Ever After

by: Rhonda

"Tracy, wait, let's talk about this!" Chad called after you.

You were running down the hallway trying to get as far away from him as possible, as quickly as possible. Why is it, that you have this innate ability to attract the bums of the world? "I have nothing to say to you Chad. Why don't you continue what I interrupted, looked like you were enjoying yourself!" You yelled over your shoulder.

You and Chad had met seven months before. You thought that it was love at first sight, there was a small part of you that knew you should take things slow, but your rational side never won out.

At that point in your life, you had never seen anyone as good looking before. Celebrities didn't count; they were all good looking. Chad was an even six feet, strawberry blonde hair and drop dead gorgeous blue eyes. What more could a girl ask for?

You managed to stay out of his bed for two weeks, then one night, you figured you had waited long enough. Things seemed to be going in the right direction. You should have listened to the tiny voice way in the back of your mind.

Chad had caught up to you and grabbed your arm, swinging you around, "Tracy, come on, let me explain." He pleaded.

You yanked your arm away, "Chad, what I just saw, said it all. It's over."

"But she doesn't mean anything to me," he said. His voice sounded so callous that you knew he was lying.

You glared daggers into him, threw your head back and laughed. "Fine, then I mean nothing to you! Fuck you!" you finished and walked out the door.

You ran to your car, slammed the door and quickly peeled away. Once you were certain that Chad was not going to follow you, you pulled over on a side street and cried. You hated yourself for crying, but you were hurt. You thought that Chad was going to be different. That he was going to be the one forever. How could you be so wrong - again? You put your head in your hands and cried even harder.

You don't know how long you had been sitting there crying when you heard a knock on your window. If you'd had the top on your car down, you would have been ten feet in the air. You looked through the window, hoping that Chad hadn't found you. You immediately recognized Jordan Knight. You knew that you looked like a mess. Your eyes found the clock on the dashboard, you had been crying for two hours. You quickly scanned the dashboard for a Kleenex and wiped away your tears.

Jordan knocked again, "Are you okay in there?" he asked.

Slowly you rolled down your window, "um…yeah I am. I'm sorry, I'll go now," you said swiftly. You turned the keys and heard nothing. You tried again, nothing. "God damn you, you piece of shit, start," you mumbled. Of all the times that you had fantasized about meeting Jordan Knight, this was never the picture.

Jordan opened your door and reached under your leg to pop the hood. "Let me take a look," he offered. You sat perfectly still, afraid to touch him. He moved to the front of your car, looked around for a few minutes, then came back to you. "Looks like you may have a dead battery, why don't you come inside for something cool to drink and we will call a tow truck for you."

Jordan reached in for your hand and helped you out. You were a little shaky from your emotions of the day and well … this was Jordan Knight. As you swung your legs out, you took note of the address on the house. You were going to remember those numbers for the rest of your life. Jordan directed you to the front door with just the slightest bit of pressure on your lower back. You could feel a bolt of electricity run through you.

Once inside, Jordan took you right to the guest bathroom, off the kitchen. "You can freshen up in here if you'd like," he offered.

You looked up into those chocolate brown eyes that you have been fantasizing about for years, "Thank you." You closed the door and locked it. You didn't want to be in mid-freak and have Jordan walk through the door. Or Jonathan as they had been sharing a house for the last few years.

"Oh my God!!!!! Jordan Knight!!!!" You whispered as you grabbed a face cloth to wipe off the tearstains. "I am in Jordan's house. I have no boyfriend since Chad is a two-timing, limp dicked, slime sucking, sewer rat. I know Jordan doesn't have a girlfriend. How can I make this work to my advantage?" You looked around for your purse, which was still in your car. "Damn it! Okay, think Tracy, you can do this."

You looked in the mirror, glad to see that at least you were having a great hair day. Your clothes could have been better, but your tight black jeans and T-shirt showed off every curve to perfection. You carefully splashed some cool water on your face and then did your best with your makeup. You washed off any trace of your earlier cry episode, which consisted of almost all your makeup. But the effect worked, you looked youthful and natural.

Just as you were about to open the door, there was another knock. You unlocked it and quickly opened it. Jordan was standing there, looking as gorgeous as ever. "Everything okay?" he asked with concern.

You almost fell to your knees; his voice made your knees weak. "I'll be okay. It hasn't been a good day. Thank you for your concern."

Jordan reached out for your arm and then lead you out to the patio. "While you were in the bathroom, I took the liberty of making a couple of drinks. I hope you like vodka." He finished as he pulled out a chair for you. Chad never did that for you.

"I do, thank you." You reached for your glass and took a long sip. You set your glass down, took a deep breath and looked at Jordan across the table. Your eyes met and you felt that bolt of electricity again. "I don't usually make a habit of crying in my car at the side of the curb," you said.

"I didn't think that you looked the type. Did you want to talk about it?" He smiled at you.

"Well, I just caught my now ex-boyfriend fucking some bleach blonde." As soon as you said it you quickly looked up, "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to swear." You hardly ever apologized for your swearing, but you didn't know what Jordan's take on the subject would be.

Jordan smiled at you again and again another bolt of electricity ran through you. You could see that Jordan noticed it too. "That's okay. I understand. It hurts when someone you love fucks around on you. It's happened to me once or twice."

"I don't think that I was in love with Chad. If I was, I wouldn't be feeling what I am right now."

"And that would be um… I'm sorry I haven't gotten your name yet." Jordan inquired.

You laughed a little; "It's Tracy. And I am feeling something between murder and the fact that I don't care that he was screwing someone else."

Jordan stood up and came across the table, he held out his hand to you, "Well, Tracy, it is nice to meet you. I'm Jordan and now that I have established that you are okay, how would you like a tour of my house? Seeing as how we become such good friends, I think it is appropriate."

You smiled up at Jordan and gave him your hand. "I know who you are. You have been the main character in my fantasies for years. And I would love to see where you rest your perfect body." You couldn't believe what you just said. You are quite outgoing, but still, you were a little shocked from the day's events.

Jordan laughed and took you back inside. He showed you around his home, obviously very proud of everything he owned. It was apparent that he had made some good investments with his New Kids money and still had plenty of it left. He had his own recording studio in the basement, where he told you he recorded his first solo album. He took you to the main floor and showed you his entertainment room. In there he had a state of the art stereo system. He paused for a second and put on some tunes. A slow romantic ballad filled the room. Finally he took you upstairs.

The bathroom was magnificent; the Jacuzzi tub was big enough for four people. Your mind drifted as you thought of making love to Jordan in that tub. Jordan tugged on your hand slightly, which he hadn't let go of since he started the tour. You snapped back to reality as Jordan led you through a door. This put you right into his room.

Everywhere you looked you could see black, white and red satin. It was gorgeous. The bed was a king size, the sheets were black satin, and the pillows were white satin. There were four poles on each corner of the bed, from that hung a light piece of red satin. Despite the dark colors, the room was well lit.

"You must love sleeping here," you whispered.

"I love doing a lot of things in here," he replied with a hint of something more.

You turned to look at Jordan. Ever so slowly you reached up and brought his lips down to yours. You have dreamed of this moment, since you first heard his voice all those years before. You were not disappointed.

Jordan turned to you and wrapped his arms around you while his oh so soft lips turned you on. You stood there just past the doorway, holding each other, learning every crevice of his mouth with your tongue. He tasted so good. This was better than any fantasy.

Jordan kissed and nibbled his way down your neck, sending little shivers up your spine. He gently pulled your T-shirt away from your collarbone and nibbled some more. You brought your hands up and ran your fingers through his soft, silky hair. This was the perfect man.

Jordan broke apart from you, allowing the cool air to float across the damp spots he left on your skin. This alone almost caused you to lose control. He closed the door to the bathroom and locked it. He walked over to the main door and locked that as well, then he picked up a remote control and hit a few buttons. The room was instantly filled with the music from downstairs. Jordan came back to you and looked you in the eyes.

"Is this what you want?" Jordan whispered his voice a little raspy from his own excitement.

You reached up and ran your fingers through his hair again, "More than anything in the world," you replied.

Jordan bent over, picked you up and placed you gently on his bed. He placed his hands on either side of you and bent over you. His lips barely brushed over yours before he continued on down your neck, again kissing and nibbling as he went. While he was busy working on your neck, his hands were roaming over your body, slowly pushing your T-shirt up. He removed his lips from your neck as he pulled your T-shirt over your head.

Jordan looked at your breasts. "Beautiful," he whispered.

His hands slid over the silk of your bra. You took a sharp breath in as his thumbs brushed over your very erect nipple. Jordan responded to you by taking his kisses and nibbles to your breasts. He didn't remove your bra, but breathed and kissed and nibbled through it. Which drove you mad.

After a few minutes, Jordan finally undid your bra and released you. His lips and tongue dancing over your nipples, drove you even madder, if that were possible. You ached to touch him and tried to reach for him, but he was too far down. He smiled up at you and moved farther down. His lips leaving a path of fire behind.

When he reached your jeans he quickly unbuttoned your jeans and slid them off your body. He kissed every inch of your legs on the way. Once he had them off he tossed them to the side and kissed his way back up, placing tender, wet kisses in the crook of your knees. Jordan seemed to know just the right places to drive you mad.

His kisses continued up until he reached your most private spot. He lightly trailed his finger over your silk undies; almost making you come on the spot. You took in a deep breath to gain a little control. You wanted to wait for Jordan.

Slowly Jordan pulled your undies down, kissing everything on the way. This man was driving you to places that you had never known existed. As you could feel his hot breath on your clit, you opened your eyes and looked down at Jordan, his eyes were boring into yours. For a man that you had just met for the first time an hour ago, there was so much passion and excitement there.

You allowed your head to fall back on the silk pillow, closing your eyes once again. Jordan carefully spread your legs, to allow easier access. You could feel your juices running away from you. You were concentrating so hard on staying in control at that moment, when Jordan ran his tongue the length of you, lapping up your wetness, it took you by complete surprise. "Oh God Jordan!" You moaned.

Jordan expertly flicked his tongue over your extremely sensitive clit causing you to try and wiggle out of the way. Everything that he did felt so good, too good. You almost felt as though no one should feel this kind of pleasure. You could feel Jordan's tongue sliding in and out of your wetness. His finger, joining the ride of waves that he was causing, gently rubbed you with such intensity, you screamed out his name. Your ride seemed to last for hours, when actually it was only a few seconds. You were so relaxed that you hadn't noticed Jordan had left, until he rejoined you.

You could hardly wait for the next experience with him. You looked over and saw Jordan was holding a glass of water for you. "You must be thirsty," he whispered. Jordan helped you hold your head up as he tilted the glass to your lips. You drank down half the glass and then let your head fall back to the pillow.

You rested for a few more minutes, then looked over at Jordan, who was still fully clothed. You stood up off the bed and held out your hands to him. You pulled him up and reached to kiss him. He tasted different from before and you realized that he had rinsed his mouth after he had taken you for a ride. You instantly fell deeper in love with him.

You ran your hands down his back and then up his chest, pulling his shirt out of his pants. You quickly pulled it over his head and moved your kisses to his pecks. His nipples gave you an immediate response that he was enjoying what you were doing. Your hands made their way down to his jeans, where you encountered yet another sign that he was enjoying you. You rubbed the palm of your hand over the bulge in his pants. Jordan groaned slightly.

Your other hand was undoing his jeans, thank God for button fly! One quick tug and Jordan was loose. He was a rather free spirited guy. He wiggled his hips a little to allow his jeans to fall; you pushed them down and then motioned for Jordan to lie down on the bed. He quickly sat down and you moved his legs to the bottom of the bed and then crawled between them, kissing his muscular calves, then his thighs and finally settling yourself to his penis. You gently massaged his balls, as you trailed your tongue up and down his shaft, flicking it ever so gently across the very tip.

"Oh God Tracy!!!!" Jordan moaned.

You didn't know how it was possible, but even this part of his body tasted so good. You allowed yourself to get caught up in what you were doing, ignoring your own desire that was building in the pit of your stomach. You concentrated on sucking, nibbling and licking Jordan's throbbing unit.

Somehow, Jordan had managed to maneuver himself around so that he was able to reach your wetness again. You groaned as he pushed his fingers into you and rubbed your clit with his thumb. Just as you were about to cum again, you pulled away and quickly impaled yourself on Jordan. You bent over him and rode him quickly and with as much ferocity as you could manage. You shuddered into Jordan as your orgasm overcame you. Mere seconds after yours started; Jordan shook, almost violently with his own. After what seemed an eternity, you lay spent still on top of Jordan. After a few seconds to catch your breath, you rolled off and curled up in Jordan's arms, exhausted. You both fell asleep.

When you woke up several hours later, you looked around at the unfamiliar surroundings. You could feel Jordan's arms around you and assumed that they were Chad's. You had forgotten the fact that you had caught him cheating on you. When you turned over and saw Jordan, everything came rushing back to you and you smiled. You lay in Jordan's arms quietly, not wanting to wake him. This man looked gorgeous even when he slept.

Jordan must have felt you watching him, because he stirred a few minutes later. When he saw you gazing down at him he smiled. "So it wasn't a dream then?" he asked.

"Nope, it wasn't. It was better," you replied and leaned down to kiss him. You pulled slightly, "I think I love you," you whispered.

"I think I love you," he murmured against your ear.

You couldn't believe that just a few hours ago you were crying in your car about Chad and now here you were in the arms of Jordan Knight. "So now what do we do?" you wondered as you cuddled into him.

"What do you mean?" Jordan asked.

"I don't really make it a habit of sleeping with people who take me into their home after they have found me crying on their curb," you laughed.

"Well, what we just shared was fantastic. I have never had that kind of passion before. I think that we owe it to ourselves and all the people who know us to see what else may be there," he grinned.

"You think so, do you, Mr. Knight?" You replied, mischievously.

"I do," he whispered and leaned over to kiss you.

At that moment you knew that you and Jordan were going to be together forever, or die trying. You continued kissing until you were both begging for more. You decided that now would be the best time to try out the Jacuzzi tub. There was no better way to celebrate your new relationship than with a roll in the tub.

You crawled out of bed and pulled Jordan with you. Your lips still entangled together; you walked to the door that joined with the bathroom. Just as you were unlocking the door, you heard a voice on the other side.

"Jordan, you in there?" Jonathan asked.

Jordan pulled away from you. "Yeah, Jon, I'm here. What's up?"

Jonathan wiggled the handle only to find it locked. "Whose car is out front there? I can't get my Jeep into the garage."

"Oh shit. I better go move it." You replied as you quickly grabbed for your clothes. You dressed in record time and unlocked the door to the bathroom. "Hi, Jonathan. My name is Tracy, it's nice to meet you, I will move my car right away." You ran past Jonathan, down the stairs and out to your car. Forgetting that it was dead.

You gathered your wits about you while you had this time. "What am I doing? I just broke up with Chad. How could I do this? This is not like me. I can't stay here, I have to go." You reached for your keys, forgetting that your battery was dead. Never in a million years had you thought that you would leave Jordan Knight after meeting him, but this was too soon. That pesky rational side of yours was winning you over.

Jordan ran out of the house trying to do his jeans up. He had heard you trying to start your car. He reached you before you realized that it wasn't going anywhere. "Hey, where are you going? I thought that we were going to see what we had?" Jordan chuckled, "besides great sex."

You looked up into his chocolate brown eyes. Those eyes that you fell in love with from the first note of 'Please Don't Go Girl'. Your rational side melted at those eyes. "I … uh … just had a momentary lapse." You climbed out of your car and into his waiting arms. You reached up to him and kissed him. This was deep passion; you felt a familiar stirring in your groin again. "Um, Jordan, can we go finish what we started before Jonathan came in?" you murmured against his ear.

"Absolutely," he replied. This time you grabbed your purse from the car and locked the door, hand in hand you raced to the house. "Jon, her battery is dead, call a tow truck," Jordan called as you ran upstairs.

You slammed the door as you got into the bathroom. Jordan started the water as you locked the door. Wouldn't do either of you any good to be interrupted again. Once the water was going and the jets were on, you fell back to each other, kissing, finding those crevices that you both knew so well already.

Jordan hadn't put his shirt back on, so the only thing you had to deal with was his jeans, again you thanked God for button fly. You reached Jordan's growing erection and massaged it with your fingertips. Jordan groaned under your touch. You were gently pushing him back so that he could sit on the edge of the tub. Once there you got onto your knees and took him into your mouth again.

As your tongue licked up one side of his shaft and down the other, you could hear Jordan moaning with pleasure. You moved your tongue across his balls and felt them quiver with excitement. You continued to lick and nibble Jordan's rock hard penis until finally he came with a spurt and a moan. You sat down on your legs and licked every last bit of him swallowing it all.

After Jordan had caught his breath, he looked at you and smiled. "You amaze me." He got down on his knees in front of you and took your face in his hands. His lips brushed over yours ever so gently. He pushed you lightly onto your back on the floor. You were thankful that there was a throw rug in front of the tub. Jordan laid the length of you, never once hesitating from kissing you. He nibbled your bottom lip, then moved to your neck, repeating his earlier path. The first time you made love. He slowly moved farther down and flicked his tongue across your nipple, making it harden instantly. He breathed on it slowly as the cool air across your wet nipple drove you mad again.

While his tongue was busy with your nipples, his fingers had found your clit once again. He was a little surprised that you were so wet already, but he rubbed anyway. He wanted to give to you, what you just gave to him. Just as you were about to take off to parts unknown, his fingers stopped and he moved down his lips and tongue to take over.

Expertly he flicked his tongue over your engorged clit then ran his tongue the length of your wetness. Hungrily lapping up all your juices. You softly moaned his name as he flicked his tongue over your clit again. He reached his hand up and played with your nipples, teasing them to stay erect. His tongue darted in and out of your wetness, driving you to the edge.

Suddenly you pulled Jordan up to you. "I need you in me Jordan. NOW!" You begged.

Jordan needed no further invitation; he thrust into you with great strength. Each thrust pushed you both closer to the edge. You arched your back and squeezed your muscles together as tight as you could, until Jordan collapsed on top of you and shuddered as he released himself inside of you. One final powerful thrust from Jordan sent your own body into convulsions as your body was washed over with your own orgasm.

A few minutes later, you both had caught your breath and were just lying on the floor holding hands, regaining your strength. "Mmmmm … I think it is time for that bath now," you giggled with contentment. Once you had enough strength you sat up and that was when it hit you. "Oh my God! I have no place to live," you said.

"What?" Jordan asked, helping you to your feet.

"Chad and I had just moved in together a month ago. I can't go back now, not after all of this. Where am I going to go?" You explained as you crawled into the tub.

You and Jordan sat in silence for a few minutes. You were trying to think of a solution to this problem. A hotel was definitely out of the question, you couldn't afford that. You didn't want to go back home to yet another lecture from your mother on your failed relationships. You could always ask Rachel, she was your best friend, and it is her duty to help you in your time of need. Just as you were deciding to call her, Jordan gave you another idea.

"Move in here, with me," he whispered.

You snapped your head up, "Jordan, I don't think…"

Jordan silenced you with a finger on your lips; "It's the perfect solution. We know that we connect. I am quickly falling in love with you, Tracy. Move in here," he urged.

You looked outside and saw that darkness had settled around the house. Move in with Jordan Knight. Become his lover. It did have a certain ring to it. You looked across the tub into Jordan's eyes. You instantly knew that you didn't want to be anywhere else. Now that you have met Jordan Knight, this is where you wanted to be for the rest of your life.

"I would like nothing more than to live here. With you," you murmured as you crawled across the tub and kissed him to seal the deal. Your kiss deepened as Jordan pulled you close to him. Despite the fact that you were surrounded by water, you could feel yourself becoming wet again and straining for Jordan's touch. You pulled back just a little and gazed into Jordan's eyes, which were slightly glazed over with pleasure. "Fuck me," you ordered.

Jordan needed no more encouragement. He grabbed you by the waist and moved you so that you were against the side of the tub. He knelt down in front of you and forced your legs apart. Just when you thought that he was actually going to ram himself into you, his fingers took you by surprise, with his thumb once again manipulating your clit. God this man was good. You had only known him for 12 hours and yet he knew exactly what you wanted. Jordan bent his head so that he could caress your nipples with his tongue. You knew that it wasn't going to be long before you had another orgasm. Just as you were about to let loose, Jordan removed his fingers and quickly placed your clit in front of one of the jets for the Jacuzzi. The sensation of the water being rammed against it sent you full force into the most exciting orgasm you have ever experienced. You lost all control, "AAAHHH!!! JORDAN!!!! OH MY GOD!!!" you screamed.

As you were coming down from your high, Jordan took this opportunity to sit you down and push himself into you. You didn't think that it was possible, but your orgasm just kept pulsing through your body. You shook violently, trying to get away from the immense pleasure that was running through you, but Jordan held on too tight, you couldn't move. When you were at the point to where you were going to split in two, Jordan growled in your ear as his own orgasm tore through him and shot into you. You chose the moment, to summon your last bit of strength and squeezed your muscles together, causing Jordan to convulse against you.

It was several minutes before you could relax enough to catch your breath. The sex that you had with Chad and the others was never like this.

"Jordan…" you started.

"Yeah," he panted, himself just catching his breath.

"I love you."

"I love you, Tracy," he whispered reaching for your hand giving it a squeeze.

"Jordan…" you started again.


"When can I move in?" You giggled.

Jordan turned to look at you, "You already have, Tracy, you already have."

You grasped Jordan's face in your hands and pulled him to kiss you. This was heaven, exactly where you wanted to be for the rest of your life.

And you knew that your life was just beginning.

The End