 7 sisters?!

Red_Hot_Boom_Joey: I loved it. I was spoiled. They took care of me and still do and I would not want it any other way

KGreene978 asks: are you planning a second album yet?

Red_Hot_Boom_Joey: I am thinking about the songs and i have more written. I am not going to get ahead of myself. The second single is doing really well.

myjoemac asks: How does it make you feel to know that you can do things such as the events to help people?

Red_Hot_Boom_Joey: To me I think God gave me the repsonsiblity and I am lucky to be in a position to do somthing like this I am happy to be a part of this. The Make A Wish Foundation and the volunteers are the real ones who should be recognized. They are not doing it for fame, they are doing it cause they really want and feel the need to. I am anxious to see this girl sing tomorrow.

bsb21nsync asks: What are your hobbies besides singing?

Red_Hot_Boom_Joey: I like to read and go to the gym. Take walks. Walk, talk read, work out. very boring and simple stuff.

OCsmoothQ asks: What is your most prized possesion?

Red_Hot_Boom_Joey: The things that I keep on the road. My back pack. Without that, things would be crazy

joemac4ever asks: Hi Joe, how are you?? I love your fashion style!! The whole leather pants thing, too. So I was wondering? who decides what you wear? You, or some kind of fashion consultant?? Love ya, Naomi

Red_Hot_Boom_Joey: I decide what I wear and I got to be comfortable. But i am not too much of a slave to fashion really I am going to leave now, but i want to say Thanks to all my fans. See you tomorrow at Red, Hot & Boom in Orlando. You can also catch me on It starts at 5:20Eastern time. I will see you all then. BYE!!:)
