Mailing lists

If you have a list you would like to submit, go here.

mail icon J O I N Knight of My Life -- Fans of Jordan Knight and/or the former NKOTB. your email address:

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Knight of My LifeThis list is for discussing the former NKOTB and the new solo careers of Jordan, Joe and Donnie. Feel free to enjoy yourself, as long as you respect the band members and the list members. Fanfics are more than welcome! I'm not responsible for subject matter, as it can get very graphic, so join at your own risk.
NKsexThis is an adult NKOTB list, though talk of other boybands, etc. is welcome. Fanfics are welcome! No disrespecting the fellas, or any of the list members. The discussion can get risque so join at your own risk! I'm not responsible for the subject matter!
NKOTB UKA mailing list aimed at British fans of New Kids on the Block.
SmutzVilleThis list is for adult New Kids fans that reside in this fantasyland. Feel free to discuss any member of the New Kids or anyone else who catches your fancy. PLease come and have fun.
Only DonnieThis is a list for Donnie Wahlberg fans. This is an adult list. We welcome talk about anything Donnie, as long as it's positive. We do tend to get graphic here, and I do not take responsibility for what someone else posts. IF you love Donnie Wahlberg, then come join the fun.
Only JoeThis is a list to support Joe and have fun talk with other Joe fans!
Only JordanThis is a list for Jordan Knight fans. It's all about Jordan, pictures of Jordan, stories about Jordan, poems or fan meetings with Jordan, Jordan's music, That's it. Every post should have something about Jordan. OT is allowed, as long as you put a "OT" in the subject line. Discuss Jordan then/Jordan now, Jordan dreams, anything Jordan. Join the list to talk to our members!
Only DannyThis is a list for Danny Wood fans. It's all about Danny, pictures of Danny, stories about Danny, poems or fan meetings with Danny, Danny anything, and everything. That's it. Every post should have something about Danny. OT is allowed, as long as you put a "OT" in the subject line. Discuss Danny then/Danny now,Danny dreams, anything Danny. Join the list to talk to our members!
Only JonathanThis is a list for Jonathan Knight fans. It's all about Jonathan, pictures of Jonathan, stories about Jonathan, poems or fan meetings with Jonathan, Jonathan anything, and everything. That's it. Every post should have something about Jonathan. OT is allowed, as long as you put a "OT" in the subject line. Discuss Jonathan then/Jonathan now, Jonathan dreams, anything Jonathan. Join the list to talk to our members!
Only MarkThis is a list for Mark Wahlberg fans. It's all about Mark. Feel free to discuss anything pertaining to Mark Wahlberg, as long as it is positive. We tend to get graphic here, and I do not take reponsibility for what someone else might post.
FinnishNKOTBfansThe list is mainly for NKOTB fans in Finland and most of the discussion takes place in Finnish, but others can join in too. We talk about the old times and the present times and... a lot of OT times... Anyway, join in if you like! =) Tervetuloa.
A Different PartyThis is a list especially made for Jordan fans in Europe, but of course anyone can join. We want to promote JK in Europe and we want more attention from the JK promo staff! This is a Fan Club as well, so please feel free to check out the website ( and join the fun! :o)
I Love Joe McIntyreThis is a list for former NKOTB Joe McIntyre. Join this list to get updates on JOe as well as to talk about him! Anything goes on this list so feel free to talk about whatever you want!
euroNKOTBfansThis is a list for European NKOTB fans. Mainly talk about European less good availability of NKOTB's and ex-NKOTB's solos.
Donnie's CornerA movie entertainment list about Donnie Wahlberg's actor career. Also talk about his other careers (musician, record producer) is welcome.
Give It Up!The *First* Unofficial Joe McIntyre fanclub. This Newsletter is sent out once a week, and by me only, so you won't get bombed with mail. Contains first-heard/inside info, and accurate listings of all Joe's appearances, schedule changes, etc. Also contains info on *ALL* the other members... you'll find everything you need!
NKPride4evaThis list is designed for New Kids on the Block fans - the loyals who have loved them since '88 and those who are just getting back into it. You're invited to talk about Joe and Jordan's solo careers, reminisce about old times and get to know other Blockheads. The purpose of this list is to keep the New Kid pride alive and to support Joe, Danny and Jordan as they become popular solo artists and the rest of the guys in whatever they choose to do!
East To West ConnectionYou can talk about, send fanfic, pictures, etc about the New Kids. Not only them but you can talk about BSB, NSYNC, 98 degrees, LFO, Christina Aguilera, etc... and even Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Dawson's Creek, Roswell, etc... basically it's just a list for people to get to know other people who share the same interests... not just one kind of interest. So feel free to join! I don't really have any rules... just no chain letters (I accept questionnaires and surveys). See ya there!!!!!
JNMKThis mailing list is to talk about Jordan Knight his music, news, stories of concerts and meeting JK. Talk about the other members of NKOTB is welcome too, even though it will be primarly about Jordan.
JNMK-NewsA new mailing list from "Jordan Knight- Since You Walked into My Life" ( This is an announment list, with the latest updates on Jordan Knight and his career.
Boyband FanficsFan fiction about any boy band! New Kids on the Block, NSync, 98 Degrees, BSB, CNote . . . I think you get the picture.
JoeMcIntyreThis list is THE original Joe list. With over 500 members, it's still going strong. Join to talk about Joe (and any of the other guys), and get more information than you can handle! With so many people, you're sure to find someone in your area to trade NK stories with! :)

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