How did you spend your thanksgiving holiday? Jeanne; Austin, Texas
In the morning, I played football with some friends. And then I went and spent the rest of the day with my family. I'm still soar to this day. Very soar. (page owner's note: This spelling is his, not mine! LOL)
If Leonardo DiCaprio should decline, and you were offered his $70,000,000 to play Jack in "Titanic 2" would ya do it and if so, who would you pick to play YOUR Rose? Lotte from Holland.
Hell yeah. We would leave from Spain and it would be Selma Hayek.
Ida Ontario, Canada asks: How did you hook up with your ever so gorgeous manager, Miguel?
I don't know about gorgeous, but he was the manager of the Cover Girls when they were on tour with us. I always talked to him about doing a solo album and always thought he'd be a great manager for me.
NANCY from Montreal,Quebec ASKS : What was the FIRST song you performed in front of an audience (Family get togeter included) and at what age?
I think I played Twinkle Twinkle Little Star on the violin and that's about it. It was for my school.
Kelli from Michigan also asks: What was the best concert you attended and why?
Roger Troutman...He's the dude that sings "More Bounce to the Ounce" and uh, "I Wanna Be Your Man" He was a great showman. And really got the crowd involved into the songs. And he stood on his head at the end.
Tracy H. - Cincinnati, Ohio asks: Hello Jordan! My question is this. Could you give us even one teeny tiny hint as to what the Prince cover is? (THIS IS MY QUESTION!)
Kelli from Michigan asks: *Does your album have a title yet, and if so, what is it?
I don't know yet. That's actually the name of it.
Christina from San Francisco asks: is there a social issue or a political issue you feel strongly about? What would you do about it if you were President? (I'll refrain from any intern jokes if you will! LOL)
I think they should teach kids in school... have like a class on life instead of just like Math and Reading.
Claire Cooper from Wellington New Zealand asks: What's the funniest thing that has ever happened to you on Stage?
I was singing The Right Stuff in Providence Rhode Island, in front of 15,000 people and I ran down one of those slope things on stage and hit a patch of water that Donnie left there the song before
and did a re-enactment of Joe Pesci in Home Alone and busted by _____. :)
Bam-Bam Knight from Sacramento Cali asks: What's one thing you would like to see the fans NOT do now, what they/we did back then when you were a New Kid?
Don't throw underwear with led attached to em. Lead hurts.
Claire from WELLINGTON New Zealand asks: Do you remember your 1st kiss?
yeah, I was practicin' on my hand for a week. I'll keep the girl anonymous.
Crystal from CA ...........Jordan describe yourself in 3 words.
Confident insecure and confused
Italy176 asks: What is your favorite tv show?
(thinking) The Golf Channel.
sheree and Melani Knoxville, tn asks: What were you doing at 4pm this afternoon when i was wondering what you were doing?
Couldn't tell ya.
kelly ames from erie, pa asks: What was the last thing that really made you angry?
A few minutes ago, some kids showed up at my house yellin' obscene things at me.
(Jewels) asks: Do you think that Clinton should be impeached, or given a high five? :)
Either both or neither.
Shelley in Texas asks: Can you finally buy underwear without people following you around?
Oh my goodness. (again) Oh my goodness. I guess, yeah! Actually, I don't' buy underwear, so I can't answer the question.
Tilly in Sweden asks: I was just wondering... what's the most important thing in your life right now?
Jordan: I'd say my family.
kelly ames from erie, pa asks: What new band/artist do you listen to?
I got a Total CD in my car. Maxwell... Lauren Hill. Oh, and I got Alanis' new CD. (singing) thank you India I have a question for everyone. Why does Alanis thank India and Providence in her song.
Sarah from Houston Tx asks are you going to Joe's concert?
yeah, if I could get tickets. I've been trying to call him for the last 2 weeks.
Monica, Houston, TX, asks how do you handle all the pressure being placed on you with the upcoming release of the album?
pray pray pray.
How is your mom doing these days and what does she think and feel about you doing the music career thing all over again?
She's really got a good act together and her album should be out in the spring. I'll tell her you said hi.
Natalie from Atlanta GA asks: I wanted to know if you feel like you will achieve the same fame that you did with New Kids and if you want that same kind of fame.
I do and I don't... The reason I do is because I'll be able to sell a lot of records and tour all over the place. The reason I don't is because of so much public scrutiny, ya know?
kelly ames from erie, pa asks: name 5 things you'd like for Christmas.
1. Successful CD. 2. and four good answers for the rest of this question. .. actually 3.
StephieR75 asks: I was just wondering if you and Joe may ever consider doing anything together? Like a duet or tour?
I would consider it, yeah, sure why not?
Ulli asks: If you could be invisible, what would you do ?
I would walk into Bill and Hillary's bedroom and see what really happens. Do you think he's still gettin' some?
Jackie (from Toronto) asks: What was the biggest adjustment you had to make when you and the rest of the new kids went your separate ways?
Refer to the lyrics of "Separate Ways" on my album.
Heather Clark asks: Is there anyone that you would really like to have tour with you?
A good masseuse.
Crystal from CA wants to know ......Jordan how do you think you'll (NOTE: this question wasn't fully typed into the chat...I guess we have to use our imaginations!)
I have a nice new BB gun to correct that problem. from Clearwater, FL asks: I was wondering why u always wore those black rubber bracelets?
I had a Madonna fetish. But I sought counseling and I'm all better now. asks: Hey Jordan! How did you like the city of Minneapolis?
The Mall of America's great. And that's all I have to say about that!
Karen Roanoke, VA asks: What was your most enjoyable dream? worst nightmare?
My most enjoyable dream... oh my goodness. I can't really disclose that information. My worst nightmare... I thought there was an alien beside my bed, but I really thought I was awake, and I couldn't move.
David from Houston asks.....Do you feel the release of Joe's album is going to affect the success of your album?
Yes. I think it'll make it all the more better. I think his exposure will draw people's attention back to the New Kids.
Robin from Texas asks: Do you have any idea when we might see an album in stores or hear a song from you on the radio yet?
Also, how do you feel about Joe's limited release of "Stay the Same" and the success it's enjoying?
I think it's very very cool. that he did that, and I think the record he did is very inspiring.
Martha, gemma, carol and patty. ask: Are the lyrics of your songs based on personal experiences?
Most of 'em are based on personal experiences, but you can't necessarily take 'em word for word for what I'm going through at this moment because a lot of it is based on past memories.
Martine Fabrizio from Clifton Heights, PA asks: Who do you idolize the most?
I look up to a lot of people, but I don't really idolize anyone.
Deanna Emery from Mobile,Alabama asks: What one event in your life do you wish you could relive?
Our performance we did for Amnesty International down in Chile. We had 125,000 people pumpin' their fists yelling Libertad which means Liberty. in Spanish.
Julie from West Virginia: asks: Do you think that the music on your CD is going to be representative of who you are at this stage of your life?
Musically, yes. What I've noticed is there's a lot of sad songs on the CD, and I dot' want everyone to think I'm terribly sad, because I'm not.
She also asks..Which song that you have recorded for your CD is your favorite... or which one touches your heart the most (if any)?
My favorites are Separate Ways and Broken By You. The one that touches my heart the most... A Different Party probably. in a very fun way.
Where would you like to see yourself a year from now? Maryann From Cleveland Ohio
Definitely above the ground. Without question.
Becksta from New York asks: Who is your best friend?
I have a few very good friends... and they're all pretty much my best friends in different ways.
Tina Leost from Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada asks: If you were not in the music industry what other profession do you think you would be interested in?
Maybe be a teacher or something.
To be successful, you have to fail a lot.
Deanna Emery from Mobile, Alabama asks: What type of radio format are you targeting with your new album (i.e. R&B, Top 40);therefore, we will know where to concentrate our request efforts?
All of 'em. Whichever ones you target. Thank you and we'll definitely keep you posted.
Nikki from Margate, FL asks.... When writing a song do you prefer to write the lyrics, the music or both or is different with each song?
I like to do all of 'em. Probably more music though.
Paula from Albequerque asks about the music for "A Different Party"...(the music video)
Right now, we're trying to figure out which is the right single to put out. So it may not be "A Different Party."
Alethea (Canada) asks: How perfectionistic are you when it comes to your music? Is that why the album seems to be taking so long?
BELIEVE ME, it's not me. :) Talk to the powers that be.
(Alethea Power) asks: So did you charge your cell phone battery? (LOL)
hell no, I'm at home now
Angle from Boston: asks: Are you planning on doing any local (Boston area) clubs anytime soon?
I'd love to... it's all in the works... and believe me, you'll be the first to know.
Carina and Marisa from Argentina ask, What would you do if you woke up one morning and found out you were ten years old again?
I'd pee my pants.
Barbara from Phoenix asks: We were just curious to how you feel about the fact that there was a nude doctored photo circling the internet of you?
I just hope I was represented well.
Bridget asks How would you describe your music?? Would it be similar to the last NKOTB
Not real similar. But similar in the way that it has a lot of nice melodies. And it's R&B based. I think the lyrics are a bit deeper. I was involved in a lot more of the music this time, so it represents more of my musical taste.
Angela and Amy asks: What is your all time favorite movie?
A tossup between Goodfellas, Braveheart and Dances with Wolves.
Jen asks...Are you ready for the music biz all over again, is any element of it just frightening?
I hate doing interviews...but overall, I love what I do.
AndreaR from London, Ontario asks: Over what ONE year period did you grow the most as a person...
Probably this year... I was dealing with a lot of the record company people...and gettin' ready for the release of my album.
If you could have a third eyeball, where would you put it?
I'd put it right in the palm of my hand... so I could look around corners.
What sense would bother you the most if you lost it, and why?
I would probably say sight.
Have you ever seen Prince in concert, if you did, what did you think?
No, but I've seen him at a club one time. He definitely had a lot more bodyguards than I did. He had like 10 of 'em.
What's the coolest place you've ever visited?
Melissa asks...I have seen some nasty lies written about you on the internet.. some are just
I just brush it off. If I can handle rumors about a sex change, then I can handle just about anything.
Thanks for coming everybody. Keep watching the site... Especially for the chance to get the album before anyone else. I really feel I owe that to all of you for your continued support, and I'm really trying to make that happen. Have a great holiday and goodnight.