December ’99 Yahoo Chat

JOEY MCINTYRE: I want to say what's up to everybody passing by Yahoo! And I

want to make it plainly clear that I always go through Yahoo! and to House of

Blues when I want to get down, ya know!?

QUESTION: Joe, I can't wait untill your new video for "I Cried" premires on

television!! Did you enjoy directing the video?

JOEY MCINTYRE: I definitely enjoyed it. It was something that I contemplated

for 3 or 4 days whether I was going to really do it. But like anything you

invest your heart and soul into, at the end you feel very rewarded. It was a

great experience. I also co-directed it with Susan Shacter.

QUESTION: This past summer you had shows with Jordan Knight. Was it

uncomfortable working along side him again?

JOEY MCINTYRE: No, not at all! He had his set and I had my set. I was proud

of us,simply for the fact that we were still out there being creative and

doing what we love to do.

QUESTION: What was the best AND worst thing that happened on your recent tour?

JOEY MCINTYRE: The best thing was just be able to be on stage with seven

other talented passionate musicians and performing live. There's nothing like

it. The worst thing was having to take care of my voice everyday. It's a

learning experience having to carry a show every night for an hour and a

half, and learning your limits.

QUESTION: What is it like being solo, since you have always been with the

other guys?

JOEY MCINTYRE: The thing is, I haven't always been with a group. I've been on

stage since I was six years old. I've been in all kinds of performances. So I

really don't find it unnatural or uncomfortable being on stage in a solo

role. It felt really good.

QUESTION: I am a huge theater fan and I know how you have performed in quite

a few plays. Which is your favorite?

JOEY MCINTYRE: I guess I'd have to say Music Man. And the production I did of

that was at the Footlight Club. It was a great production 'cause there were a

lot of kids in it, and I just like all the songs. We had a lot of fun doing

it. So I guess that's the one.

QUESTION: What were you feeling the first time you stepped back into the

studio to start recording your solo album?

JOEY MCINTYRE: I felt good. I felt like I was excited to be taking a chance.

It was a big surprise to me to be doing pop music and producing my own album

and I really enjoyed it, it was very exciting.

QUESTION: Would you ever go back to being a member of a group?

JOEY MCINTYRE: Possibly. Because I realize having my own band and singing,

how important each player is to the show. I certainly think about having that

support of other members and other musicians. It wouldn't be like a New Kids,

it would be more like a band. With musicians and collaborators as far as

music is concerned.

QUESTION: Who is your song "Stay the Same" directed towards?

JOEY MCINTYRE: It's directed towards anyone who wants to listen and anyone

who wants to get something out of it. But it certainly has personal meaning

for me. Because in life in general and especially in my music I need to trust

myself. And it was one of those songs that just grew out of me natural. It

was kind of what I was thinking deep in my soul.

QUESTION: Was there ever a time when you felt that you wanted to be in

another profession other than entertainment?

JOEY MCINTYRE: Yeah, definitely. Especially on those days where I didn't know

what I was going to do with my music, and I felt like giving up and being a

bricklayer like my brother and my father. But I realized that music and being

in this industry, it's kind of like yin and yang. You get what you put in.

And for all the hard times and all the hard work there is so much to be

gained from that. And I knew I couldn't really turn back, and this is really

what I do, I make music and I perform, and it's really what I'm best at. So...

QUESTION: Hey Joe! What do you think of all of the boy bands today? Does it

remind you of NKOTB, and who do you think did better music-wise?

JOEY MCINTYRE: I think today it's a different kind of music, it's a different

kind of music. And right now these so called boy bands have the best writers

and producers in the world working for them. When we were out there doing

music, we pretty much had one collaborator and that was Maurice Starr who

wrote and produced the music. So, therefore, it's just a different set of

circumstances. I just try to judge each group for who they are and not for

being a boy band or because there's five of them or anything like that. If

you are talented and make good music, you're going to be successful. I just

hosted a show and did a couple of songs the other night, and 'NSYNC

performed, and when I see them it brings back a lot of memories of my days

with the New Kids. And it brings back a lot of good memories. And that's why

I think I identify more with 'NSYNC, I think they're talented, have good

attitudes, and they're professional.

QUESTION: Will there ever me a reunion of the guys in the group?? Or even

just a one time concert with all of them again?

JOEY MCINTYRE: Probably not. But you know you never know. If the

circumstances were right and we felt comfortable with the situation, I'm sure

we would give it a go. But right now I really think we're into our own

careers and our own lives. Some of us are on the east coast, some on the west

coast, Danny's down in Florida. It's a different era in our lives.

QUESTION: Do you have any advice for anyone who's trying to make it in the


JOEY MCINTYRE: I always say you got to love what you do, you have to love to

perform. Find ways of performing and getting enjoyment out of performing and

don't always look for things that get you money or a certain kind of success

or make you popular. Just think about the art of it. And just get involved at

any level. Whether it's community theater, or in choirs or in school, I think

you have to start there.

QUESTION: Joe, how do you feel about being back in the "teenybopper


JOEY MCINTYRE: I feel like I'm sort of stuck between two generations so to

speak. I think those teen magazines are fun, and it's cool to be in any

magazine really, and to have an opportunity to share and get involved in that

way. To me it's sort of all the same. You can say it's teenybop or a younger

audience, but I like to think that my music and my talent is for a wide

audience. So it's all good! I like to think that I can play the House of

Blues AND be a pinup in 16 Magazine, you know?

QUESTION: Is there anything you feel like you've missed out on in life such

as college?

JOEY MCINTYRE: Yeah, I feel that I missed out on college, and that whole

experience. I think it's an awesome opportunity to be able to go to a college

and go thru everything that entails. But you can't do it all, and New kids

just happened at a time in my life when I had to make the decision whether I

wanted to go to school or tour. And I stayed with the Kids. But I don't

regret it, but I certainly did miss a few things.

QUESTION: Has fame changed you? Why or why not?

JOEY MCINTYRE: Yeah, it's certainly changed me. I think lots of things change

you, every day changes you. I think I've stayed relatively humble, and that

just because I'm famous doesn't make me better than anybody else. And I guess

if you ask me what my best quality is, it's that I do stay humble, and my

family and hometown has made me that way.

QUESTION: What's the best part of performing live?

JOEY MCINTYRE: Hmm. Just that you never know what's going to happen next. I

think for me the best shows are when I stay completely in the moment. And

things happen spontaneously. And I think that can be translated to the

audience and they have that same kind of feeling. And that's when I'm

happiest. It's the best, you know!?

QUESTION: Do you ever want to get married and start a family?


QUESTION: Hi Joey, I know your first album just came out, but what can we

expect from your next album? :)

JOEY MCINTYRE: I can't exactly tell you that. I know I have a lot of songs in

my head, and lots of different ideas that I want to get down on some tracks

and maybe figure out a direction. But for now I'm still concentrating on 99

and we'll see what happens.

QUESTION: Joey, you rock! I love that you always have time for your fans, is

it hard sometimes to stay so patient when everyone is trying to get to you?

JOEY MCINTYRE: Sometimes, when there is a lot of people asking for

autographs, I just take a second and think to myself while I'm signing an

autograph, it's only 10 more mintues that I have to put into this and then

I'll be done. And I think of what I'll get out of that, and what the fans

will get out of that, just out of that ten minutes. And I think that's one of

the cool things about just spending a few minutes with people can really

brighten up their day and give them good feelings about themselves. And I

just try to treat people the way I would want someone to treat me if I met

somebody I really admired.

QUESTION: Would you ever consider doing a duet with Jordan Knight?

JOEY MCINTYRE: I'd consider it absolutely, 'cause I think he's very talented,

and if it was the right thing, and the circumstances were cool... If Jordan

asked me to do a duet, I'd say yes just out of principal...

QUESTION: Was it hard to record stay the same in Spanish?

JOEY MCINTYRE: It wasn't terribly hard. My pronounciation is pretty decent,

and I used to study it in high school and I was pretty good. I guess it just

came back, and we knocked it out.

QUESTION: Do you have any special surprises in store for us during your New

Year's shows?

JOEY MCINTYRE: Yes, there will be some surprises and there will be some

changes in the set. It will be different than the show you'll see from the

House of Blues. I'm not taking a New Year's Eve show lightly.

QUESTION: Joey what do you like to do on the road to past the time??

JOEY MCINTYRE: I love being in a city that I've never been in. I think of

being in Pueblo, Colorado this summer. I feel like I was put in a time

machine and just plopped there!< It was cool to just walk around the town,

and the different shops, and almost just get lost. As if I was just getting

lost, I guess! That's usually what I like to do, just check out the city that

I'm in by walking around.

QUESTION: What was the most embarrasing thing that happened on stage?

JOEY MCINTYRE: I don't believe in embarrassing things, you know? You have a

choice to just be vulnerable and be open with your feelings... Life can be

very embarassing... you can be put in a lot of vulnerable situations, but

that's part of the excitement of life, you know?

QUESTION: Joey what was the most beautiful experience you had in your life

JOEY MCINTYRE: That's a tough question! This year has brought on a lot of

beautiful experiences.

QUESTION: When is your next video is coming out and do you have any plans for

a new album?

JOEY MCINTYRE: I think we're going to premiere it on TRL on the 21st. And I

think it's going to be on The Box maybe before that. And I think I'm going to

premiere it on my website on the 14th.

QUESTION: I'm a nanny working in London at the moment and the kids and I

listen to the CD, the kids want me to ask one question and that is, what is

your favourite Christmas carol?

JOEY MCINTYRE: First of all, you should be in bed right now! And I hope the

kids are in bed. My favorite Christmas carol is probably "I'll Be Home For


QUESTION: Are there any plans to bring your tour and music to other parts of

the world?

JOEY MCINTYRE: Not at the moment honestly. The world is a big place and I try

to get around it as much as possible. And meet the fans and do some shows.

But it's a big undertaking to bring the tour over, and we just haven't

crossed that bridge yet.

QUESTION: Joey, what are your music influences

JOEY MCINTYRE: Being in the theater has been a great influence as far as the

way I perform and interprete a show. Certainliy Frank Sinatra and Nat King

Cole were big influences. Mary J. Blige as a singer and a songwriter. This

year Tal Bachman released an album I really related to. And just a little bit

of everything else really.

QUESTION: Will you ever do a cover of a Frank Sinatra song?

JOEY MCINTYRE: I hope so, I hope to do a big band album someday. I don't know

whether it will be my next album, but hopefully soon.

QUESTION: Can you tell us who your dream duet would be with?

JOEY MCINTYRE: Gwyneth Paltrow is my favorite actress and I heard that she

sings too. So, there you go.

QUESTION: Hey is it true that you used to be with the Mickey Mouse Club and

work with Britney Spears? If so, was it cool?

JOEY MCINTYRE: No, I never was in the Mickey Mouse Club, but I did do a

Disney Special with Britney Spears, so maybe that's where the confusion lies.

QUESTION: Joe, you've done a lot of ice skating shows recently. When was the

first time you stepped on the ice though? I'm curious because I've been

skating since I was 2 years old, and I just turned 20.

JOEY MCINTYRE: Probably when I was 7 or 8 years ago. Me and my family always

used to go up to a place called Larz Andersons. But we used to call it


QUESTION: Where do you see yourself five years from now?

JOEY MCINTYRE: Hopefully a lot more grounded in my music, maybe wtih an

instrument under my belt, guitar or piano maybe. And maybe starting a family

by then.

QUESTION: What are you listening type of music do you listen to during your

free time?

JOEY MCINTYRE: Tal Bachman I already mentioned. K-Ci and JoJo. I just got

Jewel's Christmas album. There's another Christmas album called Acoustic

Christmas with a lot of great artists on it. Chrissie Hynde. And like I said,

a little bit of everything.

QUESTION: What are some of your hobbies off the stage?

JOEY MCINTYRE: I like to play a lot of basketball lately, go to the gym, take

a steam, and sleep for the rest of the day - no! I like to stay around the

house. I think I inherited the trait of being a bit of a homemaker from my


QUESTION: If you were stranded on a desert island, but you could only bring

one thing, what would it be?

JOEY MCINTYRE: Gwyneth Paltrow.

QUESTION: Do you consider moving out of Boston?

JOEY MCINTYRE: I don't think permanently. I have a place in New York too and

it's a nice little getaway, but I think I'll be staying in Boston.

QUESTION: If you gave up everything you have now, what would you give it up


JOEY MCINTYRE: The selfish answer is Gwyneth Paltrow. And the unselfish

answer, might impress Gwyneth Paltrow, is probably understanding, just

everyday understanding. Seems like lots of times people just don't understand

each other. And it seems like it's so easy to break down that wall. And I

hope Gwyneth doesn't think I'm freaking out about her!

QUESTION: When you hear yourself on the radio do you sing along or change it?

JOEY MCINTYRE: LOL! I don't sing along, but I don't necessarily change it

either. If they played my song as much as "Livin' La Vida Loca" I might

change it, but until they do, I might let it play! I just want to thank the

House of Blues, I had an awesome time that night, it's an awesome venue.

Chicago is a great city. I remember telling my tour manager, we ain't leaving

early tonight. Because he always wants to make a quick out, but it's not

every night that you play the House of Blues. We hung out actually, in the

Foundation Room which is a really cool room in the House of Blues, it was a

really rock n roll night. I'm going to be watching myself on the 13th at 6 PM

PST on Good night!
