The Ferris Wheel

by: Tracy

You and your man, Jordan (Joe, Donnie, Jon...etc.) are at the county fair. You both get on the giant ferris wheel (hey this is a visual, cuz I wouldn't EVER really get on one of those things!), and are slowly rising (heehee) to the top. You gasp as you go up and over and start back around. He has one arm around your shoulders and the other resting on the lap bar. As you reach the top once again, his hand slides off the bar and into your lap. You gasp as he caresses you through your pants. All of a sudden, you are stuck at the very top. He leans over and brushes your neck with his soft lips. His other arm, the one behind you, slowly makes its way to the front of your shirt and he unbuttons a couple extra buttons. His hand slips inside and as his fingers touch bare skin, the ride starts up again. You are lowered one more position, yet still stopped near the top. He works his way up your neck to your mouth as his hands continue their exploration. You moan softly, not wanting to draw attention from the riders above your car. His hand moves under your bra as his other hand slowly creeps toward the waistband of your jeans. You feel the button on your jeans loosen and your eyes pop open in shock. He is gazing into your eyes as his tongue dances with yours. You sigh, and his hand continues its descent. It reaches your.................Ok, how about that cold shower right about now!