Car Wash

by: Jamie

It's a bright Sunday morning and you're outside on your driveway washing your car. It's so hot outside and the cold water from the hose feels wonderful as it splashes down onto our bare feet.

"Well, good morning darlin'" a sexy voice says from behind you. He wraps his arms around your waist.

"Can I help?" he whispers in your ear.

"Of course" you reply and turn around to face him. Jordan (your fave) gives you that incredible smile of his, and you step away to take a good look at him. Oh god, he is so sexy, and your heart begins to beat a little faster. All he has on is a pair of Levi shorts. You run your fingers through the hair on his chest, and down to his finely sculpted abs. A smile lights up your face as visions of what you and he could do in the water fill your mind.

You hand him the hose and begin to splash soap onto the car with a rag. You watch Jordan playing in the water, running the hose over his feet, and you begin to breathe faster, your pulse quickens and you can't help being turned on.

Two words come to mind, and an evil grin slowly spreads across your face, water fight!

You pick up your bucket of water and creep up behind him. "Jordan" you say. Just as he turns around you empty the bucket of water over his head and he screams.

"You're going to pay for that!" he exclaims. He grabs the hose and cold water splashes across your chest, water droplets roll down your back, and water begins to drip from your hair.

You dart across the lawn to get away from the reach of the hose. Jordan drops the hose and comes after you. He catches you and wrestles you down into the grass. His hot mouth finds yours, catching your tongue in an erotic dance, as a low moan escapes your lips.

His wet body clings to yours as your hands and lips roam over his beautiful body. A shiver of anticipation spreads through your body as he slowly unbuttons your blouse. Your body trembles beneath his as he slides a hand underneath your shirt and cups your breast with his tender touch.

You reach down and begin unbuttoning his shorts and a moan escapes from deep within his throat. The fear of getting caught with this wonderful man on your front lawn makes this experience even more erotic. He reaches a hand between your legs and gently caresses you through your jeans.

"Oh god" you whisper in his ear and your entire body trembles.....