The Changing Room

by: Jo

Page owner's note: I just wanna say that this has to be one of my faves, cuz I am the lead in this fantasy...with Jordan of course!

Tracy decided a new bra would kick start her sex life. But that's not all she got her hands on in the lingerie department.......

Saucy undies are bound to solve the sex drought Tracy decided as she browsed through the lingerie department. Surely a black lace number would have men queuing to give her sexual satisfaction. Then she gave herself a mental slap. The object of the exercise was not to establish whether men had X-ray vision but to treat herself to something simple, sexy and sophisticated.

She threaded her way through the ultimate turn-off section - yellow with orange roses, purple, burgundy, grey (surely you had to be dead to wear grey pants?) - until she reached the wonderbras and realised she'd found an ally. Men may not be able to see the bloody thing but they'd definately go for uplift. Now where was 34B?(Note...this is NOT the right size, but that's to keep people from being jealous...LOL - Tracy's note!)

Mid rummage - well she simply had to have matching knickers - Tracy spotted two other people swanning round the La Perla region. The woman looked like Cindy Crawford. Stunning, Tracy thought enviously. Definately a D cup. But the bloke with her was even more gorgeous. Tanned skin, with deep chocolate eyes. Mmmmmm. Tracy looked at his full lips and eyed his taut buttocks. Just as she started to imagine running her hands across them she noticed the couple were arm in arm.

Damn, she thought, making for the changing room. The best ones are always taken.

Two minutes later the white wonder bra was doing it's stuff, Tracy clocked her now world-class cleavage, grinned and slipped on the matching panties. These should do the trick, she thought, scanning her body, her thoughts turning to the fit bloke she'd just seen outside. Without thinking she'd slid her fingers over the gusset of the knickers and felt herself moisten. To her horror, just as she slipped her hand under the elastic, the Mr. Adonis appeared in the mirror - he was standing directly outside her cubicle! Sensing Tracy's gaze he turned and saw her in the mirror. Tracy blushed as his eyes took in her hand frozen in mid fumble.

She saw his lips swell with lust as he held her eye. Their charged moment was interupted with a 'Jay, what do you think?' The voluptuous girlfriend flounced out of her cubicle in a red matching twin set, gaudy was an understatement. Jay made a face.

'Very virginal Alison.' She mock punched him.

'But you're not Darren. He's your typical lad.'

'Then they're perfect sis', he replied stealing a pointed look at Tracy who was lost in a fantasy where she already had him licking her all over.

'Well I'll just try the coffee and the gold one,' Alison replied founcing out of sight. Jay held Tracy's eyes. 'I'm going to go down to the mens section, Alison. Meet you out front in five minutes.

Alison yelled 'Unhelpful Bastard' and Tracy held her breath as Jay parted the curtain and jumped in.

'What do you....' Tracy was silenced as Jay slid his hand over her mouth, then slipped his other round her bare stomach.

'You,' he said in her ear, 'are sooo....' Tracy pried his hand from her mouth and craning round, looked at him. His eyes were soft but full of desire and just the proximity of him was making her sweat. Wrapping her arms around his rib cage she pressed her hands into the small of his back, pushing him up against her so she could feel his hardness against her buttocks.

He kissed her. His lips fluttered against hers. He cupped her breasts and Tracy felt her nipples stiffen. 'Touch yourself again,' he murmured his tongue tracing the angle of her neck. Placing his hands over hers Jay guided her fingers back down to her thighs, her unpurchased panties were well and truly soiled with desire. 'God your wet,' his voice sent a shiver through her and she pushed her hand under the cotton to feel herself. The first shudder of pleasure rippled through her, mounting as he pulled her knickers around her knees and slowly unbuttoned his Levi's. She gasped as he entered her smoothly from behind.

'Don't stop touching yourself,' he whispered as they watched their reflections in the mirror. The feel of him inside her made Tracy want to scream with pleasure and she felt her orgasm welling uncontrollably. 'Don't hold back,' he murmured as she shuddered against him.

Then he kissed her and left. Tracy stood panting next to her pile of clothes. If that experience was anything to go by she'd have to come lingerie shopping more often. As the thought flashed through her mind she realised she was going to have to dispose of half her twin set and quick.

Chucking her clothes on she scanned the changing room but there was nothing but big signs instructing you not to try knickers on naked. 'Too late for that,' she thought furtively stuffing the panties behind a radiator. She plucked another pair from a nearby rail and made for the cash desk.

'Have you just been in the changing room miss?' the checkout girl asked with a grin. Tracy felt like a rabbit caught in headlights.

'Umm,' was all she could muster.

'With a gentleman?' She continued relentlessly.

'Err....' Tracy had run out of vocabulary.

'Because he left something for you.' Tracy was handed a gift wrapped box and ran out of the store leaving the bra and panties on the cash desk.

Lucky she did because when she got home and opened the box there were the same set of bra and knickers. Slipped inside the knickers was a business card with the words, 'It's good to touch' on the back. Following the good advice, she began to anticipate their next meeting.