Anything Goes!

by: Rhonda

You sat there at the airport in Cincinnati, waiting for Rhonda to arrive. According to the TV monitor, her flight was on time and should land in exactly thirty minutes.

You and Rhonda had met over the Internet; she was surfing and found your website on the New Kids. She needed to answer three questions to get a special password for access to another site. Rhonda was as much of a fan as you, so they were answered correctly with ease. That was the beginning.

The two of you had started talking everyday, sharing your lives over the information super highway; you had become instant friends. Two weeks ago, you had asked her to come down and visit and go see your fave ex-New Kid perform at a local club.

You had been deep in thought thinking about the places that you were going to take Rhonda on her two-week trip, you hadn’t noticed the figure sit next to you.

“So are you here leaving or picking someone up?” A vaguely familiar male voice asked.

You weren’t keen on talking with people in the airport. “Picking up,” you replied almost rudely.

“I hate the airport, they are always too busy,” he continued.

You sighed to yourself, “Hmmm…” you mumbled.

“Where is your flight coming from?” he asked.

When it became obvious that he wasn’t going away, you decided to answer. “A friend is coming from Canada, she had to change planes in Montana.”

“My friend is coming from Montana, too. Maybe they are on the same plane,” he laughed.

You decided that since this stranger was going to keep on talking, you turned to see who was doing the talking. As you turned your head to the voice, your eyes met the most stunning pair of hazel eyes. You instantly recognized Donnie Wahlberg. Who was he picking up from the airport?

Your hand flew up to your mouth. “You’re uh…”

Donnie smiled shyly, “Yeah I am.” He put his finger up to his lips. “Shhh, I’ve gone unnoticed so far and that will probably change once Jordan gets here, unless we can make a quick exit,” he whispered with a chuckle.

You nodded your head in silence. You couldn’t believe that you were sitting next to Donnie Wahlberg. And even better, he was there to pick up Jordan. Even though you knew he was going to be performing the following night you couldn’t help but hope to meet him tonight.

“I can’t wait for Rhonda to get here. Will you wait for her? She is totally in love with you,” you finally said.

“Sure, I’m always glad to meet a fan. Who was your favorite?” Donnie asked with interest.

“Actually, it is Jordan,” you replied with a laugh.

Donnie smiled, “Well then you have to meet him.”

You couldn’t have been happier, a chance to meet Jordan Knight, you were not going to miss this opportunity. You and Donnie started a more casual conversation. You found out that he was helping Jordan through some of his tour dates. He missed the action from the music biz and was currently between movies. The time flew by and finally you heard Rhonda’s flight announced.

“There’s her flight, do you want to come with me?” you asked.

“That’s Jordan’s flight too, let’s go?” He replied getting up. Donnie put a confident, friendly arm over your shoulder as you walked over to the gate. Your insides were quivering with the anticipation of meeting Jordan. You finally arrived at Rhonda’s gate; you stopped, waiting for Rhonda to emerge from the plane. Once you saw her you almost fainted, she was on the arm of Jordan.

“Oh my God!” you whispered. “Rhonda!” you cried. You ran over to her and hugged her. “You made it!”

“Tracy, look who I found, he was sitting right there beside me, the whole flight. I told him all about you, he’s dying to meet you.” She gushed to you taking you to the side.

“I have just spent the last half an hour talking with Donnie, he is dying to meet you,” you told her.

The two of you were standing apart from the guys watching them, while they in turn were watching you two.

“So, D-man, what do we do?” Jordan asked.

“I think we should go for it. They seem okay and Tracy told me Rhonda is in love with me,” Donnie smiled in your direction. “And besides they are both very easy to look at.”

You and Rhonda were having a very similar conversation. “Tracy, we have to go for this. The men of our deepest, darkest fantasies are standing right over there. Now is not the time for your rational side to be so damn rational,” Rhonda stated.

“But, Rhonda, we don’t know the important things about them,” you whispered.

Rhonda moaned under her breath. “Tracy, the most that we would do is have dinner with them. Jordan has the show tomorrow, he doesn’t have time to get down and dirty,” Rhonda cackled.

You shifted from one foot to the other, thinking things through quickly in your head. One dinner and Rhonda was probably right, Jordan would have a lot on his mind. “Okay, well let’s see what they want to do first, we could be jumping way ahead of ourselves,” you whispered as Jordan and Donnie came back over to you.

“Ladies, we don’t mean to rush you or anything, but we need to leave the airport. There is a limo waiting outside, would you like to accompany us?” Jordan asked, putting his arm around your shoulders.

Your knees almost buckled from under you. “Sure, where are we going to go?” you asked, heading for the door.

“Why don’t you direct us to your place Tracy. We can hang out for awhile, have some chow, get to know one another and see where things go from there,” Jordan replied casually.

You looked over at Rhonda, who nodded with encouragement. What the hell, you thought, you only live once. “Sure, we were just going to take a cab home, my car is in the shop. The limo will be much better,” you laughed.

Half an hour later you opened your door to your new guests. You were instantly glad that you had cleaned up for Rhonda. You had a fair sized house that you were proud of. It had three bedrooms, a master (yours), and two spares – one that served as a guestroom and the other was where you kept your computer. The kitchen was huge and all white with a small nook off to the right. The living room was just as huge. There was a great stereo system and TV with surround sound. All the better to listen to New Kids and Jordan’s CD!

“Tracy, this place is great!” Rhonda exclaimed as she walked around, Donnie not too far behind reaching for her hand.

You smiled as you saw that he grabbed her hand and they took off into the hallway. “So, Jordan, you nervous about the show tomorrow?” you asked casually. You were nervous yourself. This was Jordan Knight that was standing not two feet away from you, in your house!

“A little. I always get a little nervous before a show. Especially this time around,” he confessed.

“Why’s that?” you wondered as you poured some juice for everyone. It was still a little early for the alcohol to come out.

“Well, most of the people that come to the shows, remember me and wonder if I can overcome my New Kids days. It’s a lot to have to rise above,” he explained.

You handed Jordan his drink. “I’m sure that you are surpassing them all. You still manage to make my toes curl,” you replied before thinking about it. As soon as the last word left your mouth you realized what you had said and quickly looked at Jordan. “I am sorry, just pretend that I never said that,” you finished and then looked down at the cushion on the sofa.

Jordan laughed quietly. “Don’t be. I hope that all the ladies that come to my shows think that way. Makes it easier for me.”

You looked back up into Jordan’s chocolate eyes. You held each other’s eyes for a fraction too long. You realized how close you were sitting to one another and started to lean in to Jordan. You relaxed a little when you saw that Jordan was leaning in too. Your lips were millimeters away from touching. Jordan had placed his hand on your knee for a little support. The heat from his hand was coursing through your body. You closed your eyes waiting for the moment when his lips would touch yours.

“Hey Tracy, you need to check your e-mail. It is beeping like crazy in here!” Rhonda called from the hallway.

“Shit,” you heard Jordan mutter under his breath as you jumped apart, the moment broken.

“Um, yeah, I’ll be right there!” you called back to her. “She has perfect timing doesn’t she?” you giggled.

“Yup,” Jordan replied. He stood up and reached out for your hand. “Why don’t we go check out that e-mail?”

Jordan pulled you up gently and wrapped his arm around your waist, pulling you close to him, he smiled, “This time we won’t be interrupted,” he whispered. Your lips met before your brain figured out what he was talking about. Jordan took instant possession of your mouth before you could resist. As if you would! This was a dream come true. Jordan’s lips were so soft, his tongue slid through your lips as he lightly ran it over your teeth, promising so much. This action sent little shivers up your spine.

Reluctantly you both pulled apart at the same time. You looked up into Jordan’s eyes again, getting lost, “That was nice,” you stated.

“Very,” was all he said. You walked quietly down the hall to your computer room, only to see Donnie and Rhonda locked in a heated embrace themselves. You cleared your throat to announce your arrival. They jumped apart quickly while you and Jordan chuckled.

“So let’s check out this e-mail,” you said, walking over to your chair. You handled the computer like a pro and saw that you had eight new messages.

“You are a popular girl,” Jordan remarked, coming up behind you and resting his hands on your shoulders. Again the heat from his hands coursed through your body.

“I am. They are probably from people who are commenting on my website,” you explained.

“Not the one with the stories, I hope,” Rhonda muttered only loud enough for you to hear.

“Let’s hope,” you replied. Luckily most of them were from other girls that you had met through your website. They were wishing you luck for the concert tomorrow night, knowing that you were going to try and meet Jordan. You stored them in your file cabinet and shut off the computer. “Okay, I’m sure that we can find something more exciting to do than watch me check my messages. What do you guys want to do?” you asked the guys.

“What is there to do in Cleves, Ohio at this time of day?” Donnie asked, putting an arm around Rhonda.

You laughed a little as you lead the way out to the living room. “Not much. Don’t you guys have to go for a sound check or something?” You didn’t want to get rid of them, but you knew that they were in Cincinnati for a reason.

“Nah, we can do it first thing in the morning. I would much rather be here with you,” Jordan replied, his eyes staring into yours, making you wonder how far this meeting was going to go. How far would you let yourself go?

You all sat around and talked for a few hours, Donnie and Jordan were hilarious. They knew just the perfect time to put in that punch line to get you and Rhonda going. When you looked at the clock you noticed that it was almost dinnertime. You had planned a dinner for Rhonda, but your grilled chicken just didn’t do it for Jordan and Donnie.

“So ladies, what are we going to do for dinner?” Jordan asked you as though he was reading your mind.

“I was just thinking the same thing. I had planned for me and Rhonda, but that was before I knew that we were going to be bringing you guys home,” you laughed.

“Let’s grab the limo and go somewhere. I don’t feel like being stuck inside a house right now,” Donnie suggested as he helped Rhonda up, giving her a kiss. She willingly kissed back.

“I think Donnie has the right idea, let’s go out for dinner,” Jordan said, helping you to your feet.

You all left the house after you and Rhonda had freshened up. If the paparazzi were out, you wanted to look your best. You ended up in a little Italian restaurant in the heart of Cleves. The atmosphere was perfect. Low candlelight; warm enough to give you that gooey feeling of love in the air. You had almost forgotten that Rhonda and Donnie were there when you looked across the table at Jordan. You loved him from afar before, but this was becoming so much more. And it seemed as though Jordan felt it too.

By the time that you all got back to your place, you knew that something important was going to happen tonight. Jordan and Donnie had called Jordan’s manager earlier and explained things to them, so they weren’t expected back until late. If even at all.

As soon as you walked through the front door, Rhonda and Donnie disappeared into the guest bedroom that you set up for her. You smiled to yourself, as you knew that one of her dreams was about to come true. You turned to Jordan wondering again for what seemed like the millionth time, what was going to happen tonight.

“Tracy…” Jordan started as he led you to the couch.

“Yeah, Jordan?” you answered.

“What do you see happening here? Tonight?”

“I don’t know. I mean, I never thought that I would ever meet you and now here you are, in my house, and I have no idea what to do with you,” you explained.

You and Jordan stood staring at one another, pondering your last statement. What to do with Jordan Knight? You were thinking a little too hard and hadn’t noticed that Jordan was now standing directly in front of you. “I can think of a few things,” he whispered in your ear as his lips started a trail down your cheekbone.

Your knees almost gave out from under you. You reached your hands up and laced your fingers together around the back of Jordan’s neck, letting him take control. If you had too much time to think, you would turn him down. Jordan slowly bent down and picked you up, carrying you to your room. As you passed by Rhonda’s room, you could hear that she was having a good time.

Jordan placed you gently on your bed, not once did he stop kissing you. He was an excellent kisser, as if he would be anything less. Jordan didn’t push; he waited for you to give the signal to go further. He kept kissing you, leaving paths of fire on your skin. When he moved to another area of your skin, the cool air caused you to become even more aroused.

Jordan moved on the bed so that he was beside you, lying down. “Do you want me to stop?” he whispered in your ear.

Afraid to speak, you didn’t want your voice to give away the fear. You were not really scared; this wasn’t the first time that you had done this. But you didn’t want to be a one-night stand for some second time around rock star. Jordan sensed your pause and looked you in the eyes.

“I can stop if you want me to,” he continued.

You breathed heavily. “I don’t know if I do. I have dreamed of this moment since I first heard your voice, but…” you trailed off.

“What? What is it? Tell me Tracy. Be honest with me,” he begged.

“I don’t want to be just another one night stand on the bedpost of rock star Jordan Knight,” you whispered as tears came to your eyes. You wanted to realize your dream, but your rational side was just too strong.

Jordan rolled over onto his back and stared up at your ceiling. He was quiet for several minutes before speaking. “You know this is going to sound crazy, but I don’t want that either. I felt a real connection with you tonight. I don’t know where this is going to go, but I want to find out more than anything. I am going to be in Cincinnati for three days and I want to spend the whole time with you,” he finished.

“What happens when Cincinnati is over?” you wondered out loud.

“Can we get through the next three days and then decide that when the time comes? I want to be with you wherever I am.”

You looked over at Jordan. You had the same feelings as he did. You had finally met him and now you didn’t want to let go. But was that facing reality? “I want that too, Jordan,” you replied and reached for him pulling him on top of you. You looked into his eyes and knew that at that moment you wanted nothing more than to have Jordan make love to you. “Make love to me, please.”

“Gladly,” Jordan responded. He brought his lips to yours and kissed you like the world was about to end. His tongue traced the outline of your lips. You opened them to him, granting him entrance. He learned every crevice and bump of your mouth, instantly committing it to memory. He placed small gentle kisses down your jawline, over your earlobe, down your neck and across your shoulder. Pulling at your blouse at the same time, wanting so eagerly to take it off.

You placed your hands on top of his and guided them to the buttons of your blouse, giving him silent permission to take it off. Jordan looked into your eyes as he unbuttoned them, making sure that is what you really wanted. When you offered no resistance, he slid your blouse off your shoulders and let it float to the floor. You could tell that he was doing everything in his power to not just jump right in and take you then and there. His hands came back to your breasts as he lightly traced his thumb over your nipple, making it harden instantly.

You quickly drew in a breath; the touch of his skin against the silk of your bra was overwhelming. You felt a familiar stirring in the bottom of your stomach. It had been so long since you had a man make love to you.

While you were still enjoying the feeling of Jordan’s fingers over your now very erect nipples, he had managed to get the clasp undone. You suddenly felt a rush of cool air as he brushed your bra away from your breasts. You arched your back, as if begging him to touch your skin. He needed no further invitation. He quickly dropped his mouth to meet your nipples.

The feel of his tongue tracing the outline of it was enough to send you into orgasm. You shuddered as tiny waves of pleasure rushed through your body. You could hardly believe that just the simple action of him working on your breasts would be enough to drive you to that.

You had the sudden need to feel Jordan inside of you. As you made the move to reach for the button on his jeans, he pushed your hands away lightly. Shaking his head, he smiled. “I have another idea, you game?” he whispered.

“What?” you asked with a little concern.

“You ever been tied up?” You shook your head no. You never had, but it was one of your fantasies and who better to live out that fantasy with than Jordan Knight. “Would you like to try it?”

You thought for a minute, sizing things up. If Jordan tied you up, you would be defenseless. He could do anything he wanted, anything. “As long as we make a few ground rules,” you replied.

“Like what?” Jordan asked with interest.

“Like, if there is anything that I don’t want you to do, or if I’m uncomfortable with the way things are going, you have to stop. Say, if I use the word yellow,” you explained.

“Sounds good to me. Anything else?” he wondered.

You looked at Jordan and once again felt that familiar stirring. “That should be it. There are some silk scarves in the top dresser drawer. You can use those. But not too tight, they were kind of expensive.”

Jordan walked over to the dresser and opened the drawer, removing four different colored scarves. “If we break them, I will buy you more,” he assured you. He crossed back over the room and placed the scarves on the nightstand. “Now, in order for me to tie you up and then have my way with you, you need to be naked now,” he chuckled. He reached for the button on your jeans and quickly undid it. He took his time with the zipper, pulling it down, then up, then down and back up again. After a minute he noticed that your breathing had quickened, so he pulled off your jeans and followed with your silk panties. He purposely let his finger trail lightly over your clit, smiling at how wet you had become. “Promising,” he remarked.

You let a light moan escape from your lips. You were so jazzed up and he hadn’t even gotten to tying you up yet! When he reached for the scarves, you looked at him. “Aren’t you going to get undressed? This doesn’t seem fair,” you laughed.

“All in good time, Tracy, all in good time,” he responded. He approached your right side and reached for your arm. It was a good thing that you had a four poster bed. He grabbed a red scarf and tied it lightly to the post. Then he moved to the left side and did the same with your left arm with a white scarf. As he reached over you to get another scarf, he lightly brushed his chest across your nipples, causing you to yet again breath in sharply. He grabbed a black scarf, lifting it only enough so that it would run across your nipples. The sensation caused you to arch your back so that the feeling would never go away. Unfortunately it did.

Jordan walked down to the foot of the bed and tied your left leg to the bedpost, returning to the nightstand, picking up the last scarf, a blue one. He tied your right leg to the post. You were now spread eagle over your bed, with no defenses. You felt a little shiver run up your spine at the anticipation of what was to come. Hopefully me, you thought with a small giggle.

Jordan stood at the end of the bed and admired his work. “This will do just fine,” he stated more to himself than to you. He climbed onto the bed and bent over your right foot. Ever so gently, he kissed the top of your big toe, then moved on down to the little one. His hand was cradling your foot so he could move it with ease. He trailed his tongue down the side and up your ankle, giving you little kisses as he went.

When he reached your knee, he placed his index finger in the little nook behind and gently rubbed in a circle. You wondered what he was doing when you suddenly felt another orgasm approach. How is this possible? He is nowhere near where she should be for this, you wondered. The tiniest ripple of excitement washed over you and you realized that you didn’t care where it came from, it was damn good!

Once you had caught your breath, he replaced his finger with his lips, kissing lightly. He continued his path upward, finally reaching your most private spot. You hoped that he would dive right in. You could hardly contain yourself anymore, but Jordan had other things on his mind. He skipped over you and brought his lips to your stomach, placing hot, wet kisses everywhere. His tongue darted in and out of your belly button. He trailed his tongue up your middle, veering off to the left when he reached your breasts. He licked his way around your breast, finally resting on your nipple.

You groaned out loud when he took it in his mouth and sucked hungrily. You didn’t care who heard you. Although you had heard a few interesting sounds coming from Rhonda’s room. You focused back on Jordan and what he was doing to your body. No man had ever made you feel this much desire before.

You felt that you had to test Jordan, just to make sure that he was going to honor your request. “Yellow,” you said quietly.

Jordan looked at you with concern, “Do you want me to stop?”

“No, I just had to make sure that I could trust you to stop if I asked,” you replied.

Jordan smiled at you, that all consuming smile that he had. The one that made your insides go all mushy and make you think that nothing in this world could ever go wrong. He then continued his assault on your nipples, switching from one to the other, making them ache with pleasure. Slowly he stopped what he was doing and brought his lips to yours. “I’m falling in love with you, Tracy,” he whispered so quietly that you had to think about what he said.

You didn’t know what to say. How could you object? He had you tied up. Your deepest, darkest fantasy is coming true. You had met Jordan Knight, are making love with him and he has just told you that he is falling in love with you after only a few short hours. Is this possible? Is it too good to be true? Am I just dreaming this, you thought to yourself.

“I know that it seems crazy and even a little hasty, but like I said before, I feel such a connection with you. Like you are my soulmate. It was destiny that we met at the airport, I think,” he continued.

You looked into those chocolate eyes that you fell in love with at first glance. You knew what had to be said. “I love you too, Jordan.” Your heart felt as though it was going to explode with what you were feeling. This was a new feeling for you.

Jordan smiled at you. “This is a good thing,” he replied and lowered his lips to yours as though to seal the bond that had just been formed. He kissed you with such a passion, you were surprised when he took his lips away and trailed them down your throat, over your collarbone and ending up at the one spot that he missed.

He let his tongue slide around the most sensitive spot, searching for what would make you squirm the most. He found it with ease, almost like he knew where it was. You tried your best to get away, but being tied up prevented that. You pushed your head back into the pillow hoping that it would give you the strength that you needed to hold onto this feeling for as long as possible.

Just when you thought that you couldn’t take anymore, Jordan’s fingers joined in the fun. Taking your skin and holding it wide open, he touched your very sensitive and swollen clit with the very tip of his tongue. The warm wetness that was all ready there and the cool wet from his tongue mingled together, causing a wave of pleasure to wash over you. You arched your back not wanting Jordan to back away. But since you were tied up you could only arch so much and he was able to pull away. Not for long though, he was back for more a second later. He pressed the tip of his tongue against your opening just enough so that you could feel something there, but not enough to push through. He ran his tongue the whole length of you, lapping up your juices.

When he reached your clit, your hips bucked upwards following his tongue, not wanting it to leave that spot. Jordan repeated this motion several times, until he could feel your muscles tighten slightly with the approach of your third orgasm. He backed off just in time and the feelings subsided a little. Jordan reached up to your mouth and stuck his index finger into it where you sucked it happily. After a minute, he pulled it away and began to rub your clit. Again, just as you were about to take off, he stopped rubbing and pressed his finger inside of you. As you rocked against his hand, he manipulated your clit, once again bringing you, finally, to your third orgasm. The long awaited one. You tried to hold back the screams in your throat, but the feelings were just too intense and you had to let it all go.

“AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!! Oh God!!!!!!” you screamed. Your body rocked with the orgasm. You strained to get your arms and legs free so that you could hold Jordan against you forever and never let these waves of pleasure end. However, Jordan had tied the scarves too tight. Not tight enough to hurt you, but enough so that you couldn’t escape. The realization hit you that there was nothing you could do to stop this, being tied up. You didn’t think it was possible, but that realization made the orgasm seem more intense.

After what seemed an eternity, regretfully, the orgasm ended. Jordan left you for a minute and got you a glass of water as you caught your breath. You were amazed. No one had ever done that to you before. You couldn’t wait to return the favor.

Just as you were getting your strength back, Jordan returned. “Hi,” he said with a smile.

“Hi yourself. That was amazing. Where did you learn that?” you asked as Jordan sat with you on the bed. You were still tied up and spread eagle.

Jordan held the glass to your lips and helped you to drink. “Oh from here and there. Nowhere special actually. I have just paid attention over the years to guy talk,” he explained.

“Well, I will have to thank someone. Could you untie me now? Please,” you begged.

Silently Jordan untied your arms and legs. Each time that he released you, he placed kisses on the part of your skin that was red from your tugging. He massaged your legs to get the kinks out. As he stood at the foot of the bed, you noticed his excitement; you could hardly miss it. You crawled over the bed to Jordan and kissed him. He had found your mouthwash and rinsed his mouth, which left him with a fresh, minty taste. How could one guy be so considerate? you thought.

As you kissed Jordan, you pulled his T-shirt out of his jeans and quickly over his head so as not to be apart from him for too long. You marveled at his perfect pecs and the way his body looked half-naked. You couldn’t wait to see it completely naked.

You slid your hand down over his ever-growing erection, rubbing gently through his jeans. Jordan groaned deep into your throat. He wrapped his arms around you, enveloping you in a hug. You pulled away slightly, shaking your head.

You got an evil grin on your face. “You tortured me, I torture you!” you announced. You slowly unbuttoned his jeans, then played with his zipper as he did with you. When it became obvious that you were going to catch something in the zipper, you undid it completely and slowly pushed his jeans down.

“A free-spirited kind of guy. I like that,” you said with a smile. Jordan stepped out of his jeans as you stood on the floor. You turned to Jordan. “Okay, on the bed with you Mr. Knight,” you ordered.

Jordan wasn’t sure what you had in mind for him, but since you were such a good sport, he was going to be as well. Obediently he crawled on the bed and attempted to lie down. You stopped him with one look. “No way, Jordan. On your knees.” Jordan sat up on his knees. You lifted him so that he just had the shins of his legs for support. You walked over to your closet and opened the door just enough for you to see. You knew that having two housecoats would come in handy one day. You pulled the belts off and returned to Jordan.

Grabbing the red and black scarves, you tied up Jordan’s wrists to the bedposts at the foot of the bed. You were careful not to do it too tight, but tight enough so he knew who was in charge. Then you took the belts and tied his ankles to the same bedposts. He was now anchored to the posts at the foot of the bed. He had to support himself with his knees and shins.

You stood back to admire your work and make sure that there was no way he was going to be able to get loose. When you were sure that he wasn’t, you positioned yourself in front of him on some pillows. You needed something to kneel on. You trailed your fingers up and down his chest, raking them through the soft hair that was enough, but not too much. You let your fingers pinch and tease his nipples, which stood at attention the moment you touched them. You couldn’t hold back any longer and reached up to take his nipple in your mouth. Jordan groaned again as your tongue teased and nibbled him. Your hands had found their way to his penis and balls. You gently massaged his balls with one hand while sliding the other up and down his swollen shaft.

“Oh God, Tracy. I can’t hold back much longer,” he said under his breath.

You immediately stopped what you were doing and sat back away from Jordan. You stared at him intently for a minute before speaking. “Well, you better. Your object, Mr. Knight, is to hold onto your load until I say that you can let it go. If you don’t, we go no further,” you replied with authority. You were going to have some fun with this!

Jordan looked at you with a small look of fear in his eyes. It lasted only a minute and was then replaced with the knowledge that he knew what you were doing. “Yes ma’am,” he smiled, trying to salute, forgetting that he was tied.

You gave it another minute and then picked up where you left off. Jordan remained still, as still as he could be with you sucking his nipples, massaging his balls and stroking his penis. You looked up at him and smiled. He had his eyes squeezed tightly shut, and you could just imagine what he was thinking about.

You decided it was time to make things a little harder on him. You lowered your body a touch and slowly took his penis into your mouth. You heard Jordan groan again, you yourself had to hold back a small groan as you marveled at his taste. You held him with one hand and sucked him as hard as you could. After a few minutes, you realized that he was going to hold on even if it killed him. You brought your one hand back to his balls and continued to massage them. You couldn’t believe how much willpower he had.

You could feel yourself getting wet again, only this time you wanted nothing more than to have Jordan fill you up. You quickly stood up and positioned yourself so that you could rub your clit with Jordan’s erect penis. This action drove you both mad with desire. When you had enough, you wrapped your legs around Jordan’s waist and impaled yourself on him. You held on tight and began the ride. There was nothing that Jordan could do; he was still tied up. You rode him with an intensity that you never knew existed in you. Just as you were about to cum, you could feel Jordan’s muscles tense up as well. With one swift movement he broke his bonded hands and grabbed you around the waist, thrusting into you with every ounce of strength that he had. You started to shake with your fourth orgasm and he bucked into you with his first. You grabbed onto the post of the bed and pulled yourself up and then pushed down.

“Oh Tracy!!!” Jordan growled as he released himself into you.

“Jordan!!!!!!” you groaned as your own orgasm washed through you.

You shook and panted as you both rode the waves for several minutes. Finally, the ride subsided; you took a minute to catch your breath and then climbed down off of Jordan. You untied his ankles and the both of you lay down on your bed. Jordan took you into his arms and held you tight.

“Jordan,” you started.


“You owe me two silk scarves,” you said.

Jordan chuckled. “I do, don’t I?”

You looked over at your clock and saw that it said 2:30am. Jordan was going to be exhausted for the show that night. Within minutes you were both asleep. When you woke the next morning you felt as though everything was a dream. You turned to look at your clock; it was just about noon. You saw that Jordan was nowhere in the bed with you, so you immediately thought it was a dream.

“But what a dream it was,” you said aloud. You grabbed your housecoat, wrapping it tightly around you; you opened the door and wondered if Rhonda was up yet.

When you made it out to your kitchen, you were shocked. It wasn’t a dream. There was Jordan sitting at your table with Donnie and Rhonda. There was food spread out everywhere.

“Good morning,” you said. Everyone looked your way. Jordan got a huge grin on his face.

He stood up and walked over to you. Jordan wrapped his arms around your waist and kissed you. They had made pancakes or something of that sort because Jordan tasted like maple syrup. “Good morning to you. How did you sleep?”

You grinned, “Like a baby.”

Rhonda chimed up from the back, “With a workout like the one that you got, I’m not surprised.”

“You got it. And now I am starving. What’s left?” You asked, taking a seat.

“So you ladies are coming to the show tonight, right?” Donnie asked.

You nodded your head yes. “We are. The only problem is, I had to work the day the tickets went on sale and we ended up with some pretty crappy seats. So we will be way in the back,” you explained.

Jordan shook his head. “Not anymore. You are going to be right upfront. There are always a few seats up front that are saved for special last minute guests. And that is what you are. Special,” he said to you warmly. “Now hurry up and eat, I need to get to the sound check.”

Within an hour you were all on your way to the amphitheater where Jordan was to perform. He held your hand tightly as he introduced you to his team. You were a little nervous, what would these people think of you? Here you had just met Jordan a little more than 24 hours ago and here you were.

You had nothing to worry about. Everyone that worked with or for Jordan was great. They treated you with respect and never once looked down on you. It didn’t take you long to figure out that Jordan surrounded himself with only the best. The sound check and rehearsal went great. You and Rhonda sat halfway back from the stage and talked about the last 24 hours.

“Tracy, can you believe this? Yesterday, when I left Calgary, I never thought that we would get close enough to Jordan. And now here we are, one day later, and we will be his special guests at the show tonight,” Rhonda gushed.

The first thing that you said to Rhonda was, “You were so wrong about him not getting down and dirty because of the show. Man, did he ever get dirty!” you giggled. You couldn’t tear your eyes away from Jordan. His pelvic thrusts had not lost any of their power from the night before. “Rhonda, is it possible to be in love with someone after one night of fantastic sex?”

“Of course it is. Sometimes you just know. There was an instant connection with Jordan. You can see that plain as day. It’s like you have been together for years,” Rhonda assured you.

“You think so?”

“I do. Now the most important question is, what are you going to do about it?”

You took your eyes away from Jordan and stared at Rhonda. What am I going to do? you thought.

The rest of the afternoon flew by. Jordan wanted to have some down time before the show and suggested that you all go back to your place. You only had 2 hours until he had to be back for the show. Pizza was ordered and a light conversation was started. The time flew by, before you all knew it, it was time to head back. When you arrived back at the theater, there was a crowd of reporters. Jordan held your hand confidently, the flashbulbs went off like crazy, everyone wanting to know who you were.

You were all ushered inside and while Jordan and Donnie were taken backstage, you and Rhonda were taken to your seats, as promised, front and center. A few minutes after you were seated, the lights went out, the females started to scream, the music started and suddenly Jordan was there before you. Halfway through the show, Jordan took a seat right in front of you and started talking. He needed a few minutes to rest, although your lovemaking from the night before hadn’t slowed him down at all.

“How’s everyone enjoying the show?” he asked. To which he was responded with screams. “Now this next song, I am going to dedicate to someone that has become very special to me in a very short time. This is for you,” Jordan finished. He looked down at you and winked, then stood up and you heard the familiar beat of Give it to You. You threw your head back and laughed. Images of the night before filtered through your mind. You could feel yourself becoming aroused as Jordan swiveled and gyrated in front of you. Your mind started to spin with ideas of what you would do to Jordan later that night.

When Jordan came to the second verse of the song, he returned to right in front of you. He reached for your hand and stared you directly in the eyes. You could feel the electricity course through you. “Anyone can make you sweat, but I can keep you wet,” Jordan again winked at you as shivers ran up your spine.

The rest of the show went by quickly, you couldn’t wait to get Jordan back to your place. Once there, Donnie and Rhonda took off to the bedroom and you grabbed Jordan by the hand and led him to your room. You closed the door and jumped on the bed. When Jordan tried to join you, you put up your hand to stop him.

“Tonight, I am in charge,” you said with authority. “Stay where you are and don’t move until I give you permission.” Jordan saluted you and stood his ground. You in turn stood on the bed and started to dance suggestively. You were slowly removing your clothes. When you dared to look at Jordan, you could see that he was getting rather turned on by your little dance. When you had removed the last of your clothes, you sat back down and crossed your legs. “Now you. Strip for me,” you ordered.

Jordan seemed to hesitate for only a second. But then he was moving just as suggestively as you had. Ever so slowly he pulled his T-shirt over his head. You moaned quietly at the sight of his upper torso. Man is he in good shape! you thought to yourself. Jordan continued his dance, turning around and shaking his butt in your direction. Is there anything wrong with this man? you wondered.

When he turned back around, you saw that he had his jeans undone and was slowly pulling his jeans down. You felt yourself growing even more aroused than you thought was possible. Having Jordan strip for you was doing amazing things to you. He tossed his jeans to you and then finished with a flourish. When you were satisfied that he had done a good job, you stood on the bed once again.

“Over here,” you said hoarsely. When Jordan hesitated, you tried to put a mean look on your face. “NOW!” Jordan got a surprised look on his face when he realized that you were really going to be in charge tonight. He was at your bed in two steps. “Up here,” you ordered. Quickly Jordan climbed on your bed, being careful not to get too close to you; you hadn’t given him permission yet.

You reached for the two scarves that he hadn’t broken the night before. “Turn around.” Once he did that, you tied his wrists together behind him. Not wanting to hurt him, you carefully pushed him so that he was lying down on his back. He fiddled around for a few minutes to get comfortable. Once he did that, you straddled yourself over his legs and bent your head to the task at hand.

You took him deep into your mouth, nibbling the tip of his penis on the way up. Jordan groaned as he attempted to get his legs out from under you. You were too strong for him though; he had nothing to gain his balance from since his arms were tied behind him. You tucked your feet under his legs, firmly locking them together. Jordan had nowhere to go and nothing to fight against.

You continued the assault on his, by now, very erect penis. Sliding your hand up and down his shaft, massaging his balls with the other, licking, kissing and nibbling every inch that was available to you. Jordan was coming very close to losing control. The feeling of being helpless was overwhelming to him. It was driving him to places that he didn’t know were there. You were sucking on Jordan with everything that you had. When his orgasm approached, it took you both by surprise. Jordan, because it was so intense, and you because he came with a sudden spurt into your mouth.

You reached one hand under the bottom of his penis and flicked your finger lightly at the base of his penis. This was meant to tickle Jordan and cause his orgasm to be even more intense. And it worked. You had complete control over Jordan and how long his orgasm lasted. He couldn’t push you away or defend himself in any way. He wriggled a little, but it was all in vain. You managed to make his pleasure last for a few minutes. When you were done, you rolled off and lay down beside Jordan. He was lying there silent, getting his breathing under control and relaxing. He was still tied, this time he hadn’t managed to break his bonds.

After a few minutes he finally spoke. “Wow! That was amazing! Where on earth did you learn that?”

“Oh, I paid attention to the girl talk,” you giggled, remembering what he had said to you the night before.

“Well, I think that it is my turn. Untie me, please,” he begged.

“I will untie you under one condition,” you started. You were enjoying the roll of amateur dominatrix.

“What’s that?” Jordan asked with curiosity.

“You have to do what I say,” you whispered, a little unsure of what Jordan would say.

“You got it,” he replied happily.

You sat up and pulled Jordan with you. He turned around and you untied him quickly, massaging his wrists. You turned him around and moved so that he was now in front of you, between your legs. “Kiss me,” you said.

Jordan leaned in a kissed you lightly. You pulled back. “Like you love me, like you haven’t seen me for months and all you want to do is rip my clothes off, if I was wearing any, and fuck me hard,” you ordered.

Jordan looked at you intently. He grabbed the back of your head and pulled you to meet his lips. He attacked them with the feelings that you described. You could tell how hungry he was for you. His tongue searched yours for any crevices that he missed the night before. Running over every tooth, your own tongue, your cheeks, everything. When you had enough, you pulled back again.

“Now suck my nipples,” you instructed. You were beginning to get very aroused. You ached with wanting Jordan to touch you. You wanted him to just pound into you with everything that he had, but you could tell by his new erection that he was enjoying the master/servant roles.

Jordan bent his head to your demand. He ran the tip of his tongue over your left nipple, just enough to make it wet, then he breathed lightly on it, cooling it instantly. You put your hand on the back of his head and pushed his mouth to cover your nipple. Jordan tried to resist a little, but you just pushed him harder against your breast. Finally he relented and took your nipple between his teeth, sucking and nibbling. You threw your head back and moaned at the sensation that he was causing. Jordan went back and forth between each breast, making you beg for more, when he would pull back a little.

You finally got to the point where you needed Jordan to touch you. Not like he was, but your most private spot. The one that he had touched the night before. You pushed yourself away from him and sat back against the headboard. The euphoria that you were feeling was making you braver than ever. You opened your legs wide, granting him silent permission. Jordan smiled and moved lower on the bed. He pushed your legs up so that they were bent and then he allowed his fingers to start your ride. He ran an index finger up and down each side of you, barely even touching you. This sent little shivers up your spine. You knew that this was going to be good.

Jordan was resting his head on the inside of your thigh, watching what he was doing and the reaction that your body was giving him. His breath would occasionally travel over your clit, cooling off the warm wetness that was there. His finger finally touched your clit, and you arched your back, not wanting him to stop.

“Rub it,” you groaned, aching for him.

Obediently, Jordan began to rub your swollen clit with his finger. You could hardly hold back any longer, but you wanted Jordan to do other things to you first. You pulled away a little and felt your muscles relax. You looked at Jordan, who looked a little confused.

“I want your tongue, your lips on me,” you whispered.

Jordan didn’t hesitate for a second. He bent his head and placed his tongue on your opening. Carefully, he pushed it in and then out, then ran it the length of you, taking all of your wetness into his mouth. His finger pulled on the skin, making sure that he was getting all of you. His other fingers dove into your wetness, pumping away. Between his tongue licking and nibbling and his fingers filling you up, you felt your orgasm approach from the tip of your toes.

Just as it was reaching the top of your head, Jordan took as much of you into his mouth as he could, sucking hard on your clit and flicking the tip of his tongue over it. You closed your eyes and held back the scream in the back of your throat. Lights danced behind your eyes, bright colors. Waves of pleasure ran through your body. This was even better than the night before, if that was possible.

Jordan continued to suck and nibble your clit, his fingers rammed into you, all the while you were pushing yourself onto his hand, wanting him to fill you up. You thrashed around on the bed, Jordan not once missing a beat. You couldn’t take it anymore and finally let it all go.

“JORDAN!!!!!!!!!!!!” you screamed, as the orgasm overtook your whole body. You opened your eyes and saw the room spinning around you. After what seemed like hours, the waves stopped, the colors subsided and your muscles relaxed. You caught your breath and finally looked at Jordan.

“I guess we both have learned a thing or two over the last couple of days,” you smiled.

“We have,” he replied.

Jordan moved to lie beside you. You rested for a few more minutes and then you casually reached over and started to play with Jordan. He sprang to life. Jordan reached over your arm and placed his fingers on your clit, warming you up, getting you ready. It didn’t take long. Before you knew it, Jordan was over you, jamming himself into you. You both were headed full tilt towards another orgasm.

This one was different. There were no lights, no room spinning. This one was more of a feeling as though someone had taken all the bones out of your body, you had no work to do for your body, everything went limp and an incredible feeling of peace and contentment washed over you.

When Jordan was through, you pulled him close to you and fell asleep in his arms again. Never had you slept so well. This was where you wanted to be for the rest of your life. Is this what Jordan wants as well? you wondered as you drifted off.

The next day was pretty quiet. Jordan just had a little publicity to do and that was it. He was leaving Ohio that night. Other than his publicity, you spent the day at your place. You and Rhonda were both sad as to have to say goodbye to Jordan and Donnie. Rhonda had fallen in love with Donnie as much as you had with Jordan. The only good thing was that Jordan and Donnie had promised they would be back in a week. They had a few days grace and were going to come and see you. You both couldn’t wait.

You and Rhonda accompanied them to the airport. Tearful good-byes were said with the promise of another meeting. Jordan had paid for the use of the limo until he returned. You and Rhonda were going to ride in style.

You were miserable. You had spent 72 hours with him and now you hated to be apart. He called everyday, sometime three and four times a day. You and Rhonda tried everything that you could to keep your minds off of Jordan and Donnie, but nothing worked. You took the limo everywhere as you showed Rhonda your town. The week came to a grinding halt the night before Jordan and Donnie were due back.

You and Rhonda were just watching TV, flipping through the channels when you saw Extra. There was Jordan staring back at you. You paused with the remote and sat fixated on the channel.

“Former New Kid on the Block, Jordan Knight, now touring with his debut solo album, was spotted coming out of a very reputable jewelers yesterday afternoon. Word has it that he may have a new flame in the wings.”

The next thing that you saw was a picture of you and Jordan from his concert in Cincinnati. You tuned out the rest of the report, not wanting to hear what they had to say. What was going to happen the next day when Jordan arrived? Was there going to be a media circus on your front lawn?

“Trace…you okay?” Rhonda asked from her chair.

“Yeah. That’s the first I have heard that the press has known about us. It’s kind of shocking isn’t it?” you said.

“No kidding. Let’s hope that him and Donnie can sneak in unnoticed tomorrow,” Rhonda commented.

You nodded your head in response. The rest of the night went by without incident. Jordan called just after his show. You never mentioned what you saw and he never brought it up. He promised that he would be by at around ten the next morning.

The next day you were up early, earlier than what you really wanted to be. You took advantage of the peace and quiet and had a nice, long, hot shower. By the time you got out and were ready, Rhonda had made some breakfast. You sat talking about the last week and what would happen after today.

“So, just to throw this out there, what if he comes back on his knee?” Rhonda asked with interest.

“I don’t know. I mean, I have only known him seriously for a week. Sure, we connected like nothing that I have ever seen or felt, but can I base that on a lifelong decision?” You were beginning to wish that you had never seen that show last night.

“I think you can,” Rhonda started. “I mean, you and Jordan have both said that this is unusual. You guys look as though you have been together for years. Even now I can see that you hate being apart from Jordan. The most natural thing in the world would be for you to sell this place, marry Jordan and go on tour with him,” she finished.

“Rhonda, I think that you are jumping the gun a little. I am not about to sell my house and run off and marry Jordan,” you stated.

“So then rent it. But go be with Jordan. You are miserable. You have become such a good friend to me in the last week; I hate to see you like this. I know that if Donnie walked through that door right now and asked me to marry him, I wouldn’t hesitate. I feel about him the way that you feel about Jordan. So I know how much you are hating being apart from him!”

You sighed heavily, knowing that Rhonda was right. With that weighing heavily on your mind, you and Rhonda did the dishes in silence. Just as you were finishing, you heard a car approach and knew that Jordan and Donnie had arrived. Rhonda ran to the door with her obvious excitement. You held back.

Within seconds the door was opened and Jordan was strolling through, with that confident swagger that you had come to know so well. I want to spend the rest of my life with this man. I don’t want to be away from him for another minute. You thought to yourself watching him walk across the room to you.

In one swift motion Jordan picked you up in his arms and hugged you. “I hate being away from you. The shows were never the same. I need you to be with me.” Jordan put you down and before you knew what was happening, he got down on one knee and put a ring on your finger. “Tracy, I need you, more than I need anyone in my life. Will you marry me?”

You were stunned. Now that it had actually happened, you didn’t know how to answer. You saw that Donnie and Rhonda were behind Jordan, also waiting for your answer. Were you ready to give up everything that you worked so hard for? Could you just give up your life for a man that you have only known a week, even though you had great sex together? Was it really worth it?

You looked into Jordan’s eyes, hoping that the answer was there. When he looked back, you could see right into his soul. There were so many things there. You saw yourself walking down the aisle, Jordan at the altar. You saw yourself pushing a baby carriage with another young child beside you. This was where you wanted to be, with Jordan. Forever.

“Yes, I will marry you, Jordan,” you whispered. Jordan stood up and wrapped his arms around you. You knew that the right decision had been made.

Rhonda and Donnie had some news of their own. They were going to get married as well. The next few months flew by. Rhonda quit her job up in Calgary and moved in with you. Most of your time was spent planning the double wedding that you had decided on having. Or flying off to be with Jordan and Donnie on the weekends whenever you could.

You had decided to just rent out your house as you were going to move to Boston. You had given your notice at your job and had been offered another by Jordan in his organization. You would be working with him as a road manager. This way you would never have to be apart. Rhonda had decided to just sit back and let life lead her. She wasn’t going to work, just live off Donnie, another of her dreams.

By the time that the day had come for your wedding, everything was planned perfectly. You had nothing to worry about. The weather was beautiful, the sun was shining, and not a cloud was in the sky. Jordan and Donnie looked as handsome as ever in their tuxedos. You and Rhonda looked beautiful in your bridal gowns. There was over a thousand guests, most of which were there for Jordan and Donnie.

You were walking down the aisle first. When you heard the wedding march start, your stomach dropped to your feet. This was it. The moment that you had been planning for the last five months. A million thoughts raced through your head. Is everything going to be okay? When you saw Jordan at the altar, you knew for the millionth time that you had made the right decision. You couldn’t wait to be his wife.

The End