Dirty Movie

by: Jo

Tracy breathed a sigh of delight as she arrived at her best mate's birthday bash - she felt good. A silver PVC A-line mini and a spray-on black top that she'd bought that afternoon were making her feel like a movie goddess in heat. She was in full, pouty, Marilyn Monroe make-up and Barbarella-style knee-high boots. She was even wearing her black G-string for the first time - one of those ones she'd bought in Ann Summers as a laugh and never got round to slipping into. Nothing like a bit of Hollywood retro to get her in the mood.

As she shimmied into the kitchen for a beer her eyes caught the stare of a gorgeous Jordan Knight lookalike. And by the smile on his face she could tell that her glamourpuss look was getting a few other people a bit hot around the crotch. I like it, she thought to herself with a shiver of delight as her eyes locked onto her target and she slid over to him.

'So,' she said, 'let's get the boring bit over with. I'm here because I'm Jo's mate, I work as a legal secretary and I'm a cinema addict when I'm not seducing hot-looking men like you.'

'Well I'm a big film fan myself,' Jordan Knight said with a smile. When she saw him laugh, his gorgeous shoulders relaxed and his body language told her they were going to get on just fine.

In fact they got on better than fine - and ended up in Tracy's flat a few hours later. 'Just like in the movies,' she thought to herself as Jordan Knight (yes by now she had found out that it was Jordan Knight himself) used his succulent mouth to trace a soft arc of kisses from her tingling nipples to the roundness of her belly, and she heard him moan with animal intensity as his tongue found her clitoris. She arched her back with the shock of such overwhelming pleasure.

And when she finally felt his hot hardness inside her, they seemed to find each other's rhythm, rocking slowly at first, but soon throwing each other round her single bed. As she pushed him onto his back and moved on top of him, Tracy heard his soft squeaks of desire turning into grunts as his hands grabbed her breasts and he pinched her nipples hard, pushing himself deep into her as she ground down on him.

As she drifted into sleep after sex, Tracy thought of how she'd reached peaks of pleasure she'd never felt on a one night stand before. And then she realised she didn't just want a one night stand. This man was funny and charming and a wizard with his fingers and as passionate about the movies as she was.

She got up, quietly wrote a note saying 'call me, lets watch a film together' and stuffed it into his trouser pocket after stumbling around in the dark trying to find the spot they'd been flung. Then she crawled back into bed, knowing he'd find the note the next day and if he didn't call, at least she'd given him the opportunity.

The next day, Sunday, Tracy woke to find Jordan gone, but a note on her pillow saying, 'How about a film tonight? I'll meet you in the Crown at 6:30 pm.' 'You are one smooth chick Tracy,' she said to herself with a smile, but the leap of excitement deep inside her belly let her know her cool babe persona wasn't fooling her. She prepared herself for a lingering morning of pampering and hangover cures, ready for her date at the pictures.

When she turned up at the Crown looking stunning as ever, Jordan's eyes nearly watered with desire. She'd decided on the stockings and no knickers approach to this date. If the film was crap, at least something would keep a smile on her face.

But Tracy was surprised that Jordan seemed so desperate to get her into the cinema. And she started to have doubts about the whole thing when he said he wanted to take her to a French film showing at the dilapidated little arthouse cinema on the other side of town.

Tracy was a mainstream movie woman through and through, although she had to admit she'd seen some cracking foreign films on video that seemed different, less snooty than turning up to an arthouse cinema.

'Honestly you'll love it,' promised Jordan, 'It's about this woman who can't decide between 2 lovers, one a man and one a woman.' The promise of a bit of beautiful looking screen sex tipped the balance and Tracy found herself agreeing to go to the French arty film. As the cinema was practically deserted, Tracy steeled herself for the possibility that her evening could turn tragic, surprised that she'd let Jordan have his way about the film so easily.

She was more than surprised when the lights went down - because so did Jordan, pushing his face up her skirt and gasping with pleasure to find Tracy's little distraction tactics making his plans a whole lot easier. It looked like Jordan was about to have his way with her again, thought Tracy, with a smile, quickly scrapping any thoughts of a boring night out.

Part of her was scared someone would see, but the adrenaline rush of fear and intense sexual pleasure soon kicked in to make her feel breathless and dizzy. Her first climax was fast and intense. And by the time the arty sex scenes were winding their way on the screen, Tracy was sitting on Jordan's lap so they both faced the screen. As he slipped himself inside her, they both had to bite their lips to stop loud cries of excitement pouring out, and Tracy felt the thrill of dirty sex when she realised she was in a public place, watching a soft porn movie while she felt Jordans steely arousal moving gently inside her.

Soon his hands were under her top, tickling and teasing goose bumps on to her belly, tracing circles round her nipples through the satin of her bra, and she could feel a rippling of delight between her legs. As a hunky French man with a husky French voice murmured to his on-screen lover, Tracy and Jordan felt themselves moving towards the explosion of their desire.

Suddenly, a wave of tenderness swept through Tracy, and she wriggled round to manuever herself into a position that meant she could kiss Jordan full on the mouth. Their hot wet kisses stifled their groans of lust until,suddenly, Tracy broke off and started gasping with giggles. 'What's the matter?' whispered Jordan hesitantly, between deep thrusts that almost wiped the smile off Tracy's face.

'It's just the phrase 'French kissing' will never seem quite the same again,' Tracy whispered back.

The End