September 22, 2000 MSN Chat

DishDiva : Welcome to MSN Live! Tonight I am pleased to welcome to MSN

Live, actor/recording artist, Joe McIntyre.

DishDiva : Joe stars in the new film, "The Fantastick's."

DishDiva : Joe, welcome to MSN Live! Nice to have you back!

Joe_McIntyre_Live : What's up?!

DishDiva : Now, I know your new film, "The Fantastick's" opnes today. I

know this has been a long time coming. Are you excited about tonight?

Joe_McIntyre_Live : Yeah, I mean, it's kind of funny, I've seen it and

it's cool, but I'm just hanging out. It's kind of ironic because you think it's the premiere so it's got to be exciting, but I am just doing some laundry tonight.

DishDiva : Let's start with those audience questions!

DishDiva : krazycat1 Asks: What is the plot of the Fantastick's?

Joe_McIntyre_Live : It's about a boy and a girl who's parents fake like they're angry with each other and have this year's long fued just so the kids will rebell against them and

do exactly what they don't want them to do. There's a song in the show that says "If you want them to do something, just say no and they'll do it." Both of the kids are dreaming of the big

Joe_McIntyre_Live : time and living the big life and so what happens is the 2 young kids start meeting behind their parents back and the parents have to end the fued now, then enters the traveling freak show. The head of that circus is Gallo

Joe_McIntyre_Live : Instead of ending the fued, he teaches the kids that you can search all over the world for your dreams and perfect picture of of and life, but it's all where you are.

Joe_McIntyre_Live : If that makes any sense... You'll have to just go see the movie, I promise it's better than my version.

DishDiva : Guest_Christine Asks: I love you Joe! I justed wanted to know why did MGM suddenly make the switch from a video release in April to a theater release now? When will The Fantasticks be on video? Love ya lots! Christine

Joe_McIntyre_Live : It will definitely be in video and the reson was just contractually. It was written in the contract that if it was going to come out on video, it had to come out in theaters, so they are fullfilling that obligation. It's coming out in 7 cities and if it does well, I'm sure they will release it other places, but it should come out in video really

Joe_McIntyre_Live : soon, like a month. I'm just happy it has the proper presentation of the big screen. I think it's cool after all this time that it got this chance to do that.

<MSN EVENT MANAGER>Chat with former New Kid on the Block Joe McIntyre tonight at 7:30pm ET/4:30pm PT. Get the latest at

DishDiva : angelface says: Is there a soundtrack for the film?

Joe_McIntyre_Live : There is a soundtrack and we're, my manager Jerry Jaffe, and I are working hard to put that together.

DishDiva : krazycat1 Asks: I saw you on TRL the other day talking about your movie. Do you ever get nervous on live television?

Joe_McIntyre_Live : No, no, I don't get nervous because I just don't believe in being embarrassed. Maybe that's a bad quality to have (laugh). I just do my best. Maybe if I was singing or performing I would have different adrenaline, but for TRL, it's just a lot of fun.

DishDiva : wrenbird Asks: Joey, I have been a fan of you since New Kids on the Block and I saw you a year ago at the Greek Theater in LA, what I want to know is if you have plans to release another album and tour again in the near future?

Joe_McIntyre_Live : Absolutely! I'm in the process of doing that right now. I have about 5 tracks done so I'm about half way there. I hope to have something out by this spring.

DishDiva : jmroks21 Asks: Joe ,i read on Entertainment tonights site that todays your dads birthday wondered if you had any special plans to celebrate it with him?

Joe_McIntyre_Live : Unfortunately I'm in New York and I had interviews all day. He's in Boston and I'm in New York but I'll make it up to him.

DishDiva : yoorhee0 Asks: Dear Joey First and foremost thanks for taking the time out and chatting with us, what made you want to take the role of the movie?

Joe_McIntyre_Live : I've read for a few parts here and there, but I think that there's a lot of stuff that isn't so, I don't want to sound old fashioned, but there's a lot of material

out there that isn't quality stuff. They go for the easy score by doing the racy stuff, unnecessary stuff. And this came along and it was a musical, so that was definitely part of it.

Joe_McIntyre_Live : I went on a lot of auditions and studying at the time, and taking classes. I had about 4 call backs so it was really exciting to finially get the part.

DishDiva : sweetlady200 Asks: Which do you like better, acting or singing Joe_McIntyre_Live : I guess singing because overall it's something I'm much more involved in. I take part in writing and producing so it's more activly rewarding. But I love to act too, I just don't do it as much. Hopefully some day I'll be able to put as much time into my acting as I do in my singing.

DishDiva : Pivita1 Asks: Hi! Do you write your own lyrics? If so what is your method? What gets you started writing a song?

Joe_McIntyre_Live : Yes, I write my own lyrics. Pretty much all of my last album I wrote myself. Now I'm co-writing with people on my next CD. It's just a cool feeling to be able to express something that you're feeling and share your experiences with people and change them in some way. It's a cool feeling. For me, how it starts, I can be inspired by anything. A bell

Joe_McIntyre_Live : ringing someone saying something, inflections in people's voices, it can all start to snowball and eventually you have a song.

DishDiva : Brandy says: Joey, I have been a fan sence New Kids On The Block , I went to both you concerts in Detriot . You truly are a wonderful singer. I also had a baby 3 months ago and I named him after you. Are you planning on doing any more films? Lots of Love Brandy

Joe_McIntyre_Live : I'm flattered!!! There's nothing in the near future that I plan to do, like I said my music is my #1 priority, but that's not to say I wouldn't be interested in those things. I'm just keeping myself open and hopefully those opportunities will come along and I'll be ready for them.

DishDiva : JoeFan1 says: Are there any actors or recording artists that are role models or that your admire?

Joe_McIntyre_Live : I like so many different artists, I like a group like U2 who has still been able to make pop music but still have an edge and be able to say something. I like George Michael for the same reason. There's a group called the New Raticals, with Greg Alexander, that does all the music, it's edgey and says something. Just whoever is bold enough to try di

Joe_McIntyre_Live : different things, that's inspiring to me.

DishDiva : Gameboy99 says: I am psyched for your new film. I'll be seeing it tonight with my boyfriend. I would like to know what your favorite scene is in this film?

Joe_McIntyre_Live : Probably the scene at the end where Jeannie and I sing, "They Were You."

Joe_McIntyre_Live : It's more intimate than other movies, it's just a very tender moment.

DishDiva : Kuklitza1 Asks: Hi, Joey! This is the girl who got to hug you on TRL yesterday. My sister said it looked like I weirded you out. Does it feel strange to have people you don't know love you so much?

Joe_McIntyre_Live : Yes and no. That's a complicated question. First of all, you didn't weird me out and I think that emotion is good. Sometimes we judge it and say 'they're

crazy' there are other things that people could be doing other than doing good work, I think when music is involved and it's on live TV you might get overwhelmed. I don't put much stock into it.

Joe_McIntyre_Live : I take it for what it is, I don't try to pump it up and I don't try and throw it out the window either. You just have to let it be and then move on. If that makes

any sense at all.

DishDiva : teacher97 Asks: hey Joe! First off, congrats on all your success. You are the best! So, will the film be coming to Chicago? I will keep my eyes open....can't wait to see it!

Joe_McIntyre_Live : You have to ask all the people in the other cities that it's already out in, to go every day or twice a day, and they'll say we need to put this movie in other

big cities and hopefully it will go to Chicago, otherwise you can pick it up on video.

DishDiva : lilprep23 says: Do you play any instruments?

Joe_McIntyre_Live : I bought a guitar this year, I've not been dutiful in my practicing, but it's just cool to play some songs I've written on the album. It feels cool and I think it

will be a new experience for me.

DishDiva : ninjatab Asks: will u please tell him that he is very gorgeous, and if he has any special diets or regular excercise routines that keep him in shape

<MSN EVENT MANAGER>Chat with former New Kid on the Block Joe McIntyre tonight at 7:30pm ET/4:30pm PT. Get the latest at

Joe_McIntyre_Live : I wish I had a diet (laugh). I go in spurts, I eat like crap, but sometimes I try and keep away from the pastas and the breads. I try and do some cardiovascular, running or in the gym. With traveling, it's hard, I get away with it, but it's time to get back on a regiment.

DishDiva : ChristinaIsHere Asks: I saw you on Politically Incorrect yesterday, Are you much into politics at at all?

Joe_McIntyre_Live : Yeah, I realize as I get older that politics is just glorified gossip. These journalists, the election is who looks better in a suit. You have these grown people

trying to ask the right questions and it seems like a waist of time. Politically Incorrect is always interesting to go on there. Bill Maher is a very smart man. My father was in the Union

Joe_McIntyre_Live : and a big supporter, so I guess I'm involved that way.

DishDiva : Bam2Knight Asks: Hey Joe! Sorry but I gotta ask you this & its I'd rather hear it from the horses mouth you know.... Will there be a NKOTB reunion sometimes in the next couple of years??

Joe_McIntyre_Live : I really wouldn't count on it. It's one of those things, for something like that to happen, you have to have 5 people on the same page and different managers, lawyers, and record company to be all on the same page. Meanwhile we're all invested in our own careers and trying to fulfill certain goals we have individually, and we're not getting any

Joe_McIntyre_Live : younger (laugh). No one wants to see us together at 40 (laugh!). So I don't really see it happening any time soon.

DishDiva : phoebe2107 Asks: I'm big into saving the environment, do you have any other interests besides singing and acting?

Joe_McIntyre_Live : I'm pretty selfish I guess when it comes to my time. It's kind of eye opening when I get asked that question. The Footlight Club is the oldest community

theater and I've been involved in that for a long time and try to donate time and money. I'm not very proud of the fact that I don't get much involved. It's interesting when you're in music, and

Joe_McIntyre_Live : what your music is, you touch so many people, and you think that's your contribution to society, and that shouldn't be the case. I think the best thing we can do for society is be the best you can be, and I try and make music that's honest.

DishDiva : kim61481 Asks: Are those leather pants comfortable?

Joe_McIntyre_Live : Oh they're the best!! I just bought a new pair that you'll be seeing. You know I like my leather pants, I have black, dark brown, and tan Burberry brand.

DishDiva : hoopster says: How do we learn more about you? Do you have an official site?

Joe_McIntyre_Live : I do have a site and I'm glad you asked that question, hoopster! As my braveheart fans know it is very important the way I started my solo career by

using my website. I'm very aware that I've been slacking off on the upkeep of my site, but I want you to know that very soon, I'll be overhauling the whole site and it will be brand new, up to date,

Joe_McIntyre_Live : and I appreciate your patience.

Joe_McIntyre_Live :

DishDiva : Let's talk about the name thing. So, it's now Joe and not Joey now?

Joe_McIntyre_Live : The funny thing is, when I was at Politically Incorrect, they were like Hey Joe, Hey Joey, they asked me if it was Joe or Joey because a memo was sent out

saying not to call me Joey. And I hate when people speak for me and it's not me. So when I was there, they did the same thing. As far as the Joe or Joey question, people have called me Joey, Joe,

Joe_McIntyre_Live : Joey-Joe, and to me it doesn't matter. For now as an actor my name is Joe McIntyre, but as a singer I am Joey McIntyre.

DishDiva : Well Joey, thanks so much for stopping by MSN Live tonight to talk with fans about your new film, "The Fantastick's." Best of luck with "The Fantastick's."

Joe_McIntyre_Live : Thanks to MSN, I'll be back soon keeping you guys posted! Keep the faith and I'll be in touch very soon!!!
